Princess Xuexi kept listening to them talking about cakes, and the more she listened, the more curious she became, "What the **** is a cake, and what does it look like?"

"I'll find out later. If you ask me, I don't know either."

The boss spread his hands and said he didn't know.

This made Princess Xuexi angry and slapped him twice, "You didn't mean to invite me to eat cake, so you don't know what a cake is, so fool me."

"I'm not fooling around, I just want to invite you to eat." He touched his arm, feeling a little aggrieved. Seeing Ginkgo coming over, he immediately said with joy, "Come, come, and soon you will know."

"Oh, it's red, it looks delicious." She poked her hand curiously, and it was soft.

Seeing that they were all reaching out to touch them, Pei Xiu stopped them, "What's the hurry, have you washed your hands?"

They hurried to the yard to wash their hands again, and then she brought a brown sugar bowl cake for each of them, "This is a brown sugar red date cake."

They squeezed it in their hands, looked around curiously, took a bite, and their eyes lit up.

"Well, fluffy and soft, it's delicious."

"The taste is soft, it tastes a little sweet, and it is delicious."

"The red dates on it are also delicious and sweet. My aunt still has this skill."

"It's delicious, it's not greasy at all, it would be better if it was sweeter." Princess Xuexi is a little girl who likes sweets, nodding while eating.

This pastry tastes very good, soft and delicious, and it will not be annoying to crumbs when you take a bite. You can also eat it in small pieces like a steamed bun.

The boss refuted her, "It can't be any sweeter, I think it's just right, no matter how sweet it is, it will be greasy. It's the same as the pastries outside. It's sweet and oily, and it's too unpalatable."

"I also think it's just right. It's not greasy or greasy, it's slightly sweet, and it's soft like steamed buns. I can eat three more." One.

Pei Xiu slapped his hand away, "Keep your stomach and try another flavor."

She took out a large yellow round cake from the basket carried by the ginkgo. It's a pity that making cream is more laborious. She didn't do it, but simply steamed a fluffy cake.

"Ah, this cake is so big, how do you eat it? Just eat it?" Princess Xuexi rushed over and poked it with the same soft bounce.

She laughed, "No, this one has to be cut and eaten."

Taking the knife handed by Ginkgo, she cut a piece of cake for each of them.

"Both taste the same."

"I think so."

"The red one is sweeter, and this one tastes softer."

"It's more interesting for the big guys to eat together."

"The red one tastes like a steamed bun, and the yellow one is softer and more mouth-watering."

"Well, it's all delicious." Xiao Jiu finally concluded, licking the corners of his mouth with his tongue after eating, and looked at the rest on the table again.

Pei Xiu is also happy that the cake she made has won unanimous praise from the children, and divided the rest for them, "I like it, I will make it when I go back. It's easy and effortless."

"Mrs. Zhou, you can open a pastry shop. This cake is so delicious. I like it very much. If you open it, the business will be booming. I will definitely visit it every day."

Princess Xuexi ate the last piece, and felt a little unsatisfactory, so she encouraged her to eat it, so that it would be more convenient to eat it in the future, so she didn't have to be cheeky to eat it.

She was stunned for a while, why didn't she think that she could put some dried fruit or nuts at that time, and there were more varieties to choose from.

"I haven't done it before. I don't know what it will be like. Seeing that you like it so much, you can think about it."

"Didn't the Shen family send a shop, we can make use of it." The boss suggested.

"It's already rented out. I'll plan to see it when I return to Beijing."

County Lord Xuexi said innocently, "There are many shops in my house, and I will let my mother-in-law rent one to you."

"I have it too. The palace also has many shops in the capital..."

Pei Xiu hurriedly interrupted them, "Your shop must be running, it can't be idle, don't mess around, wait for me to come back to Beijing and think about it. I'll stop thinking about it when I come out to play now. First, solve the problem in front of you.”

"Yes, you have brought so many guards, you must first arrange the place to live. There are only eight rooms in this yard." The boss still remembered.

"The houses in the countryside are all made of kang, so you can sleep a few more people. You master and servant sleep in one room, I and Mai share the same room, Li and Ginkgo share the same room, the three brothers share the same room, the green pine and green bamboo Chengbo share the same room, and the rest For the remaining room, four guards can be arranged. Qingsong and Zhou Shan will each have one more guard." Pei Xiu looked at the group and calculated how to distribute them.

"My guards can arrange to stay in the village, and the guards of the county master can arrange to live here."

Princess Xuexi has no opinion.

Seeing that they all agreed, Pei Xiu said, "That's fine, then let's go. I'll go to the village to find the village chief. If you want to dig lotus roots, just go. You don't have to run around with me."


Several children cheered and jumped to the pond to play. Without waiting for Pei Xiu to speak, they immediately stood up and ran to the pond.

Pei Xiu loudly told them to pay attention to safety from behind, and took Ginkgo and the head guard to the village.

But the village was empty and quiet, and there was not a single person on the road. It was estimated that the entire village had gone to the fields, so she knocked on the door of a courtyard that looked a little bigger.

It was a pregnant woman who opened the door. She looked at them nervously, "Who are you?"

Pei Xiu smiled and said, "My husband's surname is Zhou. The village over there is ours now. I want to find the village chief. Where does his family live? Can you take me to his house?"

"Well, I...I'll take you there." She wiped her hand on the hem of her clothes, picked up the child who was just walking beside her, and closed the courtyard door.

"The village chief's house is not far from here, and all their families went to the fields to collect them. At this moment, Aunt Li may be the only one cooking at home."

"It doesn't matter, if his family is going to deliver meals, just take us to the fields along the way. It's almost time to deliver meals now, right?"

It may be that Pei Xiu has been smiling all the time, she speaks without air, and looks gentle and polite. The woman is no longer nervous and can talk to her with a smile.

"It's time to deliver meals. The autumn harvest has started in these two days. The family has to arrange three meals. Everyone in the village who can move has gone to the ground to help. I stayed to cook because of my inconvenience."

"Twenty days ago, a week of heavy rains affected the harvest?"

The woman lost her smile when she heard this, and said with a sad face, "Of course, it has been seven days and nights. At that time, the whole family was in a hurry, unable to eat or sleep, and they had to go to the ground in the heavy rain every day. I have been there several times. The pancakes and steamed buns I eat now are made of wheat that was beaten by the rain in those days, picked up and dried and ground.”

Pei Xiu nodded expressionlessly.

"It's almost there, just the bigger yard in front." She took the lead and knocked on the door, "Aunt Li, the door is open soon."

An old woman opened the door and saw them. She said a little surprised and uncertain, "Are you Mrs. Zhou who came here a few months ago?"

Pei Xiu nodded and asked with a smile, "Is this the village chief's house? Aunt Li has a good memory. I have been to the village once, and you will remember me."

She said with a big smile: "You are a noble person, how could I forget after seeing it. My old man is the village chief of this village, and he is robbing him in the field right now. If you have anything to do with him, I will send it right away. For dinner, call him back by the way, just in time for a break at noon."

"That's not necessary. I'll go to the field with you later. I'm asking for you when I come."

"Madam is joking, you are a noble person, why are you begging us in turn? Come in for a drink, don't stand by the door to bask in the sun." Aunt Li was full of disbelief, but still warmly greeted them to enter the room.

"It's true, we brought more people this time, and we have to stay in Zhuangzi for a few more days. If we want to stay there for a few days, can you help arrange it? We will pay for the accommodation."

As soon as she heard that she wanted to stay, Aunt Li believed it now. It is normal for a noble person to travel with a lot of people and not be able to stay there.

She asked with a wide-eyed smile, "How many servants does Madam want to borrow, and how is the accommodation fee calculated?"

"It's the guards, not the servants. Twenty-four guards, each person is thirty cents a day, and two meals are included. They will eat what you eat, and there is no need to make special arrangements."

Aunt Li figured it out in her heart. The houses in their village households are all kangs. It is no problem for four adults to sleep on one kang sideways. She asked the family to squeeze them. They live in one house, so they can barely spare three houses.

And they don't need to spend money to eat and drink. In this season, there are more fruits and vegetables, and it's not worth the money. It's just a little more rice and grain, and they only need to take care of two meals.

A person can eat two or three steamed buns at a time, and then a bowl of rice soup, and a few side dishes can satisfy one's stomach. A steamed bun market costs a penny, and they can make it at home.

It's just a little more labor. The most important thing for their farmers is labor. The accommodation fee for twelve people can be said to be a waste.

Aunt Li's heart blossomed, and the corners of her mouth were almost cracked to the back of her ears. It was 30 yuan for this person, and how much would it cost for 12 people a day?

She said that her house could accommodate twelve people, and by the way, she couldn't figure out how much money she could have in a day.

Pei Xiu smiled and said: "One person is 30 wen, ten people are 300 wen, they rent for five days, it is 1,500 wen, and the other two only live for three days, and it is 180 wen, a total of 1,000. Six hundred and eighty texts."

"My darling, that's one or two half of silver?" Aunt Li's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe the numbers she heard.

So much money, she didn't even dare to think about it, let alone forget it, so much money after only five days of living?

She nodded, Zhou Shan wanted to stay with them for five days, so the ten guards first arranged to stay for five days, and the county master was only allowed to come out for three days.

The woman who led the way widened her eyes and couldn't believe it. She could earn so much by renting it for three days. She was also moved, and quickly asked, "Is my house okay? My house can vacate two rooms and can accommodate eight people."

"Okay, two hundred and forty a day for eight people, seven hundred and twenty for three days." She stood outside the courtyard and looked at the woman's courtyard. It was clean and tidy, as long as you could live there.

Afraid that the head would be taken away again, Sister Li hurriedly said, "My brother-in-law's house can also be vacated, and the remaining four can live in his house. How much money do the four have?"

"One hundred and twenty dollars a day for four people, four hundred and eighty dollars for three days, and the bed and bedding must be clean."

"Definitely, definitely." They nodded hurriedly, for fear of missing out on such a good thing. Mrs. Zhou is a noble person, so the calculation will definitely not be wrong.

"Okay, you can cook more dinner in the evening. This is the chief guard. He will arrange for the guards to come over for dinner and accommodation at night. You can prepare in advance, and I will go to the field with you to have a meal later."

"Okay, Mrs. Zhou sit and wait for a while. I'll pack the food, and I'll deliver it right away. I'll take you to see our old man." Sister Li said impatiently.

The woman couldn't wait to go to the field and tell her family the good news, "I'll go home right away to pack food."

When they got to the ground, when the three families found out, they were overjoyed and hurriedly put down their work and ran over to thank Mrs. Zhou.

"You're welcome, they all belong to the villagers. You are convenient for me, and I can't let you suffer."

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Zhou has a kind heart, and Lord Zhou will definitely rise step by step." The village elder's face was full of smiles. The income of these two or more dollars has completely made up for the lack of food this year, and there is still excess.

Standing in the shade under the tree, Pei Xiu looked at the lack of a large wheat field in front of him, and the wheat was piled up on the trolley, and asked, "How many more days will these fields be harvested?"

"Every family has a lot of labor, and it's almost four or five days away. At that time, the ground will be ploughed again, and more cotton and beans can be planted."

"I came this time to discuss with the village chief. I plan to take back the five mu of land in front of the farm and cultivate it myself."

She stated her She plans to plant some fruits and vegetables on the five acres of land to supply to the house, and she will try to grow grapes with one acres of land next year.

The village chief looked at her with an embarrassed expression, "The madam is the master, and we dare not refuse to obey. I will inform the tenant."

"But you're worried that after I take back the fields, the tenants who were farming will lack the fields to cultivate?"

"To be honest, Madam, this year's food is in arrears. If the fields are recovered again, it will be worse for the family."

Pei Xiu also thought about this problem in advance, "You can reassure them that after the land is recovered, I will pay them to work as long-term workers to help with the cultivation, and the Zhuangzi will also arrange a Zhuangtou to supervise them. They still have work to do, you help to The surrounding fields coordinate another two acres to supply them."

The village chief was relieved when he heard it, this is good, as a long-term worker, you can earn better wages and have a place to use your strength.

"That's good, it's still Madam's thoughtful consideration."

"There is a village chief."

She looked at the wheat in the field for a while, and touched it, and some were not full enough, maybe it was affected by the rain.

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