The sika deer and the green apple were both carried by the guards and carried on their backs. They walked down the mountain with empty hands.

While walking and playing, they looked around without giving up, hoping that they would come across a few more small things.

But no, they didn't encounter anything on the way down the mountain, but it didn't affect their mood at all, it was still beautiful.

After going down the mountain, they ran to the farmhouse, calling their mothers as they ran.

Pei Xiu heard it in the room and thought she had overslept. Looking at Mai who was still sleeping beside her, she gently opened the door and went out.

Several brothers had come in and saw her start to cry again.

She hissed, "My sister is still sleeping, she will come back when she comes back, what are you shouting? Why did you come back so early? I thought you would be willing to come back until the sun went down."

The third child happily ran to her and lowered the volume, "Mother, we are so excited, guess what we all caught."

"What? Big goods? Wild boars? Wolves?" Otherwise, why are they so excited, and it's still early in the sky, how can they be willing to go down the mountain without big goods.

She wasn't surprised to find a pack of wolves and wild boars. After all, she brought twenty guards.

"Hahaha, neither. We have hunted sika deer, guess how many?"

She was surprised, "Sika deer, then you are lucky, how many? Or a group?"

He nodded desperately, "We hunted a small group of sika deer, there are twelve! We couldn't wait to roast one on the spot and eat it on the mountain."

The guards also came in one by one at this time, and threw the sika deer into the corner.

Pei Xiu counted and found that there were actually eleven and two still alive. She was very pleasantly surprised, "You guys are so lucky! Twelve sika deer were harvested in a long time, and there are quite a few good things on this mountain. "

As she spoke, she took a closer look. It was not too hot to stand under the sun. She saw that they put the baskets in the corner and looked at the green ones. "What's in the basket? It's full. Green apples?"

She was surprised, there are still green apples on this mountain?

"Huh? It's better to call a green apple than a green apple."

"Just call it a green apple."

The name passed unanimously.

Pei Xiu took one and weighed it in his hand. It was a little smaller than a modern green apple. "These are also picked from this mountain? So many."

The boss explained: "Mother, we chased a rabbit and strayed from the main road, so we walked forward by accident. Then we saw a very big green apple tree on the mountain, and we still have a lot to pick. It's too high, and I'm not sure if I can eat it, although the rabbit is still alive and kicking after trying it."

"Caiwei said that you need to be tested by the imperial doctor before you can eat it with confidence, so you won't contact us to eat at this time."

"Caiwei is right, you can't eat unfamiliar things, no matter how curious you are, you still have to test it." She supported Caiwei, be careful.

"After we found the green apple tree, we found a river. We walked up and saw a group of deer drinking water by the river, so we asked the chief guard to help them catch them all."

"Good luck! It's just too much, and I'll leave it in the yard to bask in the sun at the moment. This kind of weather can't be stored, so you can share it and send it back to the capital as soon as possible."

"We are all divided, two for the county master, and three for the guards. Let her take them back tomorrow."

Hearing that the guards were divided into three, Zhou Shan's ten guards were envious. After the three were killed, how could one person be divided into ten kilograms. This is venison, but unfortunately they didn't go today.

Zhou Shan's heart moved, "The county master will also bring back what the county lord helped me tomorrow, and send it to the Huainan Palace. It would be stinky to leave it here for two days."

"Can you take it back for me too?" Xiao Jiu said in a low voice.

"Okay, no problem, just a small matter."

Pei Xiu frowned and said, "I can't wait for tomorrow, the ones on this hot day won't be fresh tomorrow, they have to be slaughtered, peeled and boiled today. After you've divided them up, send a guard to drive back first, anyway, the ones that leave will not be left. Far."

"Okay then, then send two people to the capital first." Princess Xuexi looked at the chief of guards after saying that, "By the way, take some green apples back, and let my father find the imperial doctor to evaluate whether they can eat them or not. ."

"Yes, uh... I have a ruthless request from the humble post."

Princess Xuexi looked at the captain of the bodyguard curiously, "What? Say it!"

"Can you wait a moment, and I will share the three deer with everyone, and send them back to their home together."

"That's right, just don't delay entering the city."

"Many thanks to the princess." The guards were grateful, and the princess Xuexi was so good.

The second child looked at Pei Xiu and said, "Mother, should we send ours to the city?"

"We don't need ours. The two live ones will be **** and raised in the yard first, and the two dead ones will be made into meat sauce and dried, so that they can be stored. I'll kill the village chief's daughter-in-law later. Come and help, Sister Li can't do it alone."

"Okay, okay, the meat sauce is good, you can eat it with bibimbap."

Pei Xiu pinched the nose of the third child, "You know how to eat when you are so big."

"I'm still a child."

"Mother..." Mai also woke up, and Sister Li carried her out and put her on the ground, and she ran towards Pei Xiu with her short legs.

"The real child is here, you can pull it down. UU reading" The boss rolled his eyes, "I'm in the house, it's so hot and thirsty, is there any mung bean soup, mother?"

"Yes, I put a bucket and hang it in the well. Go and pull up the ropes. It's freezing cold at the moment, and the entrance is just to relieve the heat."

Before they could finish speaking, they ran out again, lay down on the well, looked down, and pulled the rope up.

Touching the wooden barrel, "Bingbing..."

"Bring it in first, if you stay in the sun for a while, it won't be iced."

Qingsong Qingzhu has prepared bowls and spoons for them.

Although it wasn't hot in the mountains, when they got off the mountain and left the coverage of vegetation, they were sweating again.

A bowl of cold mung bean soup into the stomach, "It's so refreshing, it's better to put it in the well and ice it."

"Let the guards also pack a bowl to eat, you're welcome, there are several buckets, but they are all at room temperature." She also put a bowl of wheat at room temperature, and let her dig it out and eat it as an afternoon snack.

Princess Xuexi raised her head and said, "Mrs. Zhou doesn't need to worry about them. They are busy killing the deer at the moment, so they will eat it later."

"Well." Pei Xiu asked the boss while eating, "Is the road up the mountain easy to walk?"

"It's alright, some are flat, and some need climbing. Mother, we'll go the day after tomorrow."

"Don't go tomorrow?" She thought that today was a bumper harvest, and they would go again tomorrow.

"Hey, we're going to catch fish in the river tomorrow, take a dip in the water, and go to the mountains the day after tomorrow."

"I know you guys are daring enough to be able to swim, but you still have to be careful. Xiao Jiu can't swim, but she can't go into the water."

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