The boss immediately said, "Don't worry, mother, we are all here, and we won't put Xiaojiu in danger. Just let him play in the shallow water area. We will also bring the servant and the guards tomorrow."

Princess Xuexi listened to their enthusiastic discussion about tomorrow's play, and the good mood suddenly disappeared, and looked at Caiwei depressed.

Forget it, it's useless, she can't be the master, she still has to go back to the palace tomorrow.

Asking the guards to help kill their two deer, Pei Xiu asked Qingsong to go to the village and ask the village chief's daughter-in-law, Aunt Li, to come and help.

By the way, cut a piece of stewed soup with bones and eat it at night. She is also a little greedy for venison. This is a rare good thing.

But eating venison in summer, um, is quite popular.

"You have eaten it during the day, and you can't eat it at night. This is hot and very angry."

"We are not afraid of getting angry, just drink two more bowls of mung bean soup."

"No, it doesn't work. This big tonic is suitable for winter. If you eat too much now, it will cause nosebleeds. You can't eat it. You can drink a bowl of soup."

The third child blocked his nostrils with **** in fear, "Then I won't eat it."

Pei Xiu smiled and drove them to take a bath. After spending a whole day on the mountain, they were dirty.

She also helped Sister Li make steamed buns. Taking advantage of her lunch break, Sister Li had already survived and woke up.

I made it now, just enough to cook the venison and steam a steamed bun on top. In the evening, you can simply mix a cucumber and stir-fry two vegetarian dishes. During the day, they eat a lot of meat. It is better to be vegetarian at night.

She has already gone through the recipe in her mind. It is not suitable to cook too many dishes with too many people. There are too many tricks, and she is too busy to be busy.

When they had dinner, every family in the capital also received the deer they sent back.

Each family was both surprised and worried. After knowing the process, there was only joy left. A few children were still somewhat capable, and they could still hunt sika deer, although there was an element of luck.

After the prince asked, he was very relieved. He didn't expect that Xue Xi didn't cause trouble, and there were surprises for them.

Immediately, he sent someone to send one to his father, and specially explained to the inner supervisor that it was hunted by Xue Xi.

The emperor was surprised.

The king and princess of Huainan were also very happy, and their son knew that he was filial to them, so he ordered his servants to slaughter and divide them. I sent a copy to the concubine and the princess' family. They also ate freshly cooked venison that night.

The uncle of the Shen family couldn't see how happy he was, he just nodded with a smile, which showed that his decision was not wrong.

The Shen family has always lived in Yanyun Prefecture. He is just a businessman with the lowest status. He wants to change the status quo, put his son to school in the capital, and make friends with powerful people. This is his first move.

Xiao Jiu didn't know his father's thoughts. He listened to his father at first and had a good relationship with the Zhou brothers because they were his saviours.

But now I think it's too interesting to play with them. There is no way they can't go up the mountain and down the river.

"There, see, there is a big fish under the water on your left." Zhou Shan excitedly stretched out his finger to show the boss.

The three brothers went into the water with their homemade bamboo forks. He accompanied Xiao Jiu to pick up screws in the shallow water. He just straightened his waist and twisted when he saw it, and hurriedly made a sound.

They had planned to come after the breakfast, but when they passed through an open field, they saw the villagers were plucking wheat, and Xiao Jiu kept staring curiously, and they stayed there, giving him science knowledge one by one. .

"After the wheat straws are taken back, they have to stroke the ears of wheat, or crush the wheat, and there are also flails. You see, the man uses the flails. The flails can be used to hit rice, wheat, beans, and rapeseed. "

"There is a poem: The mud mirror in Xinzhuchang is flat, and every family is plucking rice while the frost is clear. The sound of laughter and singing is light and thunderous, and the flails rang all night."

"We still have to dry the wheat after the fight. The wheat is afraid of rain, so we must quickly dry it while the weather is fine. After this autumn harvest, everyone has to shed a layer of skin, and they have to work for half a month. They are not in good health. You're all going to be tired."

"I didn't expect the young masters to understand farming." The villagers on the side listened to them and dared to talk to them. It can be seen that they are kind in the past few days.

The woman next to me also said, "These days of busy farming are really exhausting. From the beginning to the end, there is no good day. I can't eat well, and I'm still being used as a donkey. Just as black."

"Don't say a few words." The strong man scolded the woman's complaints.

A few of them smiled and didn't care about the woman's words. It was really tiring when the farming was busy, and they had already turned black several times.

After standing and watching for a while, they even encouraged Xiao Jiu to try it.

He stroked his hands a few times and stopped, "It hurts a lot after I stroke it for a long time."

The third patted his open palms, "Haha, so you have to cherish the food."

"Let's go, let's go to the river when we see it." The boss desperately wanted to leave, but the **** the other side almost got his eyes glued to him.

He admitted that he was a little anxious, but he was really young, and it was inappropriate for this girl to keep staring at him like this.

The third one was pushed by his elder brother and staggered, and almost fell, "What are you in a hurry, elder brother, let's watch it for a while without delaying things. It's not suitable to go into the water in the early morning."

Turning around, he is at You can go to the diving area to fork a few fish, and at noon we will grill the fish and eat it, and then swim after eating, it will be cool and cool. "

Zhou Shan snickered aside.

"The fork is here."

The boss excitedly raised the bamboo fork, with a fish hanging on it, and was struggling to swing its tail.

"It's quite big, about a pound."

"Some are baked at noon."

"Look again, fork a few more, one is not enough to eat."

The boss took the fish off and threw it to the shore, "You wait, I'll look for it again."

It was the first time that Xiao Jiu touched the screws and said happily: "We have touched quite a lot of screws, we can have extra meals in the evening, and there are a few small fish."

"Catch more small fish. You can fry dried small fish and eat small shrimp at night. My aunt has fried it before, but it's delicious."

The two groups work together without delay at all.

Xiaojiu said to the third child with concern: "You are so short, if you go further, the water will fill your chest, do you want to come and touch the screws too?"

"Wait a minute, let me fork a fish first."

"There are also small crabs here. They are all hidden in the rocks. They can also be caught and fried."

"Zhou Shan, how can you eat anything? I understand that this little fish and shrimp can be fried, but can this little crab also be fried?"

Xiao Jiu, this bumpkin, has never eaten fried crabs.

The third laughed at him, "Of course it can be fried. It's fried with a layer of flour, and it's crispy and crispy. It tastes old and delicious. You grab more, it'll open your eyes at night, and you can't stop eating. "

Xiaojiu didn't touch the screws anymore, and only looked for shrimps and crabs.

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