"Crossover I became a married peasant woman (!

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"Zhou Shan, how can you eat anything? I understand that this little fish and shrimp can be fried, but can this little crab also be fried?"

Xiao Jiu, this bun, has never eaten fried crabs, which are rarely found in Yanyun Prefecture, and he has only eaten big crabs.

The third laughed at him, "Of course it can be fried. It's fried with a layer of flour, and it's crispy and crispy. It tastes old and delicious. You grab more, it'll open your eyes at night, and you can't stop eating. "

"Really?" Xiao Jiu was suspicious.

"Can we still have a hard time with the food? You just need to catch more. If you can't eat, why should I ask you to catch it, am I kidding you?"

This time, Xiao Jiu didn't touch the screws anymore, and went to the cracks in the rocks to find shrimps and crabs to catch.

Zhou Shan saw that his small basket was also full of screws, so he poured it into a wooden barrel from the shore first. After vacating the small basket, he also had to touch the shrimp and catch the crab. He hadn't eaten fried food for a long time, and he was also greedy.

At this moment, the bottom of the third child slipped and fell into the water. He fluttered a few times in fright. The second child saw it and quickly grabbed his collar to make him raise his head. He was choking and spitting.

"Aren't you good at swimming? Why are you still slapping the water in the water?"

"Isn't this caught off guard and didn't respond?" He exhaled a few times, snorted a few times, and it was a little uncomfortable when his nose got wet, "If you are unprepared, face down Choking water, you will be like me."

The boss rolled his eyes, but he wouldn't say, "You better go touch the screws, this place is not for you."

He pouted, and it was rare that he didn't refute this time. In fact, he was also a little scared, and he was really panicked just now.

"I'll go ashore for a while."

Qingsong took a piece of clothes and put it on him. He looked at the cucumbers in the basket, folded them in half, and gnawed them, watching them soaking in the river with his feet raised.

While eating, he said, "I don't know if green apples are edible. We will return to Beijing the day after tomorrow, so don't spoil them."

"It's okay, there's still something on the tree. If you can eat it, let's come back next time. Bring a hook and pick it up." The boss straightened his body and said.

"It shouldn't matter if you leave it for two or three days."

"You can see it, but you can't eat it, don't you feel itchy?"

"It's itchy, but life is important, it's good to see it out of sight."

"She should have gone to the capital by now. She brought a basket full of it back. If she could eat it, she probably ate it all."


County Lord Xuexi returned to Beijing early in the morning when the sun was not too bright, and brought a basket full of green apples.

Taisun was worried and missed a little. He ran to the gate of the city to pick her up. He was surprised to see her face darkened a few shades.

"Did you go to the ground? How did you get sunburned like this?"

"Yeah, why are you here." Princess Xuexi smiled and showed her teeth, and her face became even darker.

"I'm so excited to see that you have gained a lot. I can't wait to see what else you brought back. Go back and talk about it, the father, mother and concubine are waiting for you."


Princess Xuexi, who returned to the palace, surprised the crown prince and concubine.

It's only been like this for three days, and if I stay for two more days, it will be dark.

The princess lost her smile immediately, and Princess Xuexi hid beside the prince, "Father and mother, don't look at me as dark, but I'm in better spirits, look at what I brought back. ."

On the way, she had already asked her brother. The imperial doctor said that green apples are not poisonous and can be eaten. Just like ordinary fruits, eating them properly is good for health.

She brought a basket of green apples into it as if she was offering a treasure. "And this, this is the grain of wheat that my son and I picked up. It took me a whole day to pick up such a small basket. The autumn harvest is really hard."

The prince was relieved to see it, and Xue Xi also grew up and knew that the people were suffering.

The Crown Princess' complexion was much calmer now, fortunately, it wasn't so dark that she was playing and tanning.

"No wonder the sun is so dark, you are not allowed to go out next time, so cover up at home."

She stuck out her tongue.

After passing the test of the father and mother, she went back to the house and called the captain of the guard, and asked him to arrange for the two of them to send back the two carriages they borrowed yesterday, and by the way tell them that green apples are edible.

When they returned with a bucket of fish and shrimp at noon, Pei Xiu told them the good news.

They cheered and wanted to get it, but she stopped her, "Go wipe it first, change your clothes, and put it on your body wet, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Pei Xiu twisted the hem of the boss's clothes, and the water flowed to the ground, "Go and change."

When they came out, there was already a large plate of washed green apples on the table, and each of them took one to eat.

"It's delicious, not sour at all, crunchy."

"The one I took is rather yellow, and it tastes pink."

"Yeah, let me take a bite."

Everyone tried it and found that it was still crunchy and delicious. After nibbling on one, I picked up another one, there are a lot of them anyway.

Before the third one could swallow what was in his mouth, he said wholeheartedly, "Let's go and pick all the trees on the tree tomorrow, otherwise it will be a waste of time if you leave it rotten."

"Be a long hook and bring it over, or you won't be able to reach that high." The second child also agreed.

Pei Xiu interrupted them, "Are those small fish and shrimp in the kitchen to be fried?"

The boss said flatteringly: "Yes, mother, I haven't eaten your fried fish and shrimp for a long time. There are quite a lot of them in the river, and no one in this village is going to catch them."

Of course, no one caught them, and they couldn't eat meat several times a year. No one in the village would be willing to catch it back and fry it. The fried oil would be enough for them to cook for a month.

She said angrily: "It takes so much oil, who would be willing to fry it and eat it without meat, but it's not that no one eats it. The bit you caught is not enough to eat. There are so many people."

"We'll grab some more later. I've been soaking in the water for too long before, and I'm afraid of cramps in my feet, so I'll bring it back first and rest for a while. The sun is shining at noon."

"Be careful, and go after the nap." She didn't restrain them, just pay attention to safety. They have to go back tomorrow if they stay for another day.

The boys obeyed obediently, finished eating the green apple, and drank a bowl of mung bean soup before going back to the house to take a nap~www.readwn.com~ It was time for wheat to take a nap, and she had to go back to the house to coax her. Sleep, and take a lunch break yourself.

"We'll grab some more later. I've been soaking in the water for too long before, and I'm afraid of cramps in my feet, so I'll bring it back first and rest for a while. The sun is shining at noon."

"Be careful, and go after the nap." She didn't restrain them, just pay attention to safety. They have to go back tomorrow if they stay for another day.

The boys obeyed obediently, finished eating the green apples, and drank a bowl of mung bean soup before returning to the house to take a nap.

Now it's time for Mai to take a nap, she has to go back to the house to coax her to sleep, and she has to take a nap.

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