Xue Xi was about to come out, when she saw the big wooden barrel beside her, she stretched her head out of curiosity for a while. I didn't expect there are so many fish, the big ones are very big, and the small ones are a pound, right?

Pei Xiu walked over to explain: "This is what the three brothers went out to fish for for two days. They have eaten for more than half a month, and there are so many more. The county chief just likes it, and you can bring a few back."

Xue Xi said arrogantly, "I don't want them to fish. I want to fish myself. After visiting the cake house, I'll go look for them and ask them to take me fishing."

She smiled, "Then I'll take you to the next cake shop to see, and after you're done, go look for them. If it's too late, you won't know where they've gone."

"Why don't you make it in the big kitchen?"

Pei Xiu led her to the next door, "The big kitchen is going to have breakfast and dinner, and there are all kinds of ingredients, sundries, and oil stains. I built a cake room specially to make cakes, so that it can be cleaner and hygienic, after all, it is the entrance.”

"It turns out that Mrs. Zhou thought it very carefully."

After knocking on the door, Princess Xuexi followed her curiously, looking around.

She said calmly, "Let's put down the work at hand first, and come to visit Princess Xuexi."

The cooks were surprised, and without thinking about it, they hurried over to kowtow.

"Get up, you don't need to be too polite, you all go, I'll just take a look."

Pei Xiu led her and explained to her one by one what they were doing.

Seeing her curiously looking at the white paper on the wall, she explained to her the meaning of various patterns.

She said: "I once heard from my father and mother chatting that the people's arithmetic is too bad. He wants to make a suggestion to the emperor to popularize simple arithmetic in all counties and prefectures, which is beneficial to the daily life of the people."

"That's great. Arithmetic is very practical in life. After the people know it, it's not easy to be fooled and deceived."

"My father also said the same thing. If you are treacherous, you will lose money by selling a few eggs."

As she walked, she saw a pot of chopped almonds on the table, "Mrs. Zhou, remember to ask the cook to put more of it for a while."

Pei Xiu nodded with a smile, and directly instructed the cook to make a batch for Princess Xuexi alone, adding more chopped almonds to each.

Princess Xuexi went out satisfied.

"Mrs. Zhou, I went to find them to play, and I'll come and pick them up later."

"Okay, you can go to Kangyuan on Chang'an Avenue first to see if they are there. If they are not, maybe go to Daming Lake."

"Kangyuan? I see."

Fortunately, Princess Xuexi arrived in time. After the three brothers helped in the shop for a while, they were about to leave.

As soon as he left the shop, he saw Princess Xuexi on the carriage.

The boss asked in surprise, "Why did you come out again?"

Princess Xuexi snorted and jumped out of the car, "Can't I come?"

"I thought you would stay in the palace for a while and come out after turning white."

"You mean I'm very dark now?"

The princess was so angry that he stepped forward and kicked him. He quickly reacted and jumped behind him to dodge.

"Oh, I almost got kicked by you."

Seeing her glaring brows, the boss quickly explained, "I didn't say that you are very dark, but after all, you have been basking in the sun all the time, so you definitely won't be white. You don't have to cover it at home."

"Cover your head, I've been here for more than 20 days, isn't it enough?"

"A little lady, princess, you have to pay attention to your words and deeds."

"You talk too much!"

The county master stomped on him again, then pushed him away, and stepped forward to look at their shop and the cakes they were selling.

She saw the elder's team from the carriage.

Gu "I didn't expect everyone to be very knowledgeable. It's only been a few days since it opened, and I know this cake is delicious."

"That is, from the first day of opening, there was not enough to sell. Every day, work was terminated early, and it has become popular in the entire capital." The boss said shamelessly.

"Indeed, even my grandfather is full of praise."


The guests in the front also heard it with their own ears, and said excitedly, "Give me a hundred of each, the emperor has praised them, it must be good."

The people behind also shouted excitedly, "I want it too, I want it too."

One by one, the crowd became restless. I don't know if it was because the emperor praised them, or because they were worried that they would be sold out before their turn, and people began to crowd them.

A few boys were afraid that everyone would make a fuss and mess up the order, so they quickly reassured everyone, "The purchase is limited, and one person can only buy fifty cakes at most."

He kept saying it over and over again.

The people in the line behind were gradually calmed down.

If each person buys a few hundred pieces, they will sell it quickly, but the people at the back can't buy it for a long time, so there should be an opinion.

The two guys and a temporary shopkeeper were also relieved. Even the sage praised the reputation of delicious food, and it was good for their shop to spread it out.

But if the crowd is chaotic, it may overturn the car. The purchase limit offered by the young masters is very good. Anyway, they are not afraid of not being able to sell it.

After the crowd lined up quietly again, they took Princess Xuexi and slipped away.

After Xiao Pao stopped on the opposite street, Princess Xuexi said embarrassedly, "I think I almost made a mess."

"It doesn't matter, it's calmed down anyway. With the reputation praised by the emperor, this cake is really going to be popular all over the capital, and it's going to become a special product in Beijing."

Zhou Yi saw Princess Xuexi for the first time. He had only seen a few words in their correspondence before.

It seemed that Princess Xuexi really had a good relationship with them. She would probably have to play with them for the next half a day.

He said, "Can we go fishing? It's been a long time."

"Go~www.readwn.com~ I'll go right now," the boss said to Princess Xuexi after answering, "We're going to go fishing, do you want to go together?"

"Definitely, I haven't caught any fish yet."

"Then let's go."

The group of them went to Daming Lake first. Seeing that there were only a few scattered people fishing on the shore, they were relieved.

"Oh, it looks like there's no one here."

"Haha, Zhou Yi, you are wrong."

When they left at that time, Zhou Yi said that with so many onlookers, there must be people fishing here in this lake.

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes, "It's been so many days. It's estimated that people have already caught all the fish in the lake, so it's not a mistake."

Zhou Shan smiled, "Let's go and see if there is only one, is there anyone else there?"

They stood on the bank and glanced into the lake, as if there were indeed no more fish.

Looking at the old man who was fishing on the side, there were only three fish swimming in his wooden barrel, and they were not big.

"Are the young masters here to enjoy the scenery?"

"We want to go fishing, old man, how long have you been fishing?" The third child crouched down and asked.

"It's been a whole morning of fishing, and all the fish in Daming Lake have been caught in these 20 days."

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