Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 448: County Lord Fishing

The few boys looked at each other in dismay. Could it be that they really influenced me?

There were indeed a lot of people watching while fishing that day.

Princess Xuexi asked curiously, "There were a lot of fish in the lake before, how come they were all caught so quickly?"

"I heard that a few boys were fishing here, and people who passed by saw them. The big fish were caught, and everyone was very envious. On the second day, the banks of Daming Lake were full of fishing people for several days. It's a pity that I know it too late, so I can only pick it up."

The old man lifted the fishing rod and saw that the bait had been eaten again, so he had to hang the bait again.

"The fish in this lake are also getting harder and harder to catch. They have an earthy smell. They don't taste good, and they don't sell well. I won't be here tomorrow. It's better for the little boys to play with other things. The lake is very dangerous."

"Thank you old man, we got it."

A few boys stood aside and muttered.

"Did I figure it out!"

"It's a pity, can't I catch it today? Would you like to try it?" Princess Xuexi just left because she didn't want to, she wanted to fish.

The third child frowned: "There's no more fish to catch. The rest are probably smarter. Just now, the old man didn't take the bait, and the bait was eaten. We're just wasting our time here."

"We fished a lot here last time, but it's gone now. Let's change place? Let's go to Huairou River." The boss suggested.

The water of Daming Lake flows to the Huairou River, and then flows out of the moat. There must be fish in the Huairou River.

"It's far, but it should be there." Zhou Shan agreed.

"I don't know what Huairou River is, I don't know where it is, you have the final say."

Zhou Yi has no opinion, and others have no opinion.

"Then go quickly, it's too time-consuming to go back and forth."

After the boss finished speaking, he asked everyone to get on the carriage, hurry up and not hurry up, and then dawdling on, another day would pass.

"Don't make another trip in vain."

The eldest glared at the third child, "You crow's mouth, just go shopping nearby if you make a vain trip."

He talked a lot and didn't know what to say, so he pushed him to get in the car quickly.

When they arrived at the Huairou River, they saw that there were also people fishing in the Huairou River.

"Oh, I'll just say it. It's a waste of time. Everyone is not a fool. There are no fish in Daming Lake, so why don't you run to the Huairou River?"

"Everyone has come, let's go down and have a look, this river is so long and so wide." Zhou Shan didn't want to hurt everyone's playfulness, so he had to go down and have a look.

"Let's go, let's go down and have a look." Zhou Yi jumped down first. He had never been here before, so he was still very curious.

Without waiting for the others, he ran to the river to take a look.

Stretching his neck, he didn't see anything, "The water is not clear. Can't see if there are any fish in the middle of the river? I'll go to the fisherman over there to see how he harvests."

Everyone also got off the bus and waited on the shore.

The boss picked up a stone and threw it in the middle of the river, but he didn't see anything.

Zhou Yi came back in a short while, "Let's just find a place to fish here. The old man over there used a fish crate to hide it from me, and when he asked, he said there was no fish. Very treacherous, I expect there must be some Less fish, or what is he hiding? Just let me take a look at it generously. When I turned around, he happened to catch one, so let's stay here, anyway, we have everything."

Princess Xuexi also nodded in anticipation. She also thought about catching a few today and going back to honor her father, mother and concubine.

"That's fine, then let's not toss about it, let's just go here, catch more, and get mad at the treacherous old man over there."

After the boss finished speaking, he went to pick up his guy from the carriage and took a seat nearby.

"Everyone take their own fishing gear and occupy a favorable feng shui treasure land!"

They both have experience now and keep their distance from each other.

"Then what should I do? I don't have any fishing gear." Princess Xuexi looked left and right, everyone had it, except her.

"Ah, then watch us fish, and when we're done, we'll give you one or two, and you'll have a lot."

"No, I'm going to fish myself, you give me yours, and you watch by the side."

"why me?"

Gu The boss is depressed, bullying him time and time again, and he has to give it.

Princess Xuexi grabbed his fishing rod and pushed him to the ground with another butt.

"Who asked you to have three people in your family? You are the eldest brother. It would be better if you let your two younger brothers fish for you. Anyway, they are also yours. You are a family."

Cai Wei frowned.

Whose noble girl would use her **** to hit someone?


He squatted beside him, dragging his cheeks and sighing, forget it, good men don't fight women.

Others gloated, especially his own brother, on Wednesday.

"Haha, big brother, you are idle anyway, go buy us something to eat. I'm a little hungry at this point."

He rolled his eyes, "You want to be beautiful, you want to eat yourself, just give me your fishing rod."

"I don't, I have green pine!"

He gave Qingsong the money and asked him to buy anything to eat.

It was rare for the third child to pay, so he shouted to Qingsong, "Buy more, there are so many people here."


The boss watched the county master throw the hook directly into the water, and reminded, "Are you going to drop the hook without hanging the bait?"

"Huh?" She blinked, and then suddenly realized.

"Oh... yes, fishing requires bait, where is the bait?"

He pointed to the other side of her with a smirk, "There's a small bamboo tube next to it."

Princess Xuexi opened it unprepared and threw it out in fright, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh still move?"

"Earthworms, the bait is not an earthworm, or what do you think the bait is."

Poured out and wriggled all over the was even more disgusting, Princess Xuexi looked disgusted, and turned her head out of sight.

The boss laughed so thiefly, he knew she would be afraid, even Zhou Yi felt disgusted, and asked the servant to hang bait for him, not to mention her.

Caiwei definitely wouldn't dare.

Hey, can you return the fishing rod to him now?

He happily picked up the earthworm he poured out.

"You still give me the fishing rod and watch it. I'll give it to you when I catch it."

There are a lot of fish at home. He doesn't care about fish, all he wants is to enjoy the process of fishing.

"No, I want to fish by myself." She was determined to fish by herself.

But the bait...

She looked at Caiwei behind her.

"Your Majesty, slaves don't dare to arrest..."

She had no choice but to withdraw her eyes, looked at Zhou Yong with a wicked smile, raised her chin, and Ao Jiao said to him, "Help me hang the bait!"

The smile on his face froze.

"Hmph, to punish you just deliberately scare me."

Carrying the fishing rod, she threw the hook in front of him and urged, "Come on, Zhou Shandu has caught one."

He had no choice but to hang bait for her and help her carry a bucket of water.

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