Going to the academy on the second day, the master reported the grades one by one, and read each person's paper comments one by one. Anyway, there is a whole day today.

Zhou Yong is embarrassed.

Poems he wrote...

He thought that it would be good if the Master made a high and low grade after correcting it.

Sure enough, the Master gave him a half-smile, took out his papers, read his limericks, and commented on the way.

"It makes a lot of sense. The rhyme of the last sentence is not good, but this is a poem you wrote?"

All the classmates were holding back their laughter, only Zhang Chongliang laughed.

The master looked at him blankly, "So happy? Then I'll take out your poem by the way and read it to everyone."

He reached out and took the paper that was sitting alone beside him.

"I'm not reading material,

My parents insisted on letting me come,

The exam questions are as deep as the sea,

Eggs and ducks are coming! "

"Hahaha..." The classmates burst into laughter!

Zhou Yong also patted his thigh and laughed, and gave him a thumbs up, "You are more talented than me!"

He didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said with a smile, "Master, I've improved from last year. At least I'm not free. It sounds like a rhyme."

The Master glared at him, "Dead wood can't be carved!"

"Hmm, Master is right. You continue to read the paper..."

The master shook his head, and he was helpless, and he picked up Zhou Yong's papers again.

Zhou Yong, a student, can still be saved. At least he has a good attitude and is serious about studying.

Look, there is no empty space, and they are all filled as much as possible. Although most of them are wrong, there are also a few written correctly.

Interpretation is the same, there is always one or two sentences in a paragraph that are correct.

Especially the last article, it is estimated that the ink in his stomach is used up, and the writing is still eye-catching.

After listening to the Master's comment, Zhou Yong was relieved, at least it wasn't the tail of the crane.

As for Zhang Chongliang, the master didn't even look at it, didn't want to read it, and gave up completely.

After the master had arranged the homework for the vacation, he said that he would be on vacation from now until the fifteenth year of the new year, and the classes would start in the sixteenth year.

Everyone held back, not daring to say a word.

It wasn't until after the Master left that no one could be seen, everyone cheered. It was really scary because of the busy farming holiday, and I didn't want to do any more homework.

Holidays, of course, is to eat, drink and have fun, who would like to write and memorize all day long.

The boss happily packed his things and walked out briskly.

I had already thought about the top three in the last exam, but I didn't expect to get an unexpected surprise. The last few days of cramming was quite useful.

Well, let's see who dares to laugh at him.

Everyone was surprised when they heard it, Zhou Shan said with a smile, "Haha, my brother really didn't read the books for nothing during this period of time."

"Of course, I finally don't have to go to school from tomorrow."

"But eldest brother, you still have to get up early. You are going to guard the city gate, don't forget it." The third woke him up at o'clock.

"Can't you make me happy for a while?"

"Haha, no."

"I really can't have this younger brother, I'll give it to you." Zhou Yong glanced at him and patted Zhou Yi.

"I don't want it either, give it up."

The third snorted, "It's okay, the second brother wants me, right, the second brother?"

"Mmmm, we can deliver hot soup to eldest brother tomorrow."


The boss patted the second and third, "This is what a good brother should look like!"

Said to the third child: "I forgive you."

"I sympathize with you, brother."

"Fuck off."

Several people walked out of the academy noisily.

Finally the holiday, everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles, saying goodbye to their classmates.

Seeing that it was still early, they went to Zhou's house together, which can be said to be their base camp.

Pei Xiu also knew that they had a holiday after class today, and tomorrow the boss will go to guard the city gate and prepare her warm clothes.

Different from going to school, the charcoal pot is very warm in the house. In winter, it is very hard to guard the city gate. You have to stand all day in armor that does not keep warm.

Although there is a cape, it doesn't help much. She needs to thicken the clothes inside him.

A few days ago, I even specifically asked Zhou Shan to ask for a few pieces of cowhide to make, and then let the two newly bought embroiderers make two pairs of cowhide boots for the boss.

This is the first time for Xiu Niang to make cowhide boots. She has no experience. The first pair does not look very beautiful, but it is not bad. The main reason is that it is waterproof.

When the boss and the others came back, she asked him to try to see if it fit, and the others were also curious.

The third child squatted down and pressed the button curiously, "It turns out that cowhide can not only be blown, but also made into shoes."


Zhou Yi looked at him with contempt after laughing, "You bastard, the skin of the war drum is also made of cowhide, and the cowhide can also be used as a tent."

He suddenly realized, "Yes, there are also cowhide water bags, I forgot. I just didn't expect to use them to make shoes. How did you think of it, mother?"

"Some time ago, you didn't send beef and beef bones every three days, so I thought of cowhide. In heavy snow, you change your shoes every day, and it's not easy to dry, so I wondered if I could use cowhide to make your shoe uppers, which can be waterproof. "

"Mother, these leather shoes are good. It just so happens that tomorrow I'm going to the city gate for an errand. They are waterproof and my feet won't get wet."

"Well, I'll make two pairs for you first, then the second and third, and Zhou Shan. Your dad doesn't know when he'll be back, so I'll make it for him at the end."

"Thank you mother~www.readwn.com~ This is still the first one, the boss is happy to put on both feet, pacing back and forth, and he will not change it.

"Me too?" Zhou Shan was surprised.

Pei Xiu nodded with a smile, "I'll ask Xiu Niang to do it, it may not be so fast, but you can also ask Xiu Niang from the palace to make two pairs for you."

"Hmm, I don't care that my aunt gave it."

"Hey, no one hurts just me." Zhou Yi drooped the corners of his eyes, sighed, and said deliberately.

The boss pulled him aside and said, "Fuck you, let your embroidery mother do it. There are only two embroiderers in our family. We just bought it. There are so many people in the family, where can we do it?"


Pei Xiu patted Zhou Yong, smiled and said to Zhou Yi, "If you don't mind waiting too long, I'll make two pairs for you when Xiu Niang finishes theirs."

"Hey, auntie. I'm playing with Zhou Yong. I have an embroidered mother at home. I'll go back in the evening and give me an order, and I can make it for me in two or three days. You don't have to trouble yourself."

"That's good." She changed the subject and asked with concern: "I heard that your mother has been showing you her?"

Zhou Yong blushed in embarrassment and nodded.

Everyone looked at him contemptuously.

In front of them, they are all careless, eloquent, giving birth to sons, accepting concubines, and anything shameless.

As soon as their mother asked, he persuaded.

"Are there any eyebrows?"

He glared at them, thinking that my aunt is not someone else, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, and said honestly: "No, my mother liked it, I didn't like it."

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