Pei Xiu said with a smile: "You are still young, even if you decide to get married, it will take two years to get married. You might as well wait a little longer. It will be more beneficial for you to wait for the title of the golden list to get married."

Zhou Yi nodded, "My grandmother said the same thing, but my mother thinks that the marriage can be uncertain, but you have to read it first and learn more so that you won't be blinded by then."

"Your mother is right, marriage is the best of two surnames, and it is a matter of two families. In addition to being in the right household, you also need to pay attention to the character of men and women. Marrying a daughter from a high family, marrying a daughter-in-law from a low family, it's not a bad thing to know more in advance. ."


"If you succeed in the exam, most of the people in the court are the adults who like to catch your son-in-law under the list, hehe~"

Zhou Yi was embarrassed, "My aunt is joking. The scientific examination is like crossing a single-plank bridge. I'm not sure if I can get it, let alone the title of the golden list. I don't dare to think about it."

He had already thought about going to the Yulin Army for the exam three years later, when he was just eighteen years old.

"Be confident in yourself, your family is looking forward to your career."

Zhou Yi smiled helplessly. He actually hates endorsements. He prefers to practice martial arts because it won't be so boring.

"Mother, Zhou Yi actually wanted to take the Yulin Army exam, but his family had high expectations for him, so he had to study hard and take the imperial examination first."

Pei Xiu glanced at Zhou Yi unexpectedly. She didn't expect him to have such thoughts. She thought that martial arts was just a hobby, to keep fit.

She comforted: "It is very good to cultivate both civil and military. Many civil servants in this dynasty are not weak scholars, and they can also dispatch troops and make suggestions. You are still young, and there are infinite possibilities. You can do it with hard work."

Zhou Yi was comforted.

"Well, thank you auntie. Anyway, I study hard and practice martial arts well. There's nothing wrong with it."

"You're right to think so, chances are for those who are prepared."

He smiled and nodded. The future will be discussed later, there are still three years.

Seeing that they had almost finished talking about the topic, Zhou Shan said, "Auntie, it will be New Year's Eve soon. See if there is anything missing in the house. Tell me, and I will send it to you."

He thought about what to give when the New Year's gift was missing. It would save trouble, and what he gave would be useful, which was better than giving it casually.

It's a pity that he is still young and doesn't understand how Pei Xiu can confidently tell him what the family lacks and ask him to give him what.

What's more, the Zhou family today is no different from the previous two years. It doesn't have much to ask for. The current Zhou family is also considered rich, and it really lacks everything.

"It makes you worry, there is nothing in the mansion. Your Uncle Zhou is now a fourth-rank Beijing official. In Beijing, it is not enough, but more than the next."

She also prepared New Year's gifts for all the families she knew well in advance, and they could be delivered to each family in a few days.

Zhou Shan nodded, he didn't understand this either, and let his mother and concubine see to it that the arrangements were made.

When it comes to the New Year's gift, Pei Xiu wants to check the gift list. The status and status are different, and the things he shoots can't be shabby.

This is probably the more you earn and the more you spend.

And this year, there are more Huainan palaces and the Shen family to send each other off. Although the Shen family is a businessman, it is not a bad thing to have a good relationship with them.

Of course, the etiquette does not need to be too heavy, the difference in status and status is a gap.

Huainan Wangfu needs to be highly valued.

After sending a few boys to play in the courtyard of the three brothers, she has to take the gift list and go to the warehouse to check it again.

The three brothers left with Zhou Yi and Zhou Shan laughing and laughing.

In the early morning of the second day, the eldest brother woke up as soon as it was dawn. He did not struggle or brew, and immediately got up and dressed, much more active than usual.

It is cold in winter, and it takes more courage to get up. The three brothers have always been the first to wake up with the second child, and then wake up the other two.

Unusually today, it was the boss who woke up first to call them.

The second child also knew that his eldest brother was going to be an errand today, so he cooperated very well and got up as soon as he called.

The third child was not so cooperative. He saw through the window that it was not very bright outside, and asked the time.

Hearing that it was half an hour earlier than usual, he cried out and lay back again.

"I said why I slept so soundly today, it turns out that the time has not yet come. Brother, have you beaten the chicken? It's still not fully dawn, so you can't come later to bark? The chickens are not as early as you, so you are going Being punished is not to receive a reward, what are you excited about?"

"Early to bed and early to rise are healthy. Dad is not here. You are getting more and more depraved. Get up quickly, we are all up."

The boss directly lifted his quilt, he was shivering in the cold, and quickly jumped up to grab the quilt and wrapped himself tightly.

He said angrily: "What are you doing! Dad didn't get up so early in winter when he was at home. Wait a minute, let me brew for a while, it's so cold outside the bed."

"It's cold, you can get up later after playing for a while, hurry up, I have to report to the city gate early." The boss said and went to pull his quilt.

The third child held on tightly, "Why do you go to the gate of the city to shut me up? When did you start and why did I still accompany you?"

"Good brothers have difficulties together, and they also have a companion for morning exercises."

"Ah no no no, I'm not a good brother, I'm a bad brother who can only tear down the stage. You said yesterday that my brother can't be wanted. You don't have to wake me up." shouted.

"No, there are so many people with you, think about it, I was so angry for everyone that I was reduced to guarding the city gate. You also have a responsibility, you should show me a high degree of sympathy, no I should be asked three times like this."

He covered his head and kicked a few times under the duvet, "Ah, ah, okay, I'll get up, I'll get up. You guys go out and wait, I'll be right here."

"Come on, we'll go out and wait for you."

"Get up quickly, I'll give you a little dawdling. It's dawn, so I'll get up a little earlier, and it won't be cold."

The second child only said one sentence the whole time, and then followed his elder brother out.

After they went out, the third child put his head back under the covers and struggled for a long time. When they were about to break in again, they lifted the quilt and shouted, "Get up, get up."

Then he lifted the quilt, dressed as quickly as possible, and muttered, "I'll talk to my mother later, put a bed in the room, it's too cold to sleep on this bed, and it's not warm in the room, It takes a long time to get out of bed every day.”

As soon as he opened the door, his head was pressed down by his eldest brother, and his eldest brother opened his legs and strode towards him.

The second child was also a little eager to try, but he hesitated for a while and then missed it.

As soon as the third one reacted, he straightened his body and frowned.

"Brother, you sneak attack!"

"Who told you to take it slow and wasting my time, I'll take you to practice your hands first."

The two were screaming, you chased me and ran for a while, only to stop after the second child's reminder.

"Brother, if you keep playing, it will be too late."

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