Under her influence, Zhou Cheng also picked up a piece of bone-in to eat. He felt that the bone-in one was indeed better than the whole meat one, and it was not easy to get tired.

Pei Xiu looked at him with a smile, "Is it delicious? The legs are full of meat, and there is no taste in the middle of the meat. The grilled meat with bones is more delicious."


Mai didn't take a few bites before the shredded meat got stuck in her teeth. Pei Xiu helped her pick her teeth, and she also gave her lamb chops to eat, and the leg meat for her brothers.

Let the green pine and green bamboo also chop a few pieces and share it with the other servants.

Everyone has eaten dinner. It's not too long now, and they are not hungry. The meat is very easy to fill up. One person eats a little and tastes something fresh. Three sheep are enough to eat.

She stopped after eating a few lamb chops. Although it was delicious, she had to control the amount. After all, she would go to bed in a short while.

She is also not allowed to eat too much wheat. Just give her a few pieces. Children tend to accumulate food, so she can't eat too much before going to bed.

Anyway, there are still a lot of sheep. If you want to eat them, you can roast them after returning home.

The men don't have this kind of concern anymore, they all eat with their stomachs open. After all, this is a rare delicacy. This spice is very expensive, and you can't buy it if you want to. After passing this village, there is no such shop.

Seeing that Mai finished eating, Pei Xiu took her to wash her hands and go back to the house to sleep. She played all day today and she didn't sleep. She was very sleepy now.

Just as she lay down with her, she patted her, and she fell asleep after a while. Pei Xiu tucked her in the quilt, kissed her forehead, and turned to go out again.

In the yard, they were eating wine and meat, and the food was on the rise. The guards also persuaded Zhou Yong to take a bowl of wine and drink it, saying that he was no longer a child, and half-old boys could marry wives in a few years.

Zhou Yong was made a big red face by them, and said embarrassedly: "Oh, the guards, don't laugh at me. If you want to marry a daughter-in-law, you can marry yourself, but don't take me with you."

"Hahaha~ This is still not enlightened."

"Come and drink~" The captain of the guard personally brought a bowl of wine to Zhou Yong.

Zhou Yong didn't push back, and then he had a half-bowl with him.

Pei Xiu came out of the room and happened to see this scene, but she didn't stop her. It's so big, it's okay to drink a little, as long as it's appropriate and not too much.

When Zhou Cheng saw her come out, he chopped off another rib for her.

She waved her hand to refuse, and said, "I just had enough to eat. No more. If I eat too much, I will not sleep well at night. I just came out to have a look."

"You didn't eat much just now. Eat more. These are all bones without much meat."

At Zhou Cheng's insistence, she ate another whole lamb rib and felt her bulging belly.

She obviously felt that she had gained some weight in the past two years, and it was a sign of gaining weight.

"You can't eat any more. If you continue feeding, your daughter-in-law will become a big fat man."

"You're too thin, you can get fatter."

The three brothers silently moved their positions away from their parents. They roast whole sheep and eat deliciously, and they don't want to eat dog food at all.

After eating, Pei Xiu sat down for a while, then went back to the house to sleep. When he left, he instructed the three brothers and Zhou Shan to go back to the house early.

After a day of running around, she is also tired, and she has to get up early tomorrow to pack her luggage.

When she slept soundly, she felt a sudden chill in the blanket, and then fell into a warm embrace with a hint of alcohol.

Half asleep and half awake, she opened her eyes to take a look, and then she found a comfortable position with confidence, and fell asleep.

When the sky was bright and she woke up, Zhou Cheng was no longer by her side.

Gu Xian If she hadn't clearly felt that she had fallen into a warm embrace at night, she would have thought that Zhou Cheng had never come back to sleep.

Looking at the little pig who was still sleeping soundly beside her, she got up lightly, put on her clothes and went out to have a look.

The yard is empty, and the mess that I ate last night has been cleaned up.

"Wait a minute, madam, the servant will go to fetch water for you to wash up now." Ginkgo quickly said when Pei Xiu got up.

"Okay, what about the general and the young master? Why didn't you see it?"

"The general took the young masters and the guards to the fields for a morning run early in the morning, and he hasn't come back yet."

Pei Xiu walked to the gate of the courtyard and looked out. The fields were scattered with villagers who got up early to work, and there were a large group of figures running by the field in the distance.

She asked, "When did they finish drinking last night?"

"The young masters also went back to the house to rest shortly after the madam left. The general and the guards have been drinking until the middle of the month before returning to the house."

"The moon is in the middle of the sky? It's so late." Don't soldiers need to sleep?

Gingko smiled and said, "Yes, maybe the atmosphere is better, and everyone has a good time eating, drinking and chatting."

"You guys should pack up the things you don't need in advance, and pack up after breakfast. Let's go back to the city earlier."

The three brothers and Zhou Shan have to rush to the academy to go to school. Although they have asked for leave, it is better to go earlier.


Pei Xiu looked at the smiling ginkgo, and found that this girl had grown up gracefully in the past three years.

"Ginkgo, are you seventeen this year?"

"Yes, the slave girl is seventeen this year."

"Do you have any ideas about your marriage?"

She didn't want people around her to marry blindly, she wanted to ask what the girl was thinking, and try to help her arrange it.

But ~www.readwn.com~ did not expect to frighten Ginkgo.

Her face turned pale in an instant, and she knelt down straightly, "Madam, you can't not have a slave, a slave wants to serve her all the time, and a slave has no idea that she shouldn't have."

Pei Xiu laughed, didn't know whether to laugh or cry, stepped forward to help her up, and said, "What are you doing? I just asked casually, I didn't want you, and I didn't say you had any thoughts that you shouldn't have. I just thought of your arrival. When you are old, men should marry and women should marry, dragging and procrastinating to become enemies, I want to ask, what is your intention to avoid random marriages."

She shook her head with red eyes, "Slave has no idea of ​​getting married for the time being. I want to serve my wife all the time. I don't want to marry someone and serve other people's family. I'm being picked by others and doing thankless things."

This girl understands people.

"My original idea was to keep you until the age of eighteen, and then find you an honest and diligent man of the right age, and let you marry out of the house to be the first lady. If you don't have this idea for the time being, then wait. ."

"Thank you madam for thinking about the slave, the slave wants to stay by the lady's side as an official."

"Okay, let's talk about it later. You can discuss it with your mother when you go back. If you change your mind, talk to me again. Go to work first."

"Yes, ma'am."


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