He pondered what to tell, and the battlefield was full of sad stories.

After being silent for a while, he said: "On the battlefield, apart from friends, there are enemies. Either you die or I die. Every war will take away a fresh life. In this war, many people were forced to go to the battlefield. , Those who survived are very lucky. The establishment and stability of each dynasty are forged by the flesh and blood of the sons! We should cherish the stable life now.”

Pei Xiu felt that she was wrong. She shouldn't have shifted the topic to the battlefield. Everyone's mood was not high, and everyone with a serious expression felt like they were going to go to the battlefield.

She took his words and said, "The soldiers in the army are all warriors of the Great Xia Dynasty. They exchanged their flesh and blood for the stability of the Great Xia Dynasty. I only hope that the Great Xia Dynasty will last forever, the country will be prosperous and the people will be prosperous and the people will live and work in peace and contentment. Everyone The days are going well.”

Zhou Yong also smiled and said, "I think we are very lucky to be born in today's Great Xia Dynasty, otherwise we probably won't be able to eat roasted whole lamb, I seem to smell the fragrance..."

The three roasted whole sheep set up three fires, Zhou Cheng roasted one himself, and the other two were roasted by experienced guards.

Zhou Cheng didn't forget to turn around when he spoke.

"It's still early, let's bake for a while and go get some wine."

He evenly sprinkled the wine on the mutton to remove the fishy smell.

A guard said with a smile, "If it's in the army, everyone would take a sip and spray it, and the spray would be more even."

"Haha, yes, anyway, it was sprayed on one by one person. When eating, no one should dislike anyone."

"Then if I take a sip and spray it, will this whole sheep belong to me? Hahahahaha~"

The third child pushed his eldest brother's chest with his elbow, Zhou Yong screamed, "You murdered your brother?"

He winked and said, "Brother, can you give it a try?"

Zhou Yong rubbed his chest and gave his eldest brother a blank look, "Why don't you try? You must not chase after me if I sprayed, Dad probably couldn't help but slap me to death!"

"Hahaha, you know that too."

The others laughed too.

Zhou Cheng couldn't help but glanced at his eldest son, he was fourteen and still jumping out of it.

Before being quiet for a while, Zhou Yong jumped out and said, "Dad, I smell so good. The oil is roasted and it makes a sizzling sound. When can I eat it? The wheat haricots are all dripping all over the floor."

"I didn't, big brother is talking nonsense!" Mai glared at big brother angrily.

"I saw."


She couldn't help but touched her mouth and heard him laugh.

"Big brother hates it!"

Pei Xiu smiled and hugged Mai in her arms, "If eldest brother hates it, then don't play with him. We won't give him meat for a while."

"Well, let eldest brother eat his fart!" The third child added!

"What? Zhou Laosan, can't you finish it?"

"Pfft~" Zhou Shan spat out a mouthful of water and coughed violently.

The others clapped their thighs and burst into laughter, chanting words.

"I can't finish it, haha~"

Pei Xiu was also stunned by these nonsensical words, and her tears almost came out of her laughter.

What does it mean to not finish eating? My God, the boss is really talented.

These two guys gags the first place, making the sluggish atmosphere relaxed and happy.

Zhou Cheng was also taking a sip of wine, but he choked on the words before he could swallow it. He coughed twice, his throat was still itchy, and he couldn't help but smile a little.

Pei Xiu wiped the tears from her laughter and said, "Don't say these nonsense words all day long."

He giggled and replied, "It's Mr. Zhou who owes his mouth."

"Big brother, you're not doing much better!"

Gu Mei "I'm just following your words. I'll teach you, next time someone scolds you for eating shit, go back to him, can't you finish it?"

This time, Pei Xiu choked on her own saliva and coughed violently.

Everyone laughed louder and louder, slapped their thighs and almost rolled on the floor.

The guards smiled and said, "We have learned a trick, 100% crit."

The third child also smiled unable to refute, and forgot to correct him not to use him as a metaphor.

After laughing, Pei Xiu slowed down, patted Zhou Cheng smelling the rich meat aroma, and reminded him, "Sprinkle with cumin powder and bake for a while, right?"


At this moment, the roasted whole sheep looked golden, and all the grease dripped onto the fire, and the flames shot up all of a sudden.

Zhou Cheng reacted quickly and turned the roasted whole lamb sideways to avoid the flames.

He also didn't know how to use the powder. He just listened to his wife's advice. It seemed that it was almost cooked, and it was enough to eat it.

Sprinkling with cumin powder, everyone felt that the roasted whole lamb has really become more fragrant, and the air is filled with the fragrance of cumin.

It smells so good, it shouldn't taste bad, right?

Everyone swallowed their saliva and stopped talking. They all stared at the roasted whole sheep on the three fires in the middle of the yard.

Now even Zhou Shan couldn't help but ask, "Can I eat it?"

"Try it and see."

After Zhou Cheng finished speaking, he went forward and chopped a leg of lamb down. Seeing that there was no blood in the middle of the leg of lamb, he cut the meat into pieces and let everyone try it.

I tried it myself, and it tasted good.

"It's cooked, take it down and chop it up and share it."


The guards were very active in picking up the whole roasted lamb and sharing it.

"Wow, this meat is delicious and fragrant. It's the best mutton I've ever eaten."

A few boys didn't feel it was hot either, grabbing the meat piece by piece and stuffing it into their mouths.

"Zhou Shan, the spice you brought is really good. It goes well with barbecue." Zhou Yong was busy eating, and couldn't help but praise.

Everyone nodded in agreement~www.readwn.com~ This roasted whole lamb with cumin is really delicious, and no one has ever eaten such a delicious roasted whole lamb.

"If you like it, wait until I go back tomorrow to see if there is any more in the palace. If there is, I will send you some?"

"Okay, okay." The three brothers nodded rudely.

Afraid of burning his wife and daughter, Zhou Cheng chopped off a leg of lamb, cut the meat into pieces, and brought the plate to them.

"Give it to the wheat. I like to eat it with bones. It tastes better than whole meat."

"Okay, which part you like, I'll cut it off for you."

"I want to eat its ribs."

"Okay." He obeyed obediently.

Most people like to eat meat with a lot of meat, but his daughter-in-law is exceptionally different, she only eats bone-in, whether it is pork, beef or mutton. Beef is special, she likes to eat beef bones and beef offal, and two days after coming back, there are braised beef on the table every day.

He chopped the rib into chunks and handed it to her.

It's not that he doesn't want to chop it into small pieces, it's this knife, not a machete. It's not easy to chop bones, but it's more convenient to chop large pieces.

Pei Xiu is not pretentious, and eats the whole piece, but it is more gentle and delicate than their men.


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