Zhou Cheng nodded and continued: "Mother still wants two servants to order, after noon, go to the county bank to buy two women to come back to serve her, she is also old, and there are two people to order. it is good."

"it is good."

This is simple, just buy two people, she has no objection, and the monthly money will be given to her.

Before leaving, give it to the old lady and ask her to send it monthly, and Ding Bo will send it for the coming year.

"Have you eaten?"

Pei Xiu saw that he was sweating profusely. He should have just come back from the field. It is estimated that after Brother Zhou heard about it on Tuesday, he felt bad, so he came back and asked the old lady directly.

"not yet."

As soon as the meal was delivered to the field, he didn't care about eating and came back with his eldest brother and second brother.

"I'll ask Sister-in-law Li to cook some noodles for you."

"Well, add two eggs."

Pei Xiu smiled, "Then you can rest in the room for a while. I'll go out and I'll call you."

As soon as she opened the door, she saw two couples coming out of the backyard, a little surprised that the two sisters were also there.

Brother Zhou's expression didn't change on Tuesday, he just nodded politely to her, sister-in-law Zhou was a little unnatural on Tuesday.

She couldn't help guessing that with this guilty face, she must have persuaded the old lady to stay, right?

"Have the third siblings eaten?"

"Haha, my sister-in-law is joking. I didn't go to work in the field. It's still noon, and before the fire starts, I'm going to order the servants to cook a bowl of noodles for Zhou Cheng."

Sister-in-law Zhou was embarrassed for a while and immediately adjusted, and said with a smile, "Oh, it's our fault. When I heard that you were going to take the old lady to Beijing, I couldn't care about eating, so I hurried over to ask. I can't afford to be tossed at my age, and we have no place to cry if there are three long and two short ones on the road."

"What my sister-in-law said is, do you want to eat noodles? I'll ask someone to cook a few more bowls?"

Sister-in-law Zhou was choked for a moment. She still had a lot of things to say, but the third siblings actually revealed it without asking, which made her feel a little uneasy.

Brother Zhou quickly refused, "No, no, we can go to the field to eat."

After I finished speaking, I went out, went to eat early, and had more time to rest.

Others quickly followed.

In the past few days, the autumn harvest has started in the village. Zhou Cheng and a few boys went to help the two brothers' houses to grab the harvest. Of course, the lunch meal was also under the control of the two families.

And the guards went to help the villagers they borrowed to rob them. The villagers were very grateful. All of a sudden, so much labor was added, and the family members were relieved.

Zhou Cheng said while eating noodles, "Since my mother doesn't go to Beijing with us, let's go a few days later and help the family collect the food before leaving. With so much labor, a few acres of land will be very fast."

"It's fine for you to call the shots."

She has no opinion.

The rush to collect is the most tiring. After the end, Pei Xiu specially let them rest for a few more days and make up for the delicious food before going on the road.

All of a sudden, they are leaving again, and the boys are a little reluctant.

The news that Zhou Cheng didn't need to resign Ding You had spread throughout the village as early as the second day after they got the letter.

After the villagers knew the exact date of their departure, they all came to Zhou's door early in the morning, intending to see them off.

Who made the Zhou family the pride of their village now.

These days, the guards and soldiers brought back by the Zhou family have helped the villagers a lot. Especially in the days of rushing to collect, the villagers were very grateful, and spontaneously followed behind the team, and they were bound to send them some way.

Zhou Cheng led the horse and walked with his mother. Behind him were the big family of their Zhou family, and the villagers who followed behind the carriage. There was also a sense of nostalgia in his heart.

"Mother, go back, we'll come back to see you next time."

The old lady also followed to the entrance of the village with the help of Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Tuesday.

"Hey, after I go to the capital, I will be an official, and my mother will enjoy the same happiness at home. Hello, we are all good, and the villagers have a bright face."

"I know mother, you take good care of your body, your luck is still to come."

The old lady wiped away her tears and said with a smile, "Hey, I know, I'm waiting for you to be promoted again, and I'm also waiting for my grandson to become a high-ranking official, and marry a lady from everyone to come back and serve me tea."

The village chief reassured her and said, "Yes, a few boys have great prospects. They must be better than blue, and my aunt's luck is still to come."

Pei Xiu was also saying goodbye to his brother and sister-in-law's family. For fear that the family would not be able to catch up, they came to their house before dawn this morning and waited.

"Brother and sister-in-law, don't worry, we will come back. You all live well, don't worry about me, I have three sons and one daughter by my side, and Zhou Cheng is not without conscience."

"Hey, we know it's just that you're worried about having a bigger belly in an emergency."

Pei Xiu looked at her brothers and sisters in disbelief, and she didn't know who had said alarmist things to them. All the way, she had been telling her that she wanted a big belly, that she was the wife, and no one could beat her, and so on...

This is because Zhou Chengguan has a lot of big thoughts, and she will become the next cousin~

With Zhou Cheng sticking to her so hard that he can't wait to work **** her every day, how could he still run? She passively squeezed him dry.

But she was too embarrassed to say this, so she could only try to appease them.

In their worried eyes, they got on the carriage and urged the boys to hurry up.

The four boys are also saying goodbye to their friends in the village. They have only been back for a few months, and they are leaving again. They can't help but feel a little sad.

Hearing her urging, I had to say a few words at random, and climbed into the carriage in a depressed mood.

Zhou Chengjian saw that everything was ready, and also got on the horse.

Looking at a large group of people behind him, he said, "We are going to leave the village, folks, please stay, we will come back!"

"Hey, it's a smooth journey!"

The villagers were talking.

Zhou Cheng nodded with a smile, and then rode ahead first.

They deliberately chose to go out early in the morning, just to avoid the two hours when the sun was at its peak, and to find a shady place to rest before noon.

After the lunch break, they continued on the road again~www.readwn.com~ There was no time for the return trip, and they walked slowly and leisurely.

The soldiers who were on the way to manage had already set off one step ahead to help them book the inn rooms that they were going to stay in at night.

Without any worries, they walked more slowly. When passing the farmland, they looked at the watermelons all over the ground, and the four brothers shouted excitedly, "Dad, Daddy, there are still watermelons at this moment? Let's go buy some watermelons?"

"Although it is a bit cold in the morning and evening, the temperature is still quite high during the day. Soldiers will get hot when exposed to the sun."

"This watermelon is a late-ripening watermelon, and it's almost out of season. Let's buy a few to eat during our lunch break tomorrow! Otherwise, we'll have to wait until next year."

The four pairs of eyes watched eagerly, Zhou Cheng calculated the distance in his heart, and stopped the team when he had time.



The four jumped out of the car and jumped out of the car with joy and ran towards the melon field.

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