Seeing the carriage stop, Pei Xiu felt a little strange, and she could see through the window looking at the four boys laughing and rushing down the farmland.

This is staring at this melon field, and it is unbearable.

She was also a little moved, and looked up at the sky, the sun was already slanting west, and the sun was not big.

Wheat was lying on the window and stared at it, and without turning his head, he asked, "Mother, I also want to go pick watermelons."

Right in the middle.

"Let's go."

She took the wheat out of the car, looked at Zhou Cheng and said, "Let's go pick two too."

Zhou Cheng looked at his daughter-in-law helplessly, she was so amused that she was still like a child, so she had to join in the fun.

However, when his daughter-in-law gave orders, he dared not to obey.

Turn over and dismount, and personally take them to the farmland to pick.

The old farmer is in the field, picking the watermelon with his back to the loess.

As they thought, this batch was late and planted later.

The old farmer planned to pluck them all. Before the temperature cooled, he quickly sold them. He turned the land over and planted other vegetables, and he could harvest them for another season before winter.

Suddenly, he saw a large number of soldiers parked on the edge of his farmland, and his heart was also raised, for fear that they wanted to requisition his watermelons.

This kind of thing is not unheard of. When will soldiers give money to buy things?

It wasn't until a few young masters got off the carriage, ran over to tell him that they wanted to buy his watermelon, and gave him some money first, then he smiled and stammered in agreement.

This is so good, so easy!

The old peasant counted the coins with trembling hands, carefully placed the coins in his arms, and looked at them.

The four boys were scurrying around in the melon field. This melon patted and the other melon looked, but they couldn't make a move.

The third child asked the old farmer not far away who was hesitating whether to come over, "How do you choose this watermelon? Will it be red? Will it be sweet?"

The old farmer smiled with a wrinkled face, his eyebrows, beard, and temples were all gray, but his face was still purplish red, and he looked energetic.

He walked over cautiously and said, "Yes, yes. The little... villain will teach... teach the young master to identify. The first one depends on the texture of the watermelon. If the texture of the watermelon is clear, the surface is bright, and the smooth one is a good melon."

The old peasant was a little nervous at first, but when he talked about what he was good at later, it became smoother. While talking, he used his big hand like a small palm fan to help them pick a melon and show it to them.

"The second one, look at the bottom of the watermelon, the smaller the circle, and the melon that stands out is the melon, and the melon that is concave in the bottom circle is not sweet."

"The third one is to listen to the sound, flick it with your finger, and there is a vibrating sound, which is a ripe melon."

"Oh, that's the case, thank you very much." After Zhou Yong politely thanked the old farmer, he couldn't wait to look down.

Seeing that he was gone, the old farmer hurriedly said to Zhou Shan: "The other is to look at the melon. If the melon is green, it means it is a fresh melon. If the melon is dry and withered, it means that the watermelon is not very fresh. ."

"But these are all fresh in the fields, so you don't need to identify them by this."

"Okay, thank you."

After Zhou Shan thanked him politely, he also lowered his head and identified it as the old farmer said.

Pei Xiu and the others didn't hear when they went down to the ground, but Zhou Cheng knew what to pick. After identifying it, he told her to ask her to pick two wheat, and he continued to search in the melon fields.

A few boys put together the ones they thought were cooked, and the third child suddenly found an oversized watermelon and shouted excitedly.




Three voices sounded immediately. It turned out that he excitedly trotted to the left front on his toes, but accidentally stumbled on a watermelon and knocked his head on the big watermelon he had just seen.

The watermelon split in half, and next to his ears, his face was still on the ground.

The others laughed happily.

They were not far away, and they were looking at it very clearly. Mai was stunned and said, "Mother, the third brother's head is so powerful!"

Pei Xiu: ? ? Girl, your focus is a little different from people's!

Zhou Yong leaned forward and backward with laughter, patted his thighs and laughed, "Our little third brother is secretly practicing iron head kung fu every morning, and now we have the opportunity to show it to everyone."

Zhou Shan was about to burst into tears, wiping the corners of his eyes, "Okay, the performance is over, get up, hahahaha~"

Pei Xiu also couldn't help but laugh at it.

The third child grabbed a handful of soil, got up, and sprinkled it towards Zhou Yong. Zhou Yong noticed his small movements, and he was prepared for it, so he turned sideways to avoid it.

"Hey, bug carving trick!"

The two of you chased me in the melon field, trampled many vines, and kicked several watermelons.

The vines don't matter. Anyway, the watermelons are out of season. After picking the melons, the vines are disposed of. The old farmer is distressed for the broken watermelons.

Seeing this, Pei Xiu hurriedly stopped them, "Don't make a fuss, the third child quickly wipes his face. The picking is almost done, let's give the old farmer some money, and put all the watermelons into the car. Don't waste it, just let everyone share it."

Then they stopped fighting and started to work.

In the end, because the watermelons were not easy to store and were easy to fall off, they also bought a few bamboo baskets from the old farmers to put them in.

After they finished eating, they hurriedly continued on their way.

It took a long time to pick the watermelon, and they didn't dare to walk slowly anymore. The group accelerated and walked towards the inn.

By the time they arrived, it was already evening, the sun had already set, and it was raining lightly.

Sitting in the lobby, Pei Xiu turned to look at the sound of raindrops ticking outside the window, and said happily, "It's okay, it's okay, I arrived before the rain, and I'll get wet one step later."

"Our time was just right, and we didn't become a jerk."

At this moment, everyone is sitting in the lobby of the post station and eating pasta. Because there is not much space, the chef at the post station can't cook it in time. The guards need to eat in Some people go to drive the horses to the stable to feed grass.

Zhou Yong hiccupped, put down the table and chopsticks, and suddenly heard the sound of hooves outside, got up curiously and went out to have a look.

I saw that another group of people had arrived, and the postmaster hurried forward to greet them and asked them to show their official documents.

The role of the post station is to transmit official documents and military information, or to board and lodging, and to exchange horses on the way to and from officials.

If there is no official position, the post station has the right not to receive or charge additional fees for the visitors, such as caravans traveling from various places will spend money to rent the post station.

I saw that after the visitor presented the official document, the postmaster respectfully invited the person in.

The lobby is not big, there are only nine tables, and they are all filled with their people.

Without Zhou Cheng's words, Captain Wu turned his head and motioned for the guards to vacate half of the table for those who came.

"Thank you all."

A middle-aged man in his thirties, elegant and delicate, stepped forward politely and thanked Captain Wu.

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