Chen Qiguang stared at them, "You don't work, you are lazy to eat steamed buns!"

While eating, the old third said: "If you want the donkey to run, you must make the donkey full. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work. If you are full, then you should do it first!"

"That won't work, the brothers and sisters must work together."

"Then you wait until we finish eating."

Chen Qiguang cocked his nose, and Minato could smell it.

The third hurriedly moved his hand to the other side and asked inexplicably, "What are you doing? Are you a dog?"

"No, why does your steamed bun smell milky?"

"This is unique to my steamed buns!"

"Is there any more? I'll buy one from you? You can't let me watch you eat, right? I didn't have enough to eat in the morning, so I hurried away."

The third child glanced at him in disgust, "You even think about steamed buns, no wonder they are round and round, be careful to grow into a dead fat man in the future!"

"No, my ancestor said, I will lose weight when I draw a bigger stick. I am lucky now. Do you still sell me one?"

The third child took it into his arms and handed one to him, "One for ten coins!"

Chen Qiguang's eyes widened, "Why don't you go grab it? A steamed bun outside is only a penny, you want me ten!"

"A small cake, you are willing to spend five hundred yuan to buy it, I'm only ten yuan, okay?"

"That's a new thing that just came out. Rare is the most expensive thing! And there were people who raised the bar at that time, otherwise you would think I'm stupid."

I see you as stupid...

The third child swallowed what he said, after all, he still had to make money.

"This milk-flavored steamed bun is also fresh! Do you like it or not? I still don't think it's enough!"


He pursed his lips, but still counted ten copper coins in his purse for him, then grabbed the steamed bun and took a hard bite.

"Hey~ it's really milky and sweet, how do you make it?"

"This is a unique secret recipe, can I tell you?"

"Don't say it, don't say it."

He stuffed the steamed bun into his mouth and bit it, freeing up both hands, counted twenty more coins, and handed them to the third child.

"Give me two more tomorrow!"

The third child took it with a smile, "It's easy to say, I'll bring it to you tomorrow!"

Zhou Yong unceremoniously stretched out a hand towards him, his fingers moved, and the second child also stretched out his hand in front of him without hesitation.

The third child nervously clenched the copper plate in his hand and stared at the two hands in front of him, "What are you doing? I earned it myself!"

"But the steamed buns are not yours, they belong to the public family. The three brothers share it equally, otherwise they will be handed over to the mother! You don't have a point in your pocket!"

"I hate big brother!"

Zhou Yong rubbed his fingers with a smile on his face, "Hurry up! Divide the spoils!"

Three brothers share, one can share a little, and hand it over to the mother, then no one will be left behind.

The third one, reluctantly, counted six coins for them, "There are twenty coins in total, and the three can't be divided equally. I sold them, so I'll take two more!"

"You also sold one in front of you. There are 30 coins in total, and 10 coins are divided equally for each person. Hurry up! Don't be fooled!"

He clenched his purse tightly and said angrily, "I sold that steamed bun from my own share, and the money should belong to me!"

"That one belongs to the public too! It should be divided equally!"

Zhou Yong took out another steamed bun from his arms and broke 1/3 of it for him.

"Hey, here it is! Fair enough!"

The second child also followed suit, and he also broke a small piece for him, and said with a smile: "Third brother, this is mine!"

He looked aggrieved and looked at that. Zhou Shan also waved at him, indicating that he couldn't help. He had no choice but to give them the eight copper coins in his hand.

Gu Cheng

Then he took the third of the steamed buns into his hands and watched his elder brother bite down viciously.

Chen Qiguang stared dumbfounded at their infighting, and then divided the spoils!

That's how they are brothers! Long experience!

"What else do you have to eat, you can bring fresh things and sell them to me!"

The three brothers were also interested for a while, but they seemed to be gone after thinking about it.

"There doesn't seem to be anything particularly delicious in our house, right?"

"Seems to be!"

"The fruit will not ripen until next year!"

The third child regretfully said to Chen Qiguang, "You didn't tell me earlier, last year we found a green fruit called green apple, which is sweet and sour!"

"You didn't tell me either. If you have one next year, give me one to try, and I'll buy more if it's delicious!"

"Okay! That's it!"

Zhou Shan reminded them, "Have you ever eaten beef bones with sauce? Tonight they have beef bones with sauce."

"Huh? Don't everyone eat beef? Some people eat beef bones?"

"Yes, stew for a few hours, not to mention the fragrance, the cartilage and fascia above are soft and delicious, and the bone marrow melts in your mouth..."

Chen Qiguang swallowed, "Don't lie to me, a mere beef bone is too heavy to give away, so delicious?"

At this time, no one would eat bones, especially the nobles.

"I'll sell you one for ten cents and try it out, do you want it?"

"Okay! Then try hard!"

The three brothers are super happy and have made another business!

This time the third child is very active, "Come here, there is money to be divided."

"Three for one person, one more copper plate!"

"Just give it back to me, it's not good to divide the spoils equally, it will affect the brotherhood!" Chen Qiguang said with a smile.

Zhou Yong rolled his eyes, "Think of beauty, give it to Zhou Shan, he reminded me!"

"Yes, for Zhou Shan!"

The three brothers had no opinion.

Zhou Shan took it with a smile, "Well, everyone who sees it has a share. I also earned a copper plate today!"

"How do I get the beef bone? Will you send it to the academy tomorrow morning?" He felt a little craving for it now.

Zhou Yong thought for a while, "After school in the evening, you pass by our door first. We'll go to the kitchen and bring it to you. It's delicious to eat while it's hot!"


I was just hungry when I finished my work!

After reaching a consensus, UU Reading and the others began to work. Fortunately, there is no one now, so they can clean up carefully without psychological pressure.

After another half an hour, they were not so relaxed, and the students came to the academy one after another.

Although they are in the backyard, everyone has heard that a few students were punished for sweeping the floor. The people who were not onlookers yesterday were deliberately moved to the backyard this morning. Want to see who is so unlucky?

When Zhou Shan and the second child saw someone appearing, they shrank to the corner and swept away with their backs to the person. They wanted to be embarrassed!

It's a shame to be in such a public place!

The third child and Chen Qiguang are both very good. When they see acquaintances, they can still greet them with a smile, chat a few words, what did you eat this morning?

If you don't know it, you can gossip about it, tell yourself which class you belong to, and which master was punished?

Zhou Yong felt ashamed and ashamed when he saw it. Could it be that this is social bullshit!

Seeing that it was getting late, he took the opportunity to slip away early. Although he didn't hold the broom, he was also embarrassed...

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