The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The 231rd chapter final match (2)

However, it is impossible for the two to just start the battle, and they are stupid enough to die.

Hui Ye Ji is just a thought, the law rune instantly appears in her body, and immediately draws a huge magic shadow! Exudes the shock of the terror!

Must be able to! But this must be done by the power of the law, and the saga of the Naruto World is simply not comparable!

You must have a light sword in the right hand that can open the world’s all living things!

Under the terrible suction of the behemoth, the ball is flying straight ahead, and the lightsaber in the hand is ready for sniper! Once inside the attack range, you will not hesitate to smash the behemoth!

Only the giant mouth of the king of this world suddenly condensed a destroying evil beam! A flash of light, directly through the void! Going to the head of Hui Ye Ji’s head…

It’s just that Hui Ye Ji didn’t care about it, let’s go to the beam puncture!

In the loud bang of the bang, the beam punctures in the heart of the heart, only a little crack, it is broken!

“very powerful defense…” The main face of this world is amazed!

And at this moment, the attack of Hui Ye Ji has arrived!

The cold light flashed into a stream of light, and it flashed away on the huge body of the Lord of this world!

The imaginary part of the two did not appear, in the abdomen, just left a small white mark!

“This defense…” This time, it is the turn of the night of the night!

“Your attack… Shouldn’t it be only this power… It seems to be just in control?” The Lord of the world looked at the white marks on his body, and suddenly saw the strange color of Chaohui Night Ji looked over.

“How about that?” Hui Ye Ji is proud of a smile, looking at the Lord of this world, his eyes are full of war: “kill you, enough!”

“It’s really shocking… I didn’t expect you to be a newcomer to the new world… Also in other words… Has a landlord been killed?!” Here, the Eyes of this world’s Lord is in a moment of austerity The head turned to Sun Wukong and looked at it. The face was astonished: “don’t tell me is him?!”

“Yes! The source of my world is Goku. Although Goku wants to kill you, it’s a good idea, but rest assured, he won’t shoot if there is no need!” When I looked at Sun Wukong, my eyes were full of reverence.

“One stroke?!” The heart of this world suddenly jumped, and immediately and proudly smiled: “Just kidding! I am all the landlord, even if he is strong, he will be solved by him! You don’t have to Interfering with my emotions, no matter what opponent, I won’t shake it!”

Said, I saw him roar, the body that was originally just a skull suddenly skyrocketed again! But for a moment, it turned into a humanoid terror monster!

Standing proudly, it is like the pillar of the sky!

In Xiao Xiaozhong, he smashed the evil vortex at his feet, and then slammed the sky’s evil vortex!

Then the hands clasped together, the avenue runes thin, terror boundless, the gravity of the space suddenly increased, I don’t know how many times!

Hui Ye Ji only felt a heavy body, and the floating body directly slammed into the ground, but it was a deep black hole!

The hands of the Lord of this world suddenly slammed again, and the surrounding space was instantly closed!

‘ka-cha’, under the space of the terrorist and the gravity of the terror, the singer of the singer of the night singer is actually a crack!

And the power of extrusion is getting bigger and bigger! Rao is the defensive power of the terror, and it is also unstoppable, and it will be squeezed into a piece of debris!

“Hey! You and I are quite Dimension, but you have just mastered the power of the landlord, and here is my world. How do you fight with me?” The voice of the Lord of this world is booming, rolling, and that tone, I didn’t put Hui Ye Ji in my eyes!

However, he is quite right. Hui Ye Ji has just merged with the power of the world source, and there is a certain gap with the natural-born master still!

And here is the world of the Lord of this world, all rules to listen to his words! The rules of others are rejected by him!

Therefore, Hui Ye Ji has to withstand the suppression of the world’s power of the world, and he will not be able to exert the strength he deserves. At the same time, the power of each is greatly reduced!

If we want to break the suppression of this world, then her Dimension must be higher than the Lord! Destroy this side of the world! Unfortunately, the Dimension between the two is of the same level, and Hui Ye Ji has just become a landlord, the strength is weaker, and it is obviously difficult to break the world suppression.

“Damn! I didn’t expect the suppression of this world’s power to be so powerful… I used to see Goku and the landlord’s battle when I was not suppressed by the power of the world… Is it really my Dimension not enough?…” Night murmur, the facial expression is ugly, she said before that she wants to win the promise of Sun Wukong’s source of the world, if it is defeated, it would be too shameful.

“Since this is the case…” said, Hui Ye Ji’s hands quickly printed, the law of the road space opened with her as the center quickly toward all directions, opened up a brand new space Domain, only when it reached 10,000 After the meter, it stopped!

“Can only reach this level… but it is enough…”

“Hey! What is the role of this Domain! Now, let me go tell you, here is my home! You are an outsider, no qualifications!”

The owner of this world sneaked a slap in the face, and the finger touched Hui Yeji gently, and a few kilometers of terror lightning column crashed down from the sky! To shatter the space, only the lightning enveloped the world!

“My mother!” In the emperor number at the remote, Nami and other women watched the unfathomable scene, all involuntarily lost their voices!

A few kilometers of lightning column descended from the sky, with the light of destruction attached to it! That scene, what a shocking spectacular!

The facial expression of Hui Ye Ji has changed greatly. With both hands on the ground, an ancient tree supporting the world is almost formed in a twinkling of an eye!

At the same time, a space barrier is also emerging above her head!

In a blink of an eye, the terror’s lightning column has been bombarded on the ancient tree of the sky!

In the sound of kā kā, the lightning column opened the old tree with a shocking attitude, and hit the bottom…

At this moment, even Sun Wukong was moved, and suddenly stood up: “I really didn’t expect… the repressive power of the world is so terrible… No wonder other world owners dare not easily enter the world of others…”

Sun Wukong has always beaten opponents with a strong posture, and has never felt the suppression of TRUE’s world power. Therefore, I don’t know the power of it. Now he finally saw the so-called from Hui Yeji. The suppression of the power of the world is terrible!

One side weakens and one side strengthens. There is no comparability between the two!

After all, it’s not someone who wants him to be abnormal.

“Sure enough, ‘my world, I am the master’!” Sun Wukong sighed, and the figure disappeared instantly!

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