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The second hundred and three 12 chapter final match (three)

The speed of the lightning column is very fast, but the speed of Sun Wukong is faster than it, just one thought, it is already above the head of Hui Ye Ji!

With one hand to support the heavens and the earth, the power of swallowing from the heavens and the ground erupted from his palm, forming an endless swallowing black hole! In the meantime, it’s like a whole world has to be swallowed up!

The lightning column illuminates the whole world, then flashes down! But it was swallowed by the black hole that swallowed below, silently…

“this is!”

The main facial expression of this world has changed dramatically! The terror Ki that Sun Wukong broke out in the blink of an eye made him feel scared! His Dimension level is quite different from the other side! Some of my heart is not worried!

“Goku adults…” Hui Yee Ji came to Sun Wukong’s side, and at the same time moved, there were some dissatisfied, dissatisfied Sun Wukong suddenly inserted into her battle.

You know, Hui Ye Ji is an extremely proud person. The behavior of Sun Wukong obviously makes her self-esteem impaired. She doesn’t think she will lose to the other side.

“You don’t have to fight, you can’t win him now…so there’s no need to be hurt in vain… After all, at this level, after the injury, you want to recover, but it’s quite trouble…” Sun Wukong naturally sees The dimtisfied of Hui Ye Ji, but still waved his hand to stop the road.

“It’s just a little hurt that’s all, what’s the big deal! It won’t lose!” Hui Ye Ji is still wary, and his eyes are full of flame Ki.

The formidable of the Lord of this world made her feel a glimmer of crisis, but it was also very exciting. She admitted that the other side is much better than her. After all, she has just become a landlord, and the fit with the world source is not very good. Perfect, compared with the natural-born leader, the gap is very obvious! But even if it fails, you can get a situation that is both defeated!

It’s just that Sun Wukong wants to see it, because there is no need at all!

Sun Wukong patted the shoulders of Hui Ye Ji, and comforted: “Reassured, I know that your battle desire is very strong, and you like power, so I also expect you to fight for other Dimension world for me. There is no need to be hurt here, and the chances of having a battle with other landlords are…”

“Diving the other… Dimension world?!” Hui Ye Ji’s eyes suddenly lit up, bursting out extremely excited and Berserk’s Ki came, excited body all started to shake! Sun Wukong’s sentence is simply in the middle!

“So, go back and you can’t hurt anywhere here…” Sun Wukong smiled and nodded to Hui Yee.

“Understood! You will definitely make each and every one world for you, and let you become the ruler of the whole Dimension world!” Hui Ye Ji with a great excitement, a flash, has appeared on the emperor .

Nami and other women all became extremely nervous, but Hui Yeeji apparently ignored them and looked at the battlefield…

“Does Goku want to take it? Good… so excited!” Nami and other women are now looking forward to face.

“This guy… looks dangerous…” The owner of this world watched Sun Wukong, the facial expression was extremely dignified.

“For a long time, there is no TRUE activity, so I will use your favorite battle to play with you!”

Sun Wukong said, a light drink, ‘唰’ my voice, golden flame Ki burst out of his body, with lightning and squeaking! Even the black hair of a head is in the twinkling of an eye, it becomes golden, and the roots stand up! It looks pretentious and domineering!

Long-lost Super Saiyan 2 again go to stage!

Because of its own strength, the super 2 at this time is stronger than the original super 2!

This is like fifty times the 100,000 combat power-level and fifty times the one million combat power-level. The difference is obvious!

“Wow! The body has changed! This looks so handsome!” Baby-5 and other women saw Sun Wukong’s style, it is a bright spot.

“Very powerful Ki… This is pure power… and…he is not a natural-born leader… How is it possible… just by myself… I just trained the power to this level?don’t Tell me He is on his own… Captured the God Spirit tablet of other landlords?!” The watcher of this world is watching Sun Wukong at the moment, the financial expression has changed greatly, and the heart has become more and more dignified.

Above the hands, haunting the laws and runes, exudes an immortal light! Illuminated this side of the world!

Immediately, the space is solidify, and time stops! All living things in the world are still at this moment! The only thing that hasn’t been affected is the terrible figure that stands proud of the world!

I saw him waving his right arm and grabbed it toward Sun Wukong…

The big hand of the sky is in stark contrast to the body of Sun Wukong, almost negligible can be ignored!

But if it is caught in the hands of this big hand, it is hard to imagine, will Sun Wukong’s small body be crushed and crushed?

The answer is revealed soon!

When the giant hand of the sky has just touched the golden Ki flame of Sun Wukong’s body surface, it was shocked back by an extremely terrible force!

Then I saw the space around me in a moment, and the traces of the cracked road appeared, and immediately the sound of ‘咔’, to shatter!

The space imprisonment was broken, and the still time jumped again!

The space around Sun Wukong has been completely shattered, spreading all the way, and there is a space black hole in a few miles! Under the terrible Ki of Sun Wukong, it is hard to heal!

Without space, there will be no time, and naturally there will be no suppression of the world!

The so-called world suppression is actually very simple, that is, the thing that does not exist in the world will be negated by this world! For example, the ninjutsu in the world of Naruto, the use of gas in the Dragon Ball world… is not recognized by this world, and naturally it cannot be used in this world!

Even the rules of time, space, etc. will be denied! Because mys is mine, and yours is not mine, so you must negate!

Under normal form, Sun Wukong is naturally able to ignore the suppression of this world, because he is higher than the Dimension of this world, but if the world’s landlord personally suppresses it, then Sun Wukong can only destroy the space of this world. To relieve the suppression of the power of the world!

“The power has surpassed the limit that my world can bear… The strength of this guy… very powerful! This is the trouble…” The financial expression of this world has become more and more dignified. Without the suppression of the power of the world, then the two are in a reciprocal situation, and the strength of the other side is obviously higher than him, which can be greatly bad!

“But no matter how, it can only be a battle…” The undulating emotions of the Lord of the world were calmed down in an instant, and the law of the road was filled with celestiality, lingering around his body, entangled and merged, and immersed in his body, making His skin exudes a radiant glow, stunning and Mystic/mysterious! And his physical strength reached this extreme in this instant!

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