The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The twenty-seventh chapter is in a good mood today.

Watching the back of Jiro’s departure, a few people seem amazed.

“That old man don’t tell me is a point of amateur Jiro?” Aunty looked at Cocoa and looked at the color of the face.

“We came here at the for a moment. The people who saw it, except those who suddenly disappeared, only the old man…” Cocoa nodded. “Listen to him.” The tone seems to have been handed over to the group, so it is not difficult to guess that the previous acupoint technique should be from the hand of the acupuncture point Jiro!”

“But there is no trace of fighting here!” Auntie watched around the cave, leaving no trace of the battle, it is very doubtful.

“No matter what else, we still grab a few puffer whales to leave here! I always feel weird here…” Cocoa waved his hand and took off his clothes and jumped directly into the waterhole…

Sun Wukong, an Instantaneous Movement, appeared in Tina’s home with a few women.

Looking at this familiar display in the room, Tina suddenly surprised her eyes widened: “This… is this my home? No! Going home!” You are in the end, is it a ghost? ”

“It’s just an ‘Instantaneous Movement’ that’s all, your courage is too small? Look scared you!” baby-5watching Tina, rolled her eyes.

“Instantaneous Movement? Is that the skill that only appears in the novel ‘space transfer’?” Tina asked with her eyes wide open and curious.

“Can understand this!” Baby-5 nodded, watching Tina, a helpless face: “It’s a name, why is the gap so big!”

“Wow! It turns out that the skills in the legend really exist!” Tina suddenly got excited and watched Sun Wukong, her eyes began to shine: “That, you can’t do it once, let me shoot the whole process.” Come down! This is definitely the news of the oversized bowl!”

Sun Wukong glanced at Tina, too lazy to pay attention to this ‘neuropathy’ and turned to Kaya: “Come on the puffer whales…”

“Also! This trip is really a twist!” Koya smiled and took out the remaining nine puffer whales from the space ring: “The first one failed because of Jiro’s ‘big place’. The remaining nine can’t be wasted…” Saying, Keya began to dissect the poisonous sputum very seriously…

“This picture can’t be missed, you have to record it all the time!” Tina rushed into her room, took out the camera, and shot it again…

There is no outside interference, and this is not the slightest difficulty for Keya. Carefully put a few knives on the puffer whales, and the poisonous cockroaches inside are presented.

At the moment when Koya took the poisonous cockroaches, the flesh color of the puffer whale instantly became golden rays, and it was as dazzling as Golden! The smell of the fragrance suddenly made people drool…

“Great! Once the poison is removed, it will become so bright! It’s really unfathomable!” Jenny Bonnie had no image of saliva, grabbed the whole puffer whale, and handed it over. In front of Sun Wukong: “Goku, you can taste it first!”

“Look at your image, still you eat it yourself!” Sun Wukong watching Jenny Bonnie’s drooling look, shook his head helplessly.

“Then I will be okay to start!” Jenny Bonnie waited for this sentence! The words of Sun Wukong have just fallen, it is a bit of a bite to bite! A pair of eyes immediately closed up and looked like a face: “It’s awesome… This fat is so delicious, the more chewy it tastes… Ah! It’s really impossible to stop…spiritual is getting more and more full……”

“Is it so delicious?” Baby-5 was also made by Jenny Bonnie. Since she can use it as long as she removes the drug lord, she immediately picks up a puffer whale and turns her finger into a hand. Sharp knife, carefully cut the fish belly, took out the poisonous cockroaches, the whole puffer whale instantly became golden flash!

baby—5 is much more considerate than Jenny Bonney. I took a plate and licked it. I cut the whole puffer fish into sashimi and put it on the plate and came to Sun Wukong. , pick up a piece of sashimi and send it to Sun Wukong’s mouth: “Goku, come, you should eat first…”

“Let’s eat together! Tina, don’t you think about shooting, don’t try it together!” Sun Wukong nodded and greeted him with a sashimi in front of his mouth. Into the mouth, the eyes suddenly shine!

“It’s really good, I really didn’t take a trip!” Sun Wukong nodded with satisfaction, with a big hand, hundreds of puffer whales were filled with whole houses, and Jenny Bonnie was on the side of the eyes. It became very exciting: “Wow! Isn’t it good to catch only ten? Goku, what is the situation? You are so powerful!”

Said, directly grabbed more than a dozen and handed it to Keya…

Although the strength of Jenny Bonnie is good, she is a woman with a lot of rough hands. This kind of delicate work of taking poisonous drugs is still not enough for her!

Keya smiled slightly. With the first experience, the technique became more and more skilled, but in a moment, the drug lord was removed. Jenny Bonnie grabbed it and threw the whole golden radiant puffer whale into it. In the mouth, eating it is called a heroic!

So Keya did not rush to eat first, but specifically began to serve Sun Wukong and Jenny Bonnie. Every time she removed the poisonous cockroaches of a puffer whale, she was not killed by Sun Wukong, or was Jenny Bonnie. Eat three or two…

At this speed, Tina was stunned by the side, but in a ten-minute time, hundreds of puffer fish were basically eaten by these two foods…

Only a dozen or so left to let them slowly taste…

“It’s so cool, this world is really my dish! Goku, you must give it to me in the future world of this world! Who dares to fight with me, who am I worried!” Jenny Bonnie From the floor to a turn, the body of his own body was placed on Sun Wukong’s body, which was first attributed to the ownership of this world source.

“no problem!” Sun Wukong did not hesitate to accept it, this world is also quite suitable for Jenny Bonnie this food.

“Haha! The aging mother did not choose the wrong person! Go, this is a good mood, go with the old lady pa pa pa…” Jenny Bonnie laughed at the moment, dragging Sun Wukong and going to the room…

Aside from the baby-5, a few women listened, and suddenly they were full of black lines. Even Lian Ya couldn’t help but vomit her slot: “Jenny, do you want to be so embarrassed? Can you hold it?”

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