The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 28—The Reaction of the Food Club

“Holding? The old lady has never been with the stuff!” Jenny Bonnie was so embarrassed that she continued to drag Sun Wukong into the room.

She is excited! The whole world of food is simply the world she dreams of! Sun Wukong said that she would give it to her, can she be excited? In her words, this is a long-term meal ticket that she can’t finish in her life!

“Cough cough ~~ Well, this is going to be dark after saying it again?” Sun Wukong looked faceless Jenny Bonnie. The 彪悍level of this sister paper is even a bit too much for him.

“No! The old lady is not shy, what are you ashamed?” Jenny Bonnie said, very embarrassingly dragging Sun Wukong into the room, then slamming and closing the door…

You can use your face to slap your face, and you can’t speak for a while!

As for Tina, she was directly stunned by Jenny Bonnie’s embarrassment, and the whole person was there: “This… what is the situation? The change is too fast, I can’t turn it…” Silence for a moment, Na watched the closed door and suddenly exclaimed: “Hey? Not right! That’s my room!”


The food will be in the slightly dark hall. The muscles lying in front of the three tigers are shrinking. The life is almost cut off, and the color of surprise in the eyes flashes away: “Do you even become so embarrassed? What kind of opponents have you met?”

Saying, waved his hand, an old man shrouded in a black robe pushed the food of a dining car and came over, opened the lid, and the scent of various foods suddenly floated in every corner of the hall! Even if you just smell the scent of the scent, the cells of the body become extremely active! Obviously, the ingredients in those dishes are obviously not simple things…

The old man who hangs down like a long time in the wind, after smelling the scent of the scent, his eyes suddenly slammed open, and he struggled to climb up, step by step toward the food of the table, and then the wind and the clouds Gave up like this…

And as he eats, the dead cells are as comfortably off as they are, gradually recovering their vitality, and the dry muscle skin is gradually becoming full…

Until Starjou ate all the food on the table, he recovered like a miracle, and the Kir of terror spread! All of them are full of dazzling light! Ki is more formidable than before!

“When you die, the food cells have evolved again… It seems that this disaster has not been affected by you!” Three Tigers watched Staru, the tone is still calm and full of majesty.

Starjou respected the three tigers and respected the fists. He did not say anything thankful, but the three tigers were able to feel the gratitude of Staru for his life-saving grace!

“Now talk about what is going on!” Three Tigers watched Staru, a faint road.

“When I caught the puffer whales, I met the owner of the Caijing pterosaur. I didn’t intend to shoot them. It was just that the other person could read what I thought, so we had a conflict…”

“Oh? So, your injury is the injury of the owner of the Caijing pterosaur?” The three tigers watched Staru, the tone is the same as usual, can not hear the joys and sorrows.

“No, it was hurt by another woman beside him… Listening to them seems to call that woman a Jenny…” Starjou frowned and explained: “Her Ability is very surprised, it seems that can control the people’s annual rings. The moment I was in the fight with her, it was the appearance that she had before, but for a moment, that’s all! I became an old man who was almost dead! Even my food cells were old and weak together. Nearly dead, unable to recover…”

“In a flash, that’s all?!” After listening to the three tigers, it is also inevitable! This Ability sounds like terror!

On the other side, Yulin Bach and others were even more shocked: “Sta Jiu, are you kidding? For a moment? If so, who else is her opponent? And how do you escape? Come out? Change to the situation at the time, don’t say that I look down on you, there is no possibility of running away?”

“Hey! Do you think I will make a joke?” Starjos dissatisfied snorted and said: “It was just lucky. It happened to be a little bit of a sneak darling. That’s all, I yelled at them. Jiro’s body just picked up the plane and escaped…”

“You mean… Jiro?” The three tiger’s aura suddenly became extra terror, but he was taken back in an instant. But it still made Yulin Bach and others wipe the cold sweat in front of the forehead.

The reason why the Three Tigers are so rude is that he suddenly remembered the terror fact that he had been a little bit of a moment before! Not only was he acupointed, the living beings on whole Earth were all acupoints at the same for a moment! And Earth is really TRUE is just stopping the rotation!

The big terror between the moments that happened at that time, even he felt a guilty heart!

“don’t tell me is really done by Jiro? Is that guy playing with the master of Caijing Pterosaur? It’s just that Jiro’s strength can’t be underestimated…but there’s no terror, even I can’t be so far away from the distance. Ah…” The three tigers are very shocked inside, and it is very doubtful why the strength of Jiro suddenly became such a terror?

The reason why he didn’t think of Sun Wukong was because the ‘big place’, that is, ‘the vast anesthesia’, was the trick of Jiro, and the person who thought of it was naturally Jiro.

“It should be a fight… At the time, my situation was very bad. I had two “big spots” in succession, especially for the second time. I made it impossible for me to cancel the ‘self-food’ experience. Linbaki arrived in time, I am afraid I have to account for it…” Stae has a calm face at the moment, but it is not a fear of the dangerous situation at that time. This psychological quality is indeed hard enough.

“Jiro…the beast and the second wolf! This guy don’t tell me. Unconsciously, I have surpassed me with a dragon?” The three tigers were very dignified. Before that, he was also kicked and unable to move. ‘The big location’ makes him a vigilant heart for Jiro!

If Oolong didn’t verify it himself, he would have been misunderstanding like this!

“The previous acupoints are quite terror, but there are ways to avoid acupoints… Let’s talk about the woman who can make people grow old! That kind of Ability, if we don’t figure it out, we who have met, are only insta -kill’s share!” Yulin Bach’s face was dignified.

“This is really very troublesome…” The three tigers frowned at the moment, and looked at the tower for a long time: “You have played with her, don’t tell me, what did you find?”

“Yes, it seems that as long as there is a distance from her, there will be no tricks… but this is only my guess, there is no actual proof…”

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