The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 83 Truth

“You can’t completely compare the combat power-level with the capture level. It’s like some of the ingredients in the world. It doesn’t have any strength. It’s because the cooking is very difficult, so the capture level is also high, so the capture on this world. The level represents not exactly the strength, the difficulty of cooking, the dangers of the environment, etc. are included…”

Sun Wukong watching The shocking color of Froise, but shook his head, faintly said: “Every world has her own power system, the nature of power is not the same, so it is impossible to make an effective and accurate comparison. Can only be roughly compared…but the difference between the two will not be great…”

“Yes… that’s the strength of the month, how do you know that there are more than 600,000 in the level of capture?” Froze asked curiously.

“Almost… the algorithm for capturing levels is too messy, and the jump is too large. It’s not accurate. It can only be compared in a rough way…” Sun Wukong nodded, according to Mawang’s combat power-level the judge, after the capture of thousands of grade level, with combat power-level in comparing still very appropriate, but a few levels, trapping dozens of class rank, will not be able to do a comparison with the combat power-level.

“More than sixty thousand…” The attention of the watch of the moon is full of surprises, not to mention more than 600,000, even if it is only tens of thousands of combat power-level, it is also shocking. This is easy to destroy the existence of the planet!

Originally thought that Acacia and the Demon in his body would be the most difficult final BOSS in the world, but compared with the little girl in front, it is nothing!

“It seems that the final result, there is nothing to worry about…” Frosus sighed at the same time, but also a bit embarrassed, because the ending is not what she is willing to see, so she did not want to resurrect. Only now has been resurrect, then she has to face it.

“Why, are you sad for the ending of Acacia?” Sun Wukong watching Froze, a faint smile.

“You… can you take a life around him?” asked Fo Sun in the Sun Wukong, tentatively asked.

“Do you think that what he is doing now, is it necessary to forgive?” Sun Wukong watching, Flores, asked.

“In fact, the decision you made with him did not any difference ……” Florida Race slight sigh, said: “? No matter how …… Earth will be destroyed …… right.”

“The life of this world’s Earth is about to come to an end. You are not very clear… Earth has been cooking since ancient times, and it is mature, in recent years, when the gourmet eclipse is coming again. At the time, that is the end of Earth…”

“Earth has been cooking? Goku, you said it for the first time! Who is it? Have you been cooking Earth since ancient times? Is there such a powerful person?” Jenny Bonnie listened. Sun Wukong’s words, immediately surprised and widened his eyes.

Cooking Earth, what a great project!

“In addition to blue Nitro, who else ……” Sun Wukong faint: “Fengyun planet comes from the hundreds of millions of years ago when the food cell, Earth has been cooked with such large-scale changes in the crust, huge The impact of meteorites, volcanic eruptions, ice ages, etc. are all cooking projects to bring out the deliciousness of Earth…”

“This background story is really unfathomable!” Keya looked amazed.

“! It seems you understand very clearly what this world” Frodo game watching Sun Wukong slightly Yi Tan: “You say that is not bad, Earth via so delicious after cooking, under the effect of food cells, such as yeast The bacteria grows like this! Today’s Earth is about 659 times the original… Through this cooking project, part of the surface is exuded once in a few hundred years and turned into eight kinds of ingredients…”

“And these eight ingredients, the Western-style full meal of Earth… was discovered by Acacia and passed down to the world, so it was called the Western-style full meal of Acacia…”

“It’s unfathomable, so the cooking cycle has been carried out hundreds of millions of years it …… this blue Nitro what is for what? To spend so long a time to cook Earth? Do not tell me just to eat?” Can Ya was very puzzled and asked.

“Of course not…” Sun Wukong smiled a little: “Their purpose…is the presence of Acacia…”

“It’s Acacia again…how is everything related to him?” Purple Research snorted.

“That was hundreds of years ago…blue Nitero pair and Acacia’s first cockroach…that time, in order to meet the capture conditions of the pair fruit, in the engulfing of the fierce animal with the own level of food cells The failed blue Nitero was discovered by Acacia… But Acacia was also dying because of the pollen of Sandylik… Both sides swallowed each other’s clones in order to replenish energy. body……”

“And at that time, the blue Nitrow pair found the Demon that they were looking for in the body of Acacia… Demon of the gourmet cell…”

“What do blue Netro have to look for in the Demon? What does this have to do with their cooking?” Month asked curiously.

“The appetite passes through the food cells, and the genetic recovery continues through the generations. It constantly searches for delicious ingredients and swallows them. Once the carrier as the host dies, it will turn into a new carrier for the food spirit. Quietly waiting for the resurrect again! So the Demon of the gourmet cell is also known as the undead monster…”

“Blue Nitrow has been looking for… looking for the monster… no matter how many years…still hundreds of millions of years… they have always prepared delicious ingredients–Earth’s Western-style full meal! Waiting It appeared… and just a few hundred years ago, they finally found it in Acacia’s body… So they started collecting Earth’s Western-style meal again, and wanted to feed the monster to make it completely resurrect, because only That way, they can’t destroy it completely!”

“The original blue Nitro cooked Earth, capturing Earth’s Western-style full meal, just to feed the monster hidden in Acacia… making it completely visualized, and then completely destroying it… but why do they want to pay more? Zhou Zhang wants to kill the monster? Don’t tell me The monster is terrible? Will it threaten them? Still other reasons?” Month asked very curiously.

“Maybe there are all kinds of reasons…” Sun Wukong smiled a little.

“The Demon in Acacia…is really terrible… I have had the privilege of seeing one…” The sound of Froise flashed slightly, seemingly afraid of something: “First time… I was the first to see To the terrible monster… the terrible Ki… the appetite that can never be satisfied… I am still unforgettable…”

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