The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 84—Dangerous Seas

“Well, today’s topic is here, we still start to capture the fish treasure ANOTHER!” Sun Wukong stood up and stopped a few women who still want to continue the discussion.

“Alright, I almost forgot the business!” Jenny Bonnie hurriedly looked into the sea, his eyes full of the expression of the food: “What is the fish treasure ANOTHER looks like? I am going to catch it now!” ”

“ANOTHER will leave a beautiful river of stars in the place where I swam, in this dark sea, can be clearly seen!” Froze softly.

“So special? It would be much easier!” Jenny Bonnie nodded, taking off his coat and thinking of a fierce plunging into the sea.

“I haven’t finished talking yet…” Frosus shook his head helplessly: “Depending on the prime condition, can see a lot of stars, but those are basically ANOTHER’s fry, adult fish’s ANOTHER Habitats have only appeared once in a few hundred years, it is the center area of ​​the Black Triangle, where is the TRUE capture site of ANOTHER…”

“The center area… what are you waiting for, set off off!” Jenny Bonnie jumped on the back and rode on the back of ‘Lee’.

A few people also one by one to keep up, ‘Bela’ immediately made a loud humming sound, four hooves, just go on the air…

Although the bud is a descendant of Ma Wang, but there is no wings, can not fly, this flight of the Ability still Sun Wukong gave.

It wasn’t long before I stepped into the sea. Everyone’s eyes saw countless criss-crossing tornadoes sweeping over them!

“A big tornado! And still shaving it? It’s too weird!” Tina exclaimed, picking up the camera was a snap.

In this dangerous venue, there is still a mood to shoot, I am afraid that she is only one! As Sun Wukong’s dedicated videographer, still is very dedicated.

“Female hurricane… This is a long time ago, the footprint of the Eighth King Mother Snake in the fourth area after passing through this place…” Flores said very seriously.

“Just a tornado that can leave such a terror? These eight kings are really tossing!” Jenny Bonnie said, looking at Sun Wukong: “Would you like Goku, since you Also came here, is it necessary to leave something? For example, directly put this black triangle into a few paragraphs, and steamed what it is…”

“I am not so bored!” Sun Wukong waved his hand.

Froze continued: “In fact, there is another saying, because the tornado produced after the eight kings of the sixth region… In no matter how, this tornado road has never weakened since ancient times… So here is also the area where the food industry is forbidden in the air!”

“The area that is forbidden in the air? It is only for others, it is useless to us!” Purple Research smiled and took a picture of the bud, saying: “Crush over! Your strength is comparable to your ancestors. Can’t be compared to the remains of the other two octopus battles of his name!”

The buds screamed in an instant, and the raging flames rose in the eyes. As the king’s bloodline, its dignity may not allow it to bow!

The two air columns are now ejected from its nostrils! Like two terrible laser lasers, spurting toward the front of the tornado!


The two collided, and suddenly burst into a harsh roar, a spacious channel abruptly opened by a slap of the bud!

Presented in the criss-cross tornado, it looks like a hair-raising!

Lei opened four hoofs, and with a humming sound, he directly plunged into the channel that abruptly opened up…

At the moment when the tornado healed, the buds screamed again, and a huge passage emerged in front of them. The figure flashed, almost in the blink of an eye.

The speed is fast, almost in the blink of an eye…

The big tornado road, but within ten seconds, is safe to pass!

The buds are empty, and a roaring sound is heard against the tornado road behind them, indicating that it has successfully challenged the Eight Kings of the ancestors!

“I don’t think it is a pony king who is stronger than the Eight Kings today! Well done!” Jenny Bonnie took a back of Barry and praised it.

“Look at you… the island below the tornado… spinning around!” There was a sudden exclamation of Tina’s exclamation.

A few people looked at it and saw an island spinning at an alarming rate in the whirlpool of terror!

“There is a tornado in the sky, there are raging waves and whirlpools in the sea, and even the islands that are spinning… This black triangle is really a well-deserved name! It is impossible to pass through the area without being innocent!” The face is amazing.

Just the words just fell, the sea below suddenly surged, and there was a pair of empty big eyes, open like a tsunami-like horrible mouth, and they bite away to Sun Wukong…

The size of the big, even if the bud restores the body, it is like a baby in front of it!

Bofang master, sea stream beast, capture level: 1600

Without Sun Wukong, they shot, and the bud was a roar of angry! As King, I dare to have the following living beings to challenge its majesty, how this does not make it angry! When the next ringing nose hit! The terrible Ki fluctuations can be described as hiding the sky and covering the earth ! Let the owner of the wave disappear directly under one of its breath!

However, one has been eliminated, and hundreds of others have emerged at the same time!

This kind of quantity, just a single kill, can also kill soft hands! Who knows how many such monsters are in this sea… and more then this one!

The buds snarled and immediately released the pressure from King, hiding the sky and covering the earth! The waves of the original people who were so eager to move, the emotions that suddenly appeared in fear, sank into the sea, disappeared…

After following Sun Wukong, the descendants of this Mawang are also learning to hide their Ki, unlike other eight kings and those monsters, as long as they appear, they can feel the oppressive terror power! Now the bud, as long as you don’t release Ki, you can’t easily discover its strength. It has surpassed the current eight kings!

It was only with Ki of Lei, a powerful and terrible Ki that emerged from the bottom of the sea!

This Ki shows the angel, just the Ki, it is a moment of despair!

“…Ki of Lei… It seems to have brought in the whale king of one of the eight kings…” The center of the black triangle in the watch of the Froosa, the whole sea suddenly became surging, and at the same time it seemed to have been dyed. A layer of ink generally becomes evil!

With a huge wave rolling, terror is like a canr that can swallow everything. The virtual shadow is presented to several people in Sun Wukong…

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