The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 21—Assina

Figure: Yasna

The original guild “ALF (Army)” leader Xinka has died. Even the vice president, the tooth king was killed by Sun Wukong, but the ‘military’ such a guild still appears, which makes Sun Wukong has some surprises.

Of course, these are not the main points. The point is that the figure that is covered under the black robe is the focus of Sun Wukong.

Although he couldn’t see the face, Sun Wukong was able to use his cheating knowledge to find out the specific information of the black robe: Asuna, level: 25, HP: 3865…

“Yasna… I didn’t expect to meet in this situation…” Sun Wukong shook his head. Sometimes, fate is so wonderful. When you look for it, you can’t find it. When you don’t find it, suddenly Appeared.

Just as Sun Wukong felt, Lieer had already walked over with anger…

This kind of road is not fair, and the kind-hearted sister paper always loves nosy.

“Hey! How many of you, joining the guild is something you want, how can you force others? And want to charge? Too much!” Lieer glared at the members of the guilds of the ‘army’. The face is angry.

“This is the thing of our guild, and it is not yours outsiders!” A man looks at the flame Ki arrogant watching by Lieer, full of disdain.

“Don’t say that! People are a beautiful woman! Courtesy!” Another man’s two-eyed watching by Lieer, a smirk: “How, beauty, do you want to join our ‘military’ guild, as long as Join the ‘army’, everyone will help each other in the future, not to eat and wear, but also to ensure that no one will dare to bully you in the future!”

“Help each other? It’s like you. It’s ironic!” These people in front of Lieer’s disgusted watching, because of the experience of being bullied to surrender equipment and apology, so she is now The kind of people are disgusted and disgusted in their hearts.

“Hey! The mouth is quite poisonous! But I like women like you!” An uncle said, reaching out and touching the face of Lieer…

Only his right hand just stretched out, and he saw a flash of cold, accompanied by screams, the man’s arm was broken!

“Ah! My hand! My hand! Bastard, do you dare to attack me? Do you know who the labor is? Labor capital is Captain of the ‘army’ fifth squad, offended me! You are waiting for the killing of our entire guild “The man yelled at his broken arm and shouted, and looked at Sun Wukong with a vicious face.” I want to use my identity to shock Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong is a slight sigh: “Hey! I’ve been stupid like you, how many years have I not met…”

The so-called Captain listened, suddenly furious, and yelled at his companion: “Bastard, what are you doing stupidly? Let me kill him!”

“But Captain… It’s inside the circle, it’s a safe zone, not a PK…”

“…grass! Kid, you are lucky, but you don’t think about going out of this town! Otherwise, you will wait to die!” Captain’s face was arrogant, and his disgusting face was still threatening people. : “If you want to live, you will give your money and gimmicks a mistake, and you will be satisfied with your work. Maybe you will let me go with mercy!”

“This game, really is to let those who are evil people exposed to the sun?” Sun Wukong faintly watched a few eyes, the expression is dull, because of this garbage, even his qualification for angry is not !

In the hands of [Reverse Man], he took out a dazzling sword flower, and then gently sent it forward, ‘pfff’, the long sword had already penetrated the so-called Captain’s chest!

“From the beginning of your speech, your life is not your own!” Sun Wukong looked dull. Killing a person, for him, there is no any difference with a grass.

Suddenly, there is no sign!

The people in the field and the players around them saw this scene and they were shocked and wide-eyed!

“You…you…you…” The so-called Captain looked at Sun Wukong with a look of horror. There was an incredible color in his eyes: “Here… isn’t it… safe area? Why are you… the army will be I reported…” The words have not been finished, it is turned into data dissipated!

“God! He! He! Did he actually kill in the safe area?”

“How come? This is impossible! Not to say… Is the circle absolutely safe?”

For a moment, the crowd watching is full of horror, a look of stunned!

If the “circle” that is said to be absolutely safe is no longer safe, how will their lives be protected? In this dangerous world, I am afraid I have to be afraid of sleeping.

“Goku…” was also shocked by Lieer. Just wanted to stop, suddenly remembered the indifferent eyes before Sun Wukong, and the words he said: “If you want to stay with me, you have to adapt to me!” The steps taken suddenly became deadlocked…

“Bastard! Do you know who you are killing? You are doing this, are you telling us about the whole army? Do you know?”

The remaining members of the army all looked at Sun Wukong with horror, and the hands of the weapons were a little trembling! I hope to use the ‘military’ guild, which is restricted to Sun Wukong. In the face of death, people are afraid and afraid!

Sun Wukong ignored it, but ruthlessly slashed one of the swords to one of them…

But seeing the black shadow flashing, ‘叮’, the two swords were attacked, and it was the Asuna that was shrouded in the black robe that blocked Sun Wukong’s life-threatening sword!

“What are you doing?” Sun Wukong watching Asuna, her brow furrowed, it was very uncomfortable.

“They are troublesome…but they are not dead, you…no need to kill the killer?” There was a voice full of angry under the black robe.

Yes, Asuna is very angry now! She is all good, this is an excessive kindness that makes people very disgusted and unhappy!

In this case, if she does not save, then she is not Asuna.

“The sense of kindness is really ridiculous!” Sun Wukong is now watching Asuna, and it is really very uncomfortable. This kind of enemies are not going to go, but the character to be saved is his most troublesome.

The figure was suddenly flashed out of behind Asuna, ‘pfff’, accompanied by screams, and one person was pierced by Sun Wukong’s sword!

“You!” Asuna was furious and shouted, and a sword stabbed in toward Sun Wukong! However, it was a misplaced position on Sun Wukong’s right foot, stuck in her left foot, and Azna immediately before the angry, an unstable, ‘啪’, directly wrestling to the ground!

While Sun Wukong turned around, the ancient sword in his hands turned into four afterimages. The precise stab in the throat of the remaining four people, the key attack, plus the high damage of Sun Wukong itself, instantly emptied all their blood… …

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