The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 48—The Hand of Titan

“I am still afraid that you suddenly ran away. I didn’t expect to send it to the door. It is not too small to be bold!”

“That…do it…is it okay?” A man watched his three companions, and when he looked at Silica and Asuna, he couldn’t bear it. After all, they were cute little loli, one was beautiful. Girl.

“I feel a bit embarrassed…” Since someone spoke up, another man was also attached.

“That line, if you two can’t, you can quit now…” The man in front is very simple, with contempt in his tone.

The two men looked at Rozella and looked at them. They struggled for a while, and still chose to listen to the words of their favorite woman. If people are happy, they will be themselves. This is a rare opportunity for performance.

“Hey, you bad guys, just lie to me once, what do you want to do this time? Do you think we are bullying?” Silica hands on her hips, the four faces in front of angry watch, and the one behind is not tight. Slowly approaching Rozella.

“In fact, we just want to ask you how to tame the pterosaur in the end, because we tried it according to the message you gave in the morning, it is not good, we will be attacked by the pterosaur as soon as we get close.”

“I told the truth, I didn’t lie to you!” Although the other party said that he was polite, but he doubted his own words, Silica said that he was very mad.

“So, you are not going to tell the secret?” The front man’s facial expression suddenly sank.

Because it took more than a month to open the service, there was no way to tame and tamper, so they suspected that Silica deceived them.

“Silica, back, this group of people is not really wanting to ask what the method of taming the pterosaurs, they are looking for trouble!” Asuna blocked Silica behind her, serious face.

“The little sister is very understandable!” Rozella twisted her waist and walked to the front of the four men. She looked at Asuna and looked arrogant and plain. It seemed that everything was in her control: “Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance! Let me tell me how to tame and make the devil. Then, if possible, I hope that the little sister can give me the ring!”

“Sure enough, I am playing the idea of ​​the ring! It seems that you have not given up!” Asuna looked coldly at Lozelia.

“Prey, which is pegged by our orange guild – the hands of the Titans, will not give up easily!” Rozella’s mouth appeared as if it were a poisonous smile.

“Orange Guild – Titan’s Hand? Are you a murder guild?! don’t tell me The recent murders are all about you?” Asuna’s facial expression changed slightly, and the face became an angry.

In SAO, if a player commits a crime on the system such as theft, injury, or murder, the arrow will change from the usual green to orange. Therefore, the perpetrator is called an orange player, and his guild is called an orange guild.

As for the Sun Wukong Super Red Name, it is an alternative.

“You are right, I am evaluating the strength of the team, while waiting for them to get a lot of money in the adventure, the time to become a fat sheep… And now, isn’t it a rare opportunity?” Rozella said, Looked at the pterosaur on Silica’s shoulder and the ring on his finger. Use your tongue to gently lick your mouth~ lips, and your eyes are revealing.

As long as she has the value of the shot, she will not be soft.

“Kill…the murder guild? But their arrows are obviously green!” Silica was shocked when she heard the news. In her world, if she couldn’t look good, the lesson would be, but never I want to kill.

“Oh ~~ It’s a naive little girl. It seems that you haven’t figured out what the situation is! The reason why our Peugeot is green, because we never do it ourselves, just as a guiding task that’s all!” Rozella Watching Silica, a mockery of the face.

“Sister Assna, sorry… I want to get into trouble…” Silica immediately apologized to Asuna and her face was scared.

“So Miss Swordsman, after knowing our identity, should you leave the little sister and run away alone?” Rozella looked at Asuna and smiled.

“Sister Assina… is not the one you said!” Silica immediately replied loudly, while looking forward to Asuna. Because she is afraid of being abandoned.

“Oh… little sister… can’t be too full! In this dangerous moment, it is most important to keep your life! Because as long as it is not a fool, you will choose to leave, right, swordsman. Miss?” Rozella looked at Asuna, with a warning message in her eyes.

“I am not a scum like you!” Asuna said, patted Silica’s shoulder and smiled softly: “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you!”

Silica’s original worried heart immediately warmed up and her face hangs a smile.

“Are you really a fool?” Rozella watched Asuna, her face became gloomy, and she fell back a few steps, hiding behind the four men, coldly said: “What are you doing, killing? they!”

The four men immediately surrounded Asina and Silica…

Now even if they want to use ‘transfer crystallization’, it will not work, because the transmission is a countdown, during which time it will be attacked and interrupted.

Just at the for a moment, Asuna was the first to launch an attack!

She used a fine sword, and the speed of the move was very fast. She only saw her petite and the body flashed, and she was the first to attack a man in front of him!

It was only when she launched the attack that she left room and did not issue a fatal attack. This kind of mentality towards the enemy is also wrong at first!

But I have to say that Asuna’s skill is also very powerful! And her level is higher than the other, and the damage is naturally considerable.

Just a sword, it is the deduction of one third of the other’s blood.

“Be careful, her attack is very high!” The man immediately reminded his companion.

Asuna hit a hand, the other three attacks have arrived, only to avoid the attack of two people, but was cut behind the back of one person, deducting more than one hundred blood.

“Bina!” Silica snorted, and the pterosaur flew to Asuna’s side, and the healing light shrouded her, adding back the amount of blood she lost.

All four were brows, one of them said: “You deal with her, I will clean up the little girl!”

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