The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Fifth 12 Chapter of the Dead Hall

Sun Wukong did not answer the words of Asuna, but looked at Silica: “Go, my brother took you to see the goldfish, no, my brother took you to leveling, we just have to explore ~ ​​to get a new map, to ensure that Very exciting, and there are new friends to introduce to you, can’t go?”

“New map? Friends? I am going! I am going!” Silica was immediately attracted. At the same time, there are some concerns: “But I am afraid of dragging your fall back…”

“You have this ring, you can’t go there!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Alright! I still have Bina, I can definitely help you…” Silica immediately nodded with a happy nod.

Asuna watched Sun Wukong for a while, and she was very determined: “I will go too!” Looking at that look, I can’t refuse it.

“Welcome! Add a friend, re-know, my name is Sun Wukong!”

“No one doesn’t know your name…” Asuna spoke up and sent a friend request to Sun Wukong: “I am Asuna, she is Silica!”

Sun Wukong immediately agreed, and Silica’s friend application was also sent, and still agreed.

“Let’s go! Let’s go to the fifth floor with ‘transfer crystal’, let’s see you!”

Watching Sun Wukong, who was wrapped in white light and disappeared, Asuna turned and looked at Silica with a serious look: “Do you really want to team up with him to level up?”

“Yeah! Goku doesn’t look like a bad person!” Silica looked naive.

“The murder is not blind, isn’t such a person bad?” Assena Watching Silica, I don’t know what to say. It seems that her behavior of killing people at Sun Wukong is still a bit ridiculous.

“But… I think Goku is very good…”

“Forget it, let’s go to the fifth floor!” Asuna watched Silica, took out the ‘transfer crystal’ and sent it away with Silica…

Sun Wukong took Asuna and Silica to the entrance to the underground tomb, so that she was surprised by Lie, because she had seen both Asuna and Silica, but she didn’t ask much if she was smart. .

After you introduce yourself, you will know it.

Sun Wukong first jumped into the hole ~ hole, each and every one caught them and began the TRUE exploration of the underground tomb.

As soon as Silica entered, she was scared at first. Instead, Asuna only frowned and her performance was very calm.

Although Sun Wukong also saw the tension in her heart, it was only a good cover, but it was much stronger than the first time they came here by Lie.

Once again, I came to the underground tomb, Sun Wukong, they are familiar, because here they have been waiting for a few days.

Last night they just cleaned up the monsters here, and there was no 24 hours in the past, so those zombies have not been refreshed.

Sun Wukong took a few women and walked all the way to the inside…

In the end, what appeared in front of them was a huge portal. The one carved on it was a death knight who looked very mighty and domineering! I couldn’t see the face, and a black sword with black air in my hand, surrounded by various strange runes, showing evil and unknown!

“都小心一点,这里面我们也没进去过呢!”Sun Wukong 小声的提醒了一声,一把推开了眼前的大门!

出现在他们眼前的,是一片漆黑的world ,土地是黑色的,头顶上的天空也是漆黑一片,没有任何的light !

阴冷的微分吹拂,让人遍体生寒,四周传来的无数凄厉的悲嚎,数不清的幽灵在空中来回飘荡,身躯残破的亡灵漫无目地的来回走动。只剩下骨头架子的骷髅们,或手持战斧,或手拿大刀,迈动着‘kā kā ’的脚步,来回走动着它们永远也走不完的路。

而在这群怪物的群中,每隔一段distance ,都摆放着一只宝箱,有银宝箱,有金宝箱,有Mystic/mysterious 宝箱,而在最里面的一处祭坛上,摆放着一只大大的紫色宝箱!

显然,这里是一个秘宝之地,危险与机遇并存!而四周的怪物,也显示着,这里是一个亡者的world !并非什么墓室!

“哇!好多好多宝箱啊!”Silica watching as far as the eye can see 之处,那一只只散发着宝光的诱~人宝箱,两眼都是开始冒星星了。不得不说,那么多的金的银的等大宝箱,给人的震撼力实在是太大了。


亚丝娜却是很果断的摇了摇头:“不行,这些宝箱看起来虽然非常的诱~人,但绝对不是那么容易can 拿到的,看里面的怪物,每一只头顶上的标记都是鲜红的颜色,每只起码高出我们20级,若是进去的话,跟送死没什么区别!”

“确实呢!”Silica 立马一脸泄气的垂下了头。

Sun Wukong 神识一扫,得到的信息却是:这里的亡灵最低都是60级,最高达到了75级。

can 看出,前面那残破的墓室,只是一个必经的不毛之地,而这里,才是TRUE 的地图核心。

“外面的怪物最低只有60级,里面最高75级,带着你们到是can 慢慢杀过去,就是不知道这里的刷新time 是不是跟外面的一样,也是24小时刷新一次!”

结衣闻言,立马闭着眼睛探查了一会儿,然后拉了拉Sun Wukong 的衣角,道“爸爸,是24小时刷新一次!”

“那到是can 慢慢清理过去!”Sun Wukong 微微一笑。

“你确定不是在开玩笑?”亚丝娜立马瞪大着双眼朝Sun Wukong 看去,很是疑惑的问道:“虽然很失礼,但是请问,你现在多少级?”


“……”亚丝娜闻言,默然的看了下自己的等级:32,再次朝Sun Wukong 看去时,只是吐出了两个字:“变态!”

“好厉害!我才22级呢!”Silica 则是满脸崇拜的小星星。

“我就当你是在夸我了!”Sun Wukong 呵呵一笑。在外面的墓室中,带着结衣刷了近三天,他的等级自然也是提升了一点。


“我先进去清出一块地方来,你们在进来……”Sun Wukong 说着,一步踏入了亡者大厅。

嘶吼声立马便是响起,天空中的三只幽灵,以及两只骷髅战斧手朝Sun Wukong 扑了过去……

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