The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The fifth chapter is the sister paper, let me go!

At this time, Yahoo, watching Sun Wukong’s back, the eyes are extraordinarily bright, it is hard to believe, as he is so young, there is such a repair, it is really amazing! However, if she was informed of Sun Wukong’s TRUE strength, I wonder if it will be shocked.

Compared with Yara, the other people at Mittel’s auction house seemed very angry. The homeowner was beaten, and it was like watching a Sun Wukong with a look of anger on the face of a fan. The enemy is stronger, but the face of the family cannot be lost!

“Hey! It seems that you are still not convinced! Let’s go together!” Sun Wukong watching everyone in the hall, provocatively hooked his fingers.

“Damn! You don’t want to be too small!” Some of the bloody young people obviously couldn’t stand the provocations of their opponents. They were so angry that they attacked Sun Wukong!

“Broken empty hand!”

“raging waves 斩!”…

Someone took the lead, and the people in the hall were brave enough to launch an attack on Sun Wukong. They suddenly screamed and screamed, and countless fighting skills greeted Sun Wukong!

“Goku, be careful!” Yasuo on the side was also shocked by this stun. It’s amazing that the fighting skills of hiding the sky and covering the earth are flying! She couldn’t help but exclaimed, after all, Sun Wukong was shot for her.

“But! A group of slag!” Sun Wukong disdained coldly snorted, an invisible swell of waves from his body, with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to attack those who attacked him. And the shadows have been sent to the earthquake! The voice of pēng pēng is endless, and the moment is already mournful! With this single blow, everyone has been shocked! No one dares to step forward.

What did Yara say was also the people of the Mittel family, so in order not to make her embarrassed, Sun Wukong did not kill! It’s just that this group of people can’t afford to be hurt!

“A group of slag, don’t look at who Laozi is, if you don’t look at the face of Yara, I will kill you all!” Sun Wukong dismissed the mouth and shouted at the crowd, then said to Yara: “This It’s really not a place to stay. I don’t know where to sell them as a commodity. I’m not as good as you, let’s go with me!”

Yalong suddenly showed a bitter smile, watching Sun Wukong, some helpless: “You are deliberate right? After you are so troubled, the family still does not hate me, the family is already without me. A foothold! Oh! It seems that I have only left!”

In this regard, Yara is also very disappointed with her family! Although it was unexpected, when things happened, she still had some resentful emotions for the Mittel family! A beautiful woman, is it really only sold as a chip? In the same way, Sun Wukong, who is holding her ups and downs, has produced a lot of good feelings!

In fact, Sun Wukong only needs to nod and can get her, but he not only gave up, but also licked a meal of Mittel Tengshan, but also said such a deeply rooted words, pure love is not allowed to be mixed with politics. Trading inside! For this, she has a great influence on Sun Wukong.

Leaving the protection of the family, as a beautiful and weak woman, it is very difficult to survive in the world of this weak meat. If you stay, waiting for Yara will obviously not be a good result. After measuring it again and again, I had a good impression on Sun Wukong. Yara still nodded and agreed to leave with Sun Wukong! I plan to find a stable place in the future, and I will forget it forever! However, on the Sun Wukong thief boat, can you really get away?

And those who had heard the news and wanted to tie up the three big families of Sun Wukong, after learning about the misfortunes of Mittel’s auction house, fled, they were full of expectation and ambition, but now they avoid it. Not too late, I am afraid that I am mad at the upper body, people’s hearts, it is really unpredictable.

Leaving the Mittel auction house, Sun Wukong and Yalong walked down the street. Sun Wukong, who is next to the watch, is a little red, and this feeling, how can there be a feeling of elopement?

“Ya, do you know how the Xiao family is going? Take me to Xiaojia!” Sun Wukong, who was looking around curiously, suddenly turned to Ya.

Yara couldn’t help but slammed down, and a bad premonition rose: “You…what do you want to do? Wouldn’t you want to go to Xiao’s home to break it?”

“How come! I am like that kind of scam? I just go to Xiaojia to play! Let’s take the lead!”

“Playing?” Yahoo couldn’t help but see Sun Wukong. As one of the four major families, Xiao’s family is a place where people want to play and play. This guy is clear and uneasy!

When I came to the family of Xiaojia, the atmosphere here was extraordinarily solemn and solemn. It seems that something big is about to happen.

Yara could not help but frown, and some surprised: “How is this Xiao family so quiet today? Is there a moving figure?”

Sun Wukong thought about it and also knew about it: “don’t tell me is Nalan’s retreat? This is a good show!” He said, pulling up the hand of Yalong, his body flashed. Instantly entered the Xiao family’s family, the two gatekeepers still stood straight at the door, did not find any noise.

Come to the hall where the Xiao people receive guests, and there are a lot of people around here. When Sun Wukong and Yara arrived, they heard the voice of an old man coming out of the hall: “After asking the lord, the Sovereign Master knows that she has a relationship with the Xiao family, so… so the Sovereign wants Please Xiao patriarch, can …… lifted the marriage contract.”

“Hey! It’s really a dismissal of the marriage contract! This Xiao Yan is really tragedy!” Sun Wukong looked at the hall of gloating.

The people outside the hall apparently discovered him and Yahoo, Sun Wukong was ignored by the crowd, and they all looked at the glamorous glamour. Just as these people were excited to say hello, Yara put his finger on the lips and made a squeaking gesture, pointing to the hall. This group of people have been blushing and not making a sound, it seems that the charm of beauty is amazing! They all looked at the hall, and they were very concerned about the result of this matter.

As for what happened at the Mittel auction house, the people of the Xiao nationality have not yet learned, who called Nalan to pick this time to dissolve the marriage contract! The Xiao’s intelligence personnel have not had time to tell this story to their patriarchs!

“Hey!” The jade cup in the hands of Xiao Zhan was suddenly pinched into powder.

In the hall, the atmosphere was a little quiet. The three elders above were shocked by Ge Ye’s words. However, after a while, they looked at Xiao Zhan’s eyes and had a bit of sarcasm and ridicule.

“hey hey, being forced to dismiss the marriage contract, see your patriarch, what prestige administration family will be in the future!”

Some young teenagers and girls asked the parents around me to inquire about the beginning and the end of the matter, the expression on their faces became wonderful, and the ridiculous sarcasm, they all turned to Xiao Yan in the corner. At this moment, Sun Wukong really gave birth to a really pitiful feeling of this guy. I can’t bear it in my heart: “Hey! It’s a poor baby! I just got forced to retreat. If I turn Xiao Yuer away at this time, will he run down? Hey hey ~~ ”

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