The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 6 The same forced marriage

At this time, Xiaofei’s facial expression, Tieqing, clenched his fists, and the faint blue temper gradually covered his body. In the end, he faintly gathered in the face into an illusory lion’s head. This is the top of the Xiao family: mad lion roar! The level is a meta-level! In this small Utan city, it is also a good method.

Looking at the reflection of Xiao Zhan, Ge Ye face also dignified, the body blocked in front of Nalan, the eagle-like hands slammed together, the blue vindictiveness gathered in the talons, exuding small and fierce Sword gas. This is the high-level practice of Yunzong Zong, Aoki Sword! Level: Xuanjie low-level!

Sun Wukong is not interested in this arrogant atmosphere. His eyes glance at the situation in the field. Although he has not seen the people here, but they are roughly figured, he is already guessing.

Blocked in front of the beautiful and beautiful girl should be Ge Ye, then, the girl behind him is obviously Nalan.

The middle-aged man who is opposed to Ge Ye is obviously the current patriarch of the Xiao nationality, that is, Xiao Yan’s father, Xiao Zhan. Sun Wukong swept his eyes again. Finally, in a corner, she found a beautiful girl who was as beautiful as Qinglian. At this time, she was comforting a teenager with a facial expression.

Even if I have never seen it, Sun Wukong will recognize at a glance who this girl is, who can grow so beautiful and beautiful, not like a fireworks girl, I am afraid that there is only that Xiao Xun, and the one next to her Juvenile, obviously this is the hero of this tragedy, Xiao Yan.

In addition to Nalan and Xiao Xun, there is also a girl who caught the attention of Sun Wukong. It was a girl who seemed to be only about fourteen years old. Although it was not a stunning color, the childish little face was filled with a touch of purity and flattery. The contradiction between the two also made her The posture has greatly improved a lot. And a girl who can grow like this, I am afraid that only the character is more realistic Xiaomei.

With the eruption of Xiao Zhan and Ge Ye Ki, among the weaker teenagers in the hall, his face was fierce and white, and his chest was a little stuffy.

Just as the breathing of Xiao Zhan became more and more urgent, the three elders screamed, but it sounded like a thunder in the hall: “Xiao Zhan, still can’t stop! You don’t forget, you are the patriarch of Xiao family. !”

Xiao Zhan’s body was fierce and stiff, his body’s vindictiveness slowly converges, and finally disappears completely.

Sitting on the chair with a buttock, Xiao Zhan’s face looked indifferently and looked at Nalan’s voice, and the voice was a little hoarse. “Nana’s daughter-in-law, so good, Naran’s daughter, it’s really amazing. I’m jealous!”

Nalan stunned her body slightly, and said: “Uncle Xiao…” She didn’t want to, but as a woman, she also yearned for free love. I have never met Xiao Yan, how can I grow old with him? I used to have no Ability to resist, so I can only accept it. Now I have Ability. If I change to be a girl, I am afraid I will do it. Perhaps this is a great insult to the parties, but for Nalan, it is about the happiness and freedom of her life.

“Oh, let me be the chief of the Xiao family, the title of the uncle, I can’t afford it, you are the lord of the future Yunzong, and the future is also the man of the mainland. My family is just the Latent Talent, but it is indeed I can’t deserve you…” A faint wave of waving, Xiao wary and indifferent.

“Thank you for the understanding of the Xiao patriarch.” Wen Yan said that Ge Ye was overjoyed and smiled at Xiao Zhan: “The chief of the Xiao family, the lord knows that this request is very rude, so it is specially brought to bring something down. As a gift!”

Said, Ge Ye reached out and wiped a Ring on his finger, and a green box of green jade appeared in his hand…

Carefully open the box, a strange smell filled the hall, the smell is one of the spiritual.

The three elders curiously stretched their heads and looked at the jade scorpion. The body slammed and shouted: “Gathering Ki?”

“Is it really a group of country people, so the garbage of the drug, is it worth making such a fuss?” Sun Wukong for the performance of the three elders, but a look of disdain! This kind of backcountry place is just like this.

“Hey, that’s gingering Ki! Is there a can bear that you said?” Well, now Yap, her eyes are limited to that’s all.

“Don’t be so fussed, like a countryman who has never seen the world, you are now following up with a brother, and you can be regarded as a person with status and status. At that time, I will let you know what is called TRUE!” Sun Wukong took a scent of the scent of Yalong. Ok, this guy is arranging the tofu that’s all in the family.

Yalong suddenly glanced at Sun Wukong, and the other kind of feminine style, watching Sun Wukong’s heart could not help but sway: “Who is following you, I am only temporarily forced to help, only to follow that’s all around you… We are all small people, how can we compare with a strong person like you!”

“What little person, as long as you promise to be my mistress of the fort, even if the Emperor sees you, he has to be obedient to become a grandson!” Sun Wukong’s words can scare all the people around. Big jump, and then like him to cast a pair of eyes that you are an idiot. Not only others, but even Yara is such an expression.

“Hey, what kind of expression do you have, do you want to show you both hands?” For the eyes of Yara, Sun Wukong was unhappy, and now he picked up his sleeves and ready to go!

“Don’t! Don’t! I believe you can’t do it yet?” Yatton suddenly frightened and hurriedly took Sun Wukong. Although she still thinks that Sun Wukong is bragging, there is one thing she believes. If Sun Wukong is here, then the Xiao family will suffer.

“I… I really want to kill you!” Suddenly, there was a screaming words in the hall. Sun Wukong frowned and looked at the hall, only to see Xiao Yan’s fist clenched, dark eyes Aura with a raging blaze.

“Is this guy finally irritated?” Sun Wukong groaned, but when he saw Nalan’s frightened facial expression, some of the turned face’s pretty face, the heart suddenly rose into an unknown anger. . Nalan is a sister paper he valued! My own sister paper, let others bully? This is really a tolerable, but I can’t bear it! The time for heroes to save the beauty is here! Sun Wukong hurriedly opened the crowd and rushed into the hall. Yahoo wanted to stop and couldn’t stop it. He could only help but go in!

“Hey, hello! In this case, is it really appropriate to say such a delicate girl? You look scared by people… I said, you are still not a man?” Sun Wukong will be in front of him. A young man who refused to let the road and glared at him slammed into the ground and walked into the hall. A sound is full of gunpowder! After playing for a while, he was finally domineering to go on stage.

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