The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 74—The Sword of the Supreme

But as a result, countless tragedies have been staged in the various novice villages.

Raiders NPC is not that easy.

If the task conditions associated with the NPC are not triggered, the NPC will not care about you at all. If you are stalking, you will be allowed to return to the city for free.

More exciting players, listed by the novice village is not welcome, seeing and playing, and then shutting you for a few days, can be described as miserable.

In this game initial stage, being shut down for a few days, it is better to delete the number and replay.

In short, countless players have been tragedy because of the word ‘Attendant’, and thousands of players have been forced to delete the number and replay, but no one has been followed by Attendant.

For a moment, the official forum has exploded.

At this time, Sun Wukong is looking at the properties of the watch card.

It’s a good deal to use a hidden transfer reel in exchange for such a beautiful and powerful beauty.


Grade: golden

Occupation: Sword Lord (Sword damage + 50%; sword speed + 30%;)

LV: 15 (in seal)

HP: 5285/5285

Skills: Hurricane 斩 (5 level), Frost Sword 诀 (5 level), drunk worship peach (3 level), sword out of the dragon tour (2 level).

The skill level has not changed, but HP has decreased, because the NPC and the player Attendant’s blood volume is naturally different, which is like the player has a big difference with the monster’s HP.

The rating is also sealed to the 15 level, since the Attendant or pet is rated no higher than the owner’s 5 level, while the card’s original rating is 50. Also in other words, as long as it is before the 50 level, Sun Wukong will automatically upgrade one level per level, until the 50 level, then the experience upgrade is required.

There is no specific attribute, and it really does not look good or bad, but if you look at the profession [Sword of the Supreme], you can really be strong, the sword attack increases 50%, and the speed of the sword increases by 30%, which is for the ordinary players. In fact, the gap is not that big.

This is not very obvious in the early stage, but when it is in the later period, it can show the power of its TRUE. Think about it, people hit you 10,000 blood, you hit someone 10,000 five, plus attack speed, others Cut a sword, but you can cut two swords, this is the gap!

“The original hidden occupation is like this. It is almost like the special skills in the original Sao!” Sun Wukong watching [Sword of the Supreme] description, faintly shook his head: “This sing in the end still Sao original The main game of the game, retaining the original game settings. But looking at this effect, it seems pretty good!”

At the moment, the card is pulling his own form, and it is also very excited and excited: “This is the “Sword of the Supreme”? It is really amazing! [Jian Sheng] can not be compared with it!”

“[Jian Sheng]?” Lifa Man is curious about watching cards.

“Well, [Jian Sheng] was originally my profession, the effect is sword attack + 25%, sword speed + 10%, compared with [Sword of the Supreme], the gap is really big! It is a legendary sword The highest profession of the sergeant!” Carlyfa explained with excitement.

“Then you have to use it!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Yes! I will not be in the eyes of the Lord, and will sweep away all the enemies that hinder you!” Karu Lama stood on one knee, full of revered watching Sun Wukong, swearing her life vows.

At this moment, Lifa suddenly exclaimed: “Ah! This time is all right! No, I have to go!”

“What can you do?” Sun Wukong looked at Lifa.

“I won’t tell you!” Lifa said, posing to Sun Wukong, his body gradually faded: “Oh, oh, abnormal uncle!”

“Let me call me a metamorphosis uncle…” Watching Lifa thoroughly disappeared, Sun Wukong is hey hey smile: “It’s really not long-term memory! Wait until next time, see how I can repair you!”

Saying, the head turned to Karuola and looked at it: “After hearing the 10 level, there is a copy of the can brush, you know?”

“Copy, please come with me!” said Karuola, twisting his waist and leading the way.

Sun Wukong followed, watching the card like Rana provoked the 0 fire body, feeling the pressure is great, this has been a bit too long to hold. It’s hard to start with a little loli.

Not long after, under the leadership of Kara, they came to the copy hall together, and walked to an Angel statue, Kara pointed to the Angel statue in front of him and said: “It is here, you only need to touch the statue. , the relevant information will pop up, select the copy you want to enter!”

“So?” Sun Wukong nodded, and naturally placed his hand on the inflated side of Angel’s chest.

The card behind the “…” is like a black line. It is very silent. Sun Wukong has a glance: “Can you be serious? The convenient of the sculpture is also occupied?”

“She is so high, I don’t touch this touch?” Sun Wukong was very calm and asked, but the operation in his hand did not stop, just 10 level, he only had a copy can choose.

“Are you sure to challenge the final desperate difficulty Bison Ridge? Friendly reminder, desperate copy is very difficult! Please choose carefully!”


In an instant, the body of Sun Wukong, the knot, and the Karula were wrapped in a layer of white light, and they disappeared.

And just after they disappeared, Sao in a look at The Lookout was a helpless watching picture: “Goku is also true… but this reminds me…” In her own words, I saw that she called out a virtual menu and tapped it a few times. The Angel in the copy hall suddenly turned into a giant statue with a height of ten meters in a white light!

“hum hum ~ see how you feel now…” Sao’s face is proud, thinking about it, plus a layer of protection system, as long as someone dares to make a wretched move, to ensure a terrible force The bomb flew out.

Watching Elite Buffalo in front of the red font, the card looks like a shocking watching Sun Wukong: “Lord… Lord! Are you sure you have not chosen the wrong difficulty? You are sure that we three will challenge this final despair Difficult?”

“Of course, how, fear?” Sun Wukong watching a shocked Karu Lahe smiled.

“How is it possible!” Karu Lama immediately said with pride: “How can I be scared by this scene? Since the Lord wants to try, even if it is broken, I will not leave!”

“Reassured, I know that Attendant only has one life, I will not make fun of your life!” Sun Wukong patted the card, and he smiled: “Let you die, I can’t bear it!”

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