The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 73—Attendant

PC: One drawing, Attendant card.

“Your understanding of the sword seems to have surpassed my sword-technical instructor…” Ka Ruola’s amazed watching Sun Wukong, his eyes exude a strange light: “No, even my teacher. I can’t do this either! It seems that among the strangers, there is no ubiquitous person. I don’t know if I am lucky. Please guide me?”

“No! Another NPC wants to learn from him? Who is the mentor? Who is the NPC?” Lifa watched the scene at this time, and was shocked again.

When others play games, they all learn from NPC, please NPC, Sun Wukong is good, and in turn, NPC is learning from him and please him! This game is also playing a new realm.

“It is my pleasure to be able to serve beautiful women. You can come to me at any time to ensure that you are in a hurry… Oh, no, it is to guide you!” Sun Wukong watching Karula, hehe smiled.

“Then we will say this!” Karuola watching Sun Wukong, a look of joy, learning stronger swordsmanship, is her long-cherished wish, and she, from Sun Wukong, saw her get stronger path of.

“Of course!” Sun Wukong smiled and saw that this charm is so high that even NPC can’t stop it.

“Although I really want to ask you about it now, but I still have a job now, so I can only stop here!” Ka Ruola regretted, and reached out to Sun Wukong: “Hold your hide.” Give me the professional scroll, I will activate it for you!”

Sun Wukong opened the inventory, took out the reel, and handed it to Karu. Before he just took it out and showed it to Ka Ruola, but there was no transaction for her. This time, it was really the reel traded to Karula.

After the card was carefully observed for a while, Karuola suddenly shocked and widened his eyes: “Hey? This… this scroll…not Juggernaut…Yes…Yes…is in the legend …how can it… such a career really exists?!”

In the shock, Kara’s eyes flashed a thick tan.

Sun Wukong saw a slight wrinkle, and the girl’s heart raised the idea of ​​killing people.

For a moment, Ka Ruola only pressed the strong one and took it into the existing impulse. He shook his head and removed his gaze. His face was full of regrets: “These precious things are not mine… really It’s a pity!” said, looking at Sun Wukong: “If there is no restriction on the Lord God, I really want to kill people and sell them, and take it as already!”

“You are very honest!” Sun Wukong watching Karu La, the original unhappiness disappeared in the heart, the brain flashed abruptly, suddenly slammed: “No, an NPC, why will it show this scroll Strong temptation and yearning? Don’t tell me What hidden missions are not?”

Together, Sun Wukong looks like a card, but it smiles slightly: “If you like, send you!”


Not only was Lifa surprised, but even Karula was shocked, and his face was incredibly watched by Sun Wukong. The excited tone was stuttering: “You… what are you talking about? You said… Is it for me?!”

“Of course! A professional scroll that’s all!” Sun Wukong said indifferently: “It’s not worth mentioning for you!”

Well, indeed, this scroll can be seen as a precious level as long as it is not stupid. If you change it to any player, I am afraid it will not be told to give it to a NPC that I just met. After all, this is just a game.

But Sun Wukong is different. Is this scroll precious? precious! But is it precious in the eyes of Sun Wukong? It’s not worth it, let alone compare it with the beauty in front of you.

“You…you…” Karuola watched Sun Wukong, and the pretty face suddenly turned red. He was excited and excited: “I am very glad that you can say this! But maybe you still don’t know its preciousness, I will just say it! If you get it, you can be the strongest swordsman in the world! No one!”

“I am already the strongest, so I don’t need it! If you like it, take it!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“You…” Karu Lama glared at her eyes. She looked at Sun Wukong and looked at the scrolls in her hands. In the hesitation, she became more and more determined: “This scroll, for the swordsman. It’s more important than their lives, because this is the target that a swordsman pursues throughout his life! I have to say that I really want to reject your kindness, but it’s hard to resist the temptation!”

“Hurry up! It’s so much nonsense!” Sun Wukong waved his hand, and watched the expression of a card like this, it is appropriate to want to be with you! This is not my intention! I just want to play a game well, trigger a hidden task that’s all, I really didn’t think there would be a sister paper sticker!

Ka Ruola was so excited that he shivered a little, holding a scroll, and chanting a series of spells that he couldn’t understand. When the last spell fell, the scroll suddenly burst into dazzling golden rays, turning into a rain-like glow. Her body melted into her body.


“Cheng…successful…” At this time, Karuola trembled with excitement, and then stood respectfully in front of Sun Wukong, and performed the highest master and slave etiquette: “My name is like a card, thank you. The gift, I wish to swear by the sky, follow your left and right, and never give up, life and death!”

At the same time as for a moment, Sun Wukong also appeared a message: “Congratulations, accept Attendant ‘Cara’!”

Even if they agreed or not, Karula directly became Sun Wukong’s Attendant. Attendant, the meaning of followers in Divine, is similar to the meaning of pets.

With for a moment, whole “God of God” over the sky, once again recalled the system’s announcement: “Congratulations to the player Sun Wukong, successfully conquered the swordsman instructor ‘Kara’, the Attendant system is open! Because the player is the first to accept Attendant’s players, their Attendant ‘Karu La’ grade automatically upgrades one level! Hope players continue to try hard, get their own Attendant early!”

The announcement has been repeated ten times, and it has made the “God of God” lively.

“It’s Sun Wukong, what is he going to do?”

“I am going! He even received the swordsmanship instructor? Would you be so exaggerated? What kind of enchanting is this Sun Wukong in the end?”

“Kararu? Listen to the name seems to be a woman! I am going, this game can also conquer NPC beauty? Wow kā kā! Attendant, I am coming!”

“The widow of the village head is my! Who will rob me! Who am I desperate with!” A player suddenly abandoned his companion, ran into the monster group with a look of wretchedness, and returned to the city free of charge. A private house ran…

In the same situation, it is staged in countless novice villages!

The word Attendant suddenly aroused the passion of all players! Beauty Attendant, who doesn’t want it?

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