The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 90 The Devil’s Chapter Shark

Devil’s Chapter Shark, grade: blue BOSS, LV: 60, HP: 325000/325000

As the name suggests, this is the head shark. The head of the shark, the body of the octopus, looks 狰狞terror, just like it, you have to scare countless people afraid to start it.

Although it is only a blue grade, I believe that this devil’s chapter shark is more terror than the average red BOSS. Just because of the huge body, countless terrible tentacles, it can be drawn, it is definitely not a good master.

“60-level blue BOSS, it seems difficult to break it!” Sun Wukong looked at the face of the devil’s chapter shark in front of the face, and finally fixed his eyes on its mouth, the corner of the mouth, could not help but emerge a touch of light radian.

The right foot is in the water, and the figure is just like a flying arrow.

At the same time, the devil’s cap shark obvious found Sun Wukong, and immediately screamed, a dozen terror and disgusting feet spurred toward Sun Wukong!

That scene is like a dozen giant water snakes wandering around Sun Wukong around 0…

Sun Wukong hurriedly moved in the water, shuttle back and forth in more than a dozen feet. 0 was moved. Rao was the siege of the devil’s shark. He always safely evades from the slits and moves in the water. It is like a fish, free and unobstructed, and they look at the rear of Asuna, they are stunned.

When I got closer, I saw that the devil’s cap shark suddenly opened its sharp-mouthed bloody mouth and bite down at the near-influenced Sun Wukong!

This time, Sun Wukong did not dodge, but the moment of autonomous biting down the Devil’s Chapter Shark, it was already the speed of the flying fish into the mouth of the Devil’s Chapter Shark…

“Ah! Goku’s brother was eaten!” Silica immediately exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, Dad won’t have anything to do!” Yu Jie immediately explained: “It is Dad who himself entered the mouth of the devil’s shark. It seems that Dad has found that it is difficult for the devil’s shark to get an effective attack outside. So I want to enter the body to attack!”

“Into the body to attack? Will not be digested?” The basket is somewhat worried.

“Really, if it is swallowed by a monster, it will automatically reduce HP every second. The value is still very terror. It doesn’t take a dozen seconds. I’m afraid I have to be digested! But I believe this effect will not be effective for Dad! “The knot is very sure to explain.

“Why? Don’t tell me, what other invincible skills does Master have?” Yuki is curious.

“Of course, Dad is omnipotent!” Yuki looked proud.

During the conversation, I saw that the devil’s cap shark suddenly screamed screamingly, his eyes were red, the spider’s bloodshot of terror was covered, the endless pain, and it made him mad, and dozens of terror’s feet were like terrible whip. In general, the destruction of the big bang!

For a moment, the water waves rolled, almost forming a terror undersea vortex, surrounded by corals and rocks under its feet, being crushed!

The HP on top of it is being reduced at an alarming rate.

“Goku is really attacking in it. This blood volume is thousands of thousands of drops…” Asuna was surprised, but before she finished talking, she saw ‘pfff’, countless The lightsaber flew out of the belly of the devil’s shark, smashing a bloody fog.

From the wound in the blood hole, Asuna was shocked to discover that countless lightsabers galloped in the body of the devil’s shark, cutting every internal viscera in it…

“In the body to display [Millions of Remnants of Light Sword], who can bear this?!” You Ji watching the scene in front of me, a look of exclamation, looking at Sun Wukong’s eyes, is also full of endless worship.

Not long after, the huge devil’s shark shark was smashed by Sun Wukong’s ruthless slaughter, and numerous blood-stained holes were pierced, blood stained the waters, and finally, with the last slash of blood, ‘啪’ , burst into countless spots to dissipate!

As it dissipated, the four-breaking foot and the broken meat were also dissipated into light spots, which were evenly stained into scarlet waters. It also restored the original clear and clear.

Sun Wukong and Asuna are both golden stars, and they are upgraded to a level.

Adding to the countless Krakens that have been killed before, Sun Wukong’s current level is already 33. And Asuna, they are also 25, 6.

The leapfrog killing, the experience is indeed terror, the quantity is so huge, the speed of the upgrade is really a rocket!

The changes in the rankings have set off an uproar, and countless players have rushed to customer service complaints. This is simply too abnormal. The speed of this level of promotion is too terror, right? Not open, who believes?

Only the official answer of “Divine” is very concise, the data is all normal, there is no BUG, ​​it is a solemn statement, “Divine” has no GM, the operation of the game, everything is done by the main brain ‘Sao’, even the Divine “The company can’t intervene. In this real virtual world, everything is possible. If you take the exit game to threaten, then they will simply say to you: Roll!

The world is such a virtual company, the sufficiency is so full, it is so arrogant.

The Devil’s Chapter Shark dropped five pieces of equipment, one red and four blue; the grades were all amazing 55. Sun Wukong didn’t even look at it and threw the equipment directly.

“Would you like to waste this? Selling money is OK!” Yuki immediately said.

“Brother is not bad money!” Sun Wukong said very plainly such a domineering words. It was in exchange for Azna that they were vividly white.

“Go! Go into this ancient ruins in the sea and hope to find clues about the dragon girl!” Sun Wukong watching the ancient relics in front of the gate.

“In fact, we directly handed the god of the sea to the Dragon King of Dragon Palace. Do you say that our mission is also completed?” asked Lieer suddenly.

“The task reminder said, to find the dragon girl, the task of handing over the sea god to the dragon king is completed. If we hand over the sea god pearl to the dragon king, we will not allow us to treat us as a thief!” Sun Wukong A touch of the road.

“There is indeed such a possibility. The task of SSS level difficulty is impossible for us to return the sea god beads even if the task is completed. The key to this task is necessarily on the dragon girl!” Yasna recognized her face. nod.

“Let’s go! If you can’t find the dragon girl, we are going to return the god of the sea, and we will search around now!” Sun Wukong said, when the first door to the ancient ruins went in…

However, when they have not been on the ancient road for a long time, countless Kraken soldiers emerged from all directions, and they were surrounded by the group!

As far as the eye can see, a piece of dense, all is the Kraken, the number is not 30,000!

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