The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 11

“Hey! This beauty, can you tell me where is this?” Sun Wukong took the two women on the street, left and right, finally stopped a beautiful woman with a pair of extremely sexy and slender legs. The woman, a face of a man with a harmless smile.

Behind the scene, Yalong turned a big white eye, she was considered a service, this guy looking for a way to ask, even pick a beautiful beauty out.

However, the smoked child saw the person in front of him, but his eyes flashed a hint of surprise. Going forward: “Sister Xiao Yu, I didn’t expect to meet you here, it’s a coincidence!”

“Xiao Yu?” Hearing the name of this beautiful woman, Sun Wukong suddenly widened his eyes, but his heart was bright: “This sister paper will not be Xiao Yan’s cousin? Not so lucky. Right? On the street, ‘just-in’ stop a sister paper and ask for directions, can you make a famous beauty out?

“You are… Kaoru? How are you here? That is also in other words, Xiao Yan, the bastard is here too? He is there? Call him out, the old lady is going to sell him! Xiao Yu was surprised to watch the Kaoru, then looked around and looked for the figure that made her hate the teeth.

“Don’t look for it, Xiao Yan brother did not come here!” Kaoru’s facial expression is calm and faint. However, my heart is shocked. If Xiao Yu appears here, it means that it is indeed the seat of Canaan City, Canaan College! In just one moment, Sun Wukong took them from the small city of Utan to the city of Canaan. How does this startling the heavens mean that she would not be surprised?

“Xunfang, what do you want?” Xiao Yu’s voice suddenly broke the meditation of Kaoru, looked at Sun Wukong next to his eyes, and then looked at the face of Kaoru’s face full of laughter: “How come you come Canaan City? Still with other people? don’t tell me Do you give Xiao Yan the bastard? Come out with this kid? I said, what the bastard has, You should have given him up!”

The facial expression of Kaoru is somewhat ugly, and he stunned Sun Wukong. If it weren’t for this guy, she wouldn’t be separated from Xiao Yan. Sun Wukong is a hey hey smile, not paying attention to the eyes of Kaoru, looking at Xiao Yu: “Look at your dress, should it be a student of Canaan College? Just happened to go to Canaan College, trouble you Take a road!”

“Well? You are going to Canaan College? I can’t do it. After that, you still have to talk to Ruo Lin’s tutor! I came out with her this time!” Xiao Yu watched Sun Wukong, and he was curious. This guy will actually get together with Kaoru, and it really makes people care! However, she is not familiar with Kaoru, and naturally it is not easy to ask.

“Yu Er! You are hiding here! Let me find it for a while.” Suddenly a woman laughter passed into Sun Wukong’s ears, a red shadow from far and near, quickly rushed over, a smile Putting Xiao Yu in his hand, the palm of his hand was very unruly, and he touched it on Xiao Yu’s waist. Then he looked at Sun Wukong, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He said with a joking voice: “I said how you bought a thing.” So long, it turned out to be a big guy! Why, don’t you introduce the introduction?”

As for a moment, not far from there is a gentle woman who came over, she is a long-awaited group of water, elegant, gentle and generous, a mature Yu sister dress.

“Y girl, go away!” Xiao Yu smiled and pushed the woman in her arms away. She turned and smiled at Kaoru: “This is my good sister at Canaan College, named Xue Ni, she But the Four Star Fighter, 1, said, referring to the gentle woman in the green dress walking in front of her, laughing: “She is the gentle and beautiful Jolin mentor! You just said Things can be said to her! As for this…” refers to the child: “She is my family, Kaoru, hey hey, pretty? But not allowed to hit her idea, people will not You are interested!” The last sentence is naturally said to Xue Ni.

Watching Snowy, Sun Wukong couldn’t help but touch his chin: “This sister paper, shouldn’t it be a lily?” Thinking about it, okay, this guy is distracted.

“What about this handsome guy? And the beauty behind him? You haven’t introduced it yet!” Xue Ni pointed to Sun Wukong, and then looked at Yalong with her eyes. I have to say that the appearance of Kaoru is indeed a little higher than that of Yalong, but it is totally inferior to the smoker when it is sucking gravity! Who is the parent who is both mature and charming! Which is the young girl who can compare.

“I don’t know these two, still ask them to introduce them directly!” Xiao Yu once again opened the snow claws of Xue Ni, said.

“My name is Sun Wukong, she is Yara, I am very happy to know a few beautiful women!” Sun Wukong politely nodded to a few people, first met with sister paper, but to leave a good influence. Said, turned to look at the gentle and watery Ruolin, smiled slightly: “You are Ruolin, right! I want to send a few people to study at the school. I want to talk to your principal, you Can you take me to school to see?”

Well, in fact, the purpose of Sun Wukong is just to have a little more chance to get along with these sister papers. That’s all, if he wants to enter Canaan College, do you need someone else to lead the way? As long as I have seen the Great Elder of Canaan College in private, what can’t be done?

“I want to go to Canaan school to go to school? Sorry, I am afraid I can’t help you. I have more than half a year from enrollment. During this period, our school is not recruiting new students!” Ruolin’s mentor is gentle, The sound is soft and pleasant. Although she refused Sun Wukong, she was unable to give rise to resentment.

“You can take me to Canaan College, and other things, I will handle it myself!”

“Well?” Ruolin was surprised to watch Sun Wukong, and his well-prepared look made her curious: “don’t tell me What kind of family is he not?”

After thinking about it, Ruolin sighed and said: “I can take you in, but Canaan College recruits new students and has their own rules. I think the final result may disappoint you! You have to be mentally good. ready.”

“Of course!” Sun Wukong’s face showed a smile of satisfaction.

“So, are you three who want to enter Canaan College?” Ruolin was curious and watched Sun Wukong three people, and finally set their sights on Kaoru. Needless to say, Kaoru’s talent, Jolin may have also made a difference in Kaoru! And Yalong’s Latent Talent on training is flat. As for Sun Wukong, Ruolin is impossible to see the slightest clue!

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