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Chapter 12 Chapter Ziyan

Sun Wukong nodded. “Yes! But there are a few people behind 10! I will bring them when I arrive!”

“Ten… a dozen?” Xiao Yu surprised and sherry surprised grew up mouth, from top to bottom, has been looking at Sun Wukong: “You really did Canaan College is your home? You know every year How many places does Canaan College only recruit? A dozen or so, you dare to speak!”

Xue Ni watched Sun Wukong, could not help but shook his head and sighed: “Oh! Unfortunately, I thought I met a handsome man, I didn’t expect my head to be bad…”

Sun Wukong listened, and the figure appeared in front of Xue Ni’s body. She watched her with her eyes wide, and the rest of her lips was a few centimeters away. Hey hey, a hot Ki, sprayed on her face, making Xue Ni’s heart is like a deer, and the facial expression is red. Although she has always been bold, she has never been so close to a man: “Sister paper, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but can’t talk nonsense! Otherwise Even if you are a beautiful sister paper, I am going to hit your little ass!”

“Ah! Oh~ yes… yes…” Xue Ni’s speech was a bit too much.

Xiao Yuru found the New World in general, and unscrupulously wiped his eyes, the exaggerated color of his face, “Heaven, isn’t it! When the woman is actually shy? I am not dreaming? Still this world is going to be destroyed. Already?”

Xiao Yu’s exclamation immediately awakened Xue Ni from her shame and returned to her usual character. She rushed to Xiao Yu’s past: “What do you say? I just teased me and owes me. right!”

Xiao Yu and the two of them were on the sidelines, but Ruolin’s heart was shocked: “The speed is so fast! I haven’t even seen the slightest traces… I’ve got such a terror repair at this age? Still said…he was originally an old monster who returned to the old boy? No wonder he dared to say such a big story. It seems that this person is not as simple as the surface!”

If this is to let Sun Wukong know that he was actually seen by a gentle teacher of the Royal Sister, he is a centuries old monster. I don’t know what to think.

“We are going back to Canaan School now, you will go back with us!” Ruolin watched Sun Wukong, a soft smile. That soft voice, how to listen, how comfortable.

“Okay, thank you very much!” Sun Wukong nodded to Ruolin and looked happy. I am looking forward to the beginning of the campus life, and I am not excited and happy!

“You two don’t bother, we have to go back to Canaan College right away!” Ruolin waved to Xiao Yu and took the lead to the Canaan College, which was in the city center.

Watching this ancient college, Sun Wukong has more emotions: “How many years have passed, I didn’t expect my Sun Wukong to have another day on campus! Although the nature is different, this feeling is still nostalgic!”

“Stand up, watch you go there, dare to play the grandmother’s idea, lively!”

Suddenly, a delicate voice came out of the campus, and then only heard a bang, accompanied by a scream, a figure suddenly flew out from the school gate, its momentum just fell to Sun Wukong!

“Well? Is this what is going on?” Sun Wukong stretched out and grabbed the fallen figure, put him on the ground, and some surprised watched the girl who flew all the way from the school! Looks like a teenager, looks so cute and charming, a face that is childish and full of anger is filled with anger at the moment, and the madman who provokes her mad is obviously the man at the foot.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much!” I thought that the bones to be broken were suddenly broken, but they were suddenly saved. At this time, I was grateful to Sun Wukong for bending, and I was grateful for a while. However, when I saw the fierce little girl who rushed out of the school gate, he immediately changed the facial expression. Suddenly he saw the sorcerer of Ruolin, and his eyes suddenly became bright. If he saw the living Bodhisattva alive, he hurriedly hid behind her. A look of miserable yelling: “If Ruin, mentor, help! I don’t know where to come from a good and cruel little loli! You are not stopping, I am sure to hang!”

“Who are you talking about Lolita?” I saw that the little girl had been near for a moment. When she heard the voice of the tragic man, she was even more angry. She jumped and punched the man in the past! The boxing wind attached to it has the power to open the mountain. It’s hard to imagine that such a small body would have such a terrible physical body power.

“This classmate, stop! Look at your dress, it should be the inner court person? How can you bully the students in the outer court?” Ruolin watched the little fist that screamed toward herself, the facial expression dignified, on it The power even felt a great danger for her. The hand hurriedly danced in front of her, and the vindictive temperament in her body became a defensive wall!

However, if the defensive hood issued by Ruolin was instantly shaken by the fist of the little girl, her fists did not diminish. She passed through Ruolin’s armpit and went straight to the man behind her!

If the punch is hit, the man will not lie in bed for a few months, and even if she is afraid, she will be injured.

“Hey! Little sister! Are you having enough trouble?” Sun Wukong grabbed the little girl’s fist and threw her how hard she couldn’t get rid of it. Her eyes flashed a bit of surprise, and her raging war was in her. The eyes are rising: “Wow! I didn’t expect that there are people like you who are so powerful in the outer court! It is much more formidable than this scum!”

“Slag man? Yeah! Shike can not be humiliated! Laozi is a proper man!” The young boy who was hiding behind Ruolin immediately screamed and jumped out with one hand and shouted: “Come on. Even if Laozi is going to die, he will die like a pure man!”

“Hey? Can’t see it, you have a bit of bones in this scum man!” Ziyan was surprised at watching the forest road. Just crying and yelling at her all the way, how is this so pure man? But when I saw a few beautiful women standing at the school gate, she didn’t know what it was!

“You guy, it’s really not changing your color! Go to hell!” Purple researched a spit in his eyes, screamed and flew out, and the scum man was kicked out again, 狠狠The fall of the grass is not far away, like a scorpion where to move straight hum hum. After seeing a classmate, I looked at the little girl with fear and lifted it away in his screams!

“It’s really a poor guy!” Sun Wukong also mourned for half a second for the guy’s misery. Released the hand of the little girl. The reason why he shot the little girl just now is because it will hurt Ruolin. As for just now, who will have nothing to save a scumman!

“That said, you look so small, it’s quite amazing! What’s the name?” Sun Wukong interested in watching the little girl, laughed.

“Ziyan! I am also very interested in you! It is better to play with me!”

“Well? Purple research?” Hearing the little girl’s self-introduction, Sun Wukong suddenly stunned and flashed a look of surprise: “I didn’t expect to encounter this little Lolita so soon!”

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