The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 157 is clearly open

The competition between the martial arts masters who have long been known to the mainland, although they are also team games, but they also have their own pride, so although it is a team-to-team competition, but they are single-on-one to win the game.

If both sides are five people, the result of the test is naturally five to three points. If they are all seven, they will win by seven to four. If one party is five people and one party is seven people, naturally, the winners and losers will be divided according to five to three.

Of course, there are people who don’t follow this rule, and they don’t agree with the heads-up. They can only win the game in a team match, but in this case, the number of obviouss has an advantage, but that can only blame you. Why not find seven people, but instead find five or six people.

However, most of the teams have already assembled seven people, only five people, six teams, in fact, very few, even if the staff is insufficient, there are backup supplements.

After Yu Xinhan won the first round of the test, the second round of the test continued.

This second round of trials, still still blue electric Tyrannosaurus team against Ziwei Stars, the two parties sent out this time are two spiritual old men, Sun Wukong look, obviously no interest, also a bit Small Unhappy: “A team game, what are the heads-ups, is it really a painful egg? Nothing to do? A swarm of bees is not enough, make such a trouble…” said, turning his eyes to the venue of the Wuhun Academy competition.

Sun Wukong also knows that the Expert has its own dignity and pride 1 pride, and has not stopped their behavior.

At this moment, the beautiful referee paper also announced the first test results: “Congratulations to the Purple Star Wushou Academy battle squadron won this first game, now start the second game, please Star Royal College battle squadron The members of the team and the squadron of the blazing fire martial arts college…”

“Star Royal Academy battle squadron … is the person in the Star Alliance, in the Twilight City preliminaries, won the second place… The fire martial arts college battle squadron is the second place in the Wushen Academy Zhongtian Cangcheng… After seeing the name, Swift whispered in the ear of Sun Wukong.

“Is the second place?” Purple Pearl immediately asked curiously: “Where is there so many second places?”

“You don’t even know this?” Swift looked helplessly watching purple pearl: “This preliminaries are held in ten main cities, so every main city has a champion and runner-up, and can come to Imperial City for the finals. Only champions and runners-up, so among the ten main cities, there are ten champions and ten runner-up teams.”

“So trouble…” Purple Pearl pouts.

At this moment, the Star Royal College battle squadron and the blazing martial arts college battle squadron have already appeared. Both teams are making a three-1 angular formation into the field, it seems that aura is not bad.

The Star Wars Royal Academy has only five people, and the squadron is a full-fledged seven. In terms of number, it seems that the Star Royal Academy battle squadron has suffered.

Other people don’t say much. The only woman in the battle squadron of the blazing fire squadron caught the attention of Sun Wukong. She also appeared in the original work, called the fire dance, and looks very beautiful. The red team uniform wears on her and complements her, with a long red hair, she is like a group of can melt any man’s blaze is very eye-catching.

And each of her is also the tallest in her own team, her body is extremely well-balanced, her face always smiles with a hint of light, and there is a faint red light in the vagueness around her body.

As the deputy Captain of battle squadron, her strength is naturally good, and her martial arts is her own, a shadow with her own body, Huo Ying, belongs to the control department war soul division.

“They only have five people, we also play five people, or lose it is also a victory!” Fire dance after seeing the lineup of the other side, kindly proposed.

However, without waiting for the fire to answer, the opposite Captain was the first to answer: “No, five to seven, the result is the same!”

“You!” Fire dancing and other people immediately looked at each other with a look of anger, and they were kind and unwilling, and they didn’t want to occupy their convenient. You didn’t appreciate it, and it was so small.

“So, let’s start the game!” The referee obvious ignored the contradictions between the two parties. After faintly saying such a sentence, he left Wutai to them.

The atmosphere suddenly became arrogant, and the fire dance was not polite. Since the other party did not appreciate it, how about the seven people bullying five people!

In the light drink, the two battle squadrons released their own martial arts and soul rings.

The hot temperature rises from the battle squadron of the Sword of Fire, just a glance, it is to see that the team is actually the soul of the fire department. The strength is between the soul and the soul, reaching this level at this age, the talent is really good.

However, after the release of the soul ring, the people of the Star Royal Academy’s battle squadron turned out to be the movement of countless people, because each of them had six soul rings shining, and the strength of the five people was already Up to the level of the soul emperor.

“Six Soul Rings? Soul Emperor?!” Tang San and others saw this, and they were moved. The Star Royal Academy’s battle squadron was defeated by their subordinates. At that time, each of them showed more than forty levels. All, how suddenly, it has become more than sixty levels?

“Damn! In the preliminaries, they hide their strength…” Dai Mubai also understood this, and the facial expression immediately sank.

“This continent… really rich in enchanting ah…” Tang San can only laugh a bit. However, the war in the eyes is raging Aura: “But this is more interesting!”

“The five elements of the courage is ting big, and dare to openly open in front of me…” Sun Wukong watching the members of the Star Royal squadron in the field, a touch of the road.

“Who told you to make such a perverted reward! They are naturally inevitable!” Xiaoyin smiled slightly, watching the field of the martial arts school battle squadron is a pity: “They are ting poor I even met such a rogue team…”

In the field of Posey watched, the faint saying: “The five people of this Star Royal Academy, I am afraid that only Mai can deal with it?”

“Is this strength? Not at all? Not to say, is there a team led by Tang San?” Purple Pearl Lima was full of curiosity.

“At that time, because you have not seen their true strength!” Swift watches purple pearls, a faint smile.

“Real strength? don’t tell me This is not the strength of their TRUE?”

“Of course, because of their strength, they have reached the level of the title!” Xiaoyin softly explained.

“The title of Douro? They? No?!” Purple Pearl immediately opened his eyes and surprised.

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