The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 169—The Light of Life

“Understood, teacher!” Zhu Zhuqing nodded with a neat face. She originally wanted to teach Dai Mubai to let him recognize the reality, but since the teacher spoke, it would be no wonder that she wouldn’t be so upset. .

For Sun Wukong, Zhu Zhuqing will never violate, even if Sun Wukong told her to kill Dai Mubai, she would not hesitate.

Not long after, Bibidong was busy with all sorts of trifles and returned to the palace.

So close to the distance of the standing in front of Bibidong, this makes the fire dance they are extra excitement, have fallen to the ground, do not know what to say.

Bibidong is the strongest person in the mainland and is the target of all women’s arrogant 1 pride and worship.

“Since you are already a disciple of Goku, you don’t have to be so much more, get up!” Bibidong waved.

Just as they danced, they just got up, and they saw that Sun Yuxue also came in. This time, they are all excited, this is the most talented and enchanting female Valkyrie recognized in the whole continent! At the age of 18, it is a breakthrough into a hundred levels, no one in the world, no one after.

You know, Sun Yixue has broken through the hundred levels of God, but he has not carried out the God Spirit tablet inheritance. Instead, he has become a god with her own training breakthrough. These talents can no longer be described as enchanting; even if they are proud, like Tang San, they are also It is not as good as it is.

This also made Tang San, who never likes to fight, fight the heart as a cross-over, and can be compared to the original work.

Tonight, it is also destined to be a sleepless and lively night, the lights of the Imperial City have not been extinguished all night.

Tomorrow’s competition contestant is also adjusting the mentality to meet the final game of tomorrow.

In the Imperial City, in the dormitory where the contestant was given, Tang Sanwatching put a few hidden weapons on the table, and the eyes radiated a horrible light: “I really hope that you will not be able to use it in tomorrow’s game… Unfortunately, that should impossible…”

The dawn of the next day, in the countless people, expecting and coming…

Countless spectators came to the venue early, sat back to their seats and waited for the opening of the game.

The sun slowly rises, and it also puts a layer of light on the morning of this new day. With the beginning of Bibidong’s announcement, today’s game officially kicked off.

In the countless cheers, I walked up to the playing field; it seems that her popularity is not much weaker than those participating in the contestant. After all, people are also a big beauty.

“Everyone from all over the world, and dear viewers, good morning everyone, today, we are finally welcoming the attention of the long-awaited champions, because Goku adults do not like too much nonsense, So I won’t say anything more, simply introduce you to today’s competition system…”

“Today’s system will not be a lottery to decide their opponents, but to freely choose their own opponents, also in other words. If one of the teams, the challenge beats all the teams, then they are the champion of this competition, as the champion , you can leave the field and give Wutai to the rest of the team for the runner-up…”

“It turned out to be a challenge system…” Tang San brow slightly wrinkled: “The system that won the championship has indeed become very fair, but it also has a disadvantage. If one of the teams has been challenged by others, even if it is strong, it is also But other people’s wheel battles?”

Just as the voice of Tang San’s self-sounding voice just fell, the voice of the ride again sounded: “And, you don’t have to worry about the problem of wheel battles. Please look at this…” and said, taking out a soft white light from his arms. The spheres are full of life of unlimited Ki: “This is the great Goku adult, the Queen of the Queen, the super artifact that I have handed over to me – the light of life!”

“Super artifact? Really fake?”

“Light is to feel the rich vitality, I feel that my life has been promoted, a powerful super artifact!”

“What is the role of this super artifact? Hurry and talk, don’t sell off…”

The people present, who saw the bag and took out a super artifact, all became extremely shocking and instantly boiled. They only heard about artifacts, and they have never heard of super artifacts.

“It’s a function, it’s very simple…” He paused to calm his own excited heart: “There is only one effect of the light of life, that is – no matter how many injuries, as long as there is still a breath, you can Instantly heal all injuries, even if the broken limbs can regenerate, in three seconds, restore the injured form to the most 1 peak form!”

The voice of the lap has just fallen, the audience is in a daze, the eyes of countless people are full of greedy 1 婪 and fire 1 heat, can not wait to immediately rush to the ‘light of life’ for their own.

Even the god of the five elements that has been secretly concerned is a shock to the face, and the eyes are greedy 1婪.

“The light of life… is really a big deal! On the world, there are still such artifacts! If it is used for us, it will be invincible!” Raytheon opened the eyes of 1 hot, terrible power gradually surging, greedy 1 made him somewhat uncontrollable and wanted to snatch this super artifact.

“Calm down, open the cloud!” The soft voice of the water god rain curtain awakens the emotions that Raytheon is about to run away: “Don’t forget the man of Bibidong. If we have a heart of greed, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by him in an instant!”

“…” Raytheon Kaiyun heard the words, there is no cold sweat, Sun Wukong’s terror, they have a deep understanding, in the face of Sun Wukong, they are even a trace of hostility can not be born, Mystic / mysterious, terror , formidable, these are not enough to describe Sun Wukong’s position in their minds.

“I really don’t know how much Bibi Dongbi’s husband exists. As a god, we are so weak in front of him as an ant…” Vulcan red cloud shocked, but also a look of discomfort, but also contrasted than the East envy: “This The guy is really a good life, even looking for a reliable man to be a patron, but fortunately, people will not care about the mortal things, otherwise we do not have to fight with Bibidong, directly sing in front of others to sing and conquer.”

“He won’t be down from the gods?” Fengshen Mufeng frowned.

“It should be impossible? God is impossible to come to the realm of the world…” Earth God shook his head and vetoed.

“This can be said, the strength of people is there!” The water god rain curtain frowned: “And I am also very concerned, we have been so god for so long, should have been taken to the world of God? Why not now The movement and the god of the five elements that have passed down for us have no news, and there will be no problem in the realm of the gods?”

“How is it possible, how can the gods go wrong!” Raytheon Kaiyun was a little funny and shook his head. “Okay, no guessing, the game is about to begin. After today’s game, it is us and The last battle of Bibidong…”

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