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Chapter 170鈥擲mart Water Binger

The shock brought by the light of life is gradually subsiding, because the people who are greedy with 1’s heart are surrounded by the incomparably big terror, and they are scared by the hands and feet, and they can’t move. They think of it. This thing, but Her Majesty, the incomparable terror of the husband of the monarch took out, hit this thing, is simply looking for death, did not see yesterday, even the five elements of the gods are shocked by the Ki of others? ? That is God! And still five!

For a moment, everyone has put away the greedy 1 heart, can only watch the eyes of the hands of the eye.

Watching The people who have returned to normal have a sigh of relief, and they are afraid of taking a picture of 1 full of xiong鑴? These people鈥檚 eyes are terrible, although she understands that there is Queen Her Majesty and Goku鈥檚 presence, she is It’s impossible to have something, but it can’t hold countless terror eye attacks.

Carefully, under the eyes of countless people, I took the light of life and took it with a loudspeaker. I like 1: “I just got scared by you, but I want to participate in contestant. Have been relieved, with the light of life, you will go to the battle, as long as you don’t die, there will be no problem! So now, please participate in the contestant, and then the respective Captain will come to draw lots here. Decide on the first team to play the challenge!”

As the slogan falls, a team of teams enters the field and then send their respective Captains to qualify for the first team challenge.

“So, please take Captain on the number ‘one’ and step forward.”

Captain of the squadron of Canghui Wuhun Academy held the jade in his hand and handed it to the pocket: “I am…”

“Oh~ It turned out to be the battle squadron of Canghui Wushen College. Congratulations, you are the first team to be able to challenge opponents. Then, please make a choice. Which team do you want to challenge? By the way, maybe you There will be a lot of strong opponents. The champion does not have a seat for you. Actually, this is not the case, because it is not only a challenge system, but also a point system game. It wins one game, accumulates one point. After losing, the challenge ends. The team continues to challenge and eventually win the title of the champion with the team with the most points!”

Other teams with low strengths have already heard the words, and the heart that has already given up the rankings has once again become hot. 1 is hot. It turns out that they have always been wrong! This turned out to be a point system competition. Although there are several teams in the tough team, we are the weakest team leader. The champion does not expect, the second, third place, should be hopeful?

Canghui Wuhun Academy battle squadron heard that it was also a big joy. After deliberation, Captain chose their first opponent: “We challenge Oak Lanwu Soul Academy.”

The people of Oak Lanwu Soul College heard that the financial expression was gloomy. This is not to show that they are telling others that they are the weakest team?

“Then, please let the other teams leave, leave the venue to the squadron and the Oak squadron, you can start!”

The game officially began with the fall of the words.

Although Oak Lanwu Soul College battle squadron was the first challenge, they were very uncomfortable, but the fact is, they are indeed the weakest team among the nine teams. Canghui Wushou College battle squadron is not too expensive. The strength is to beat them and succeed in getting a little points.

Then, they chose their second opponent, like the martial arts squadron, and the squadron of the Canghui Wushen Academy, which displayed a seven-in-one fusion technique and won again.

The opponent of the third challenge, they chose the battle martial arts battle squadron, still beat the opponent with the seven-in-one fusion technology, won the victory.

However, it is a pity that when they choose the fourth challenge opponent, they choose Tianshui Wushou College. This Tianshui Wushen Academy is a very special college. That is, only female students are accepted, and non-beauty is not collected, so Tianshuiwu The students of the Soul Academy, they are all a top beauty.

In addition to Mai’s team, it takes a few days for the water squadron to be the most eye-catching, because the beauty is particularly attractive.

The seven-in-one fusion technique of the shuid squadron of Canghui Wushen College is powerful, but it is blocked by the combination of the water ice and the snow dance of the Wushou Wushou Academy, and the seven-in-one fusion technique is blocked. Hui Wu Soul College battle squadron Soul strength, regretted defeat, points stop at three minutes.

The Tianshui Wushen Academy scored one point. Their first challenge was also Oak Lanwu Soul College, which easily won, which made Oak Lanwu Soul Academy battle squadron depressed.

Then there was the battle squadron, the squadron, the squadron, and the battle squadron. When they challenged the battle squadron, they regretted losing and got a four-point exit.

After the battle martial squadron beat the squadron of the Tianshui Wushen Academy, the first challenge of the still Oak Lanwu Soul Academy battle squadron, the poor Oak Lanwu Soul Academy battle squadron turned out to be the machine for others to brush points, this Let them be depressed and vomiting blood. After losing to the calm squadron of the Souls of the Souls, they abstained and abandoned the game and left.

The sisters of the Tianshui Wushen Academy saw the paper, and the filled water ice Captain actually went away with the desire to abstain. Anyway, they have already scored four points before they are willing to continue to brush points for others.

However, it was refused: “The team that did not receive the points can choose to abstain, but the team that won the points can not abstain!”

“There is still this rule…” Water Binger had some dissatisfied licking his mouth, his eyes turned, and looked at the few weak little squadrons such as the remaining singular martial arts school battle squadron: “Hey, if you guys The team also abstained! Look, the rest of the team are all powerful teams, you can’t win, instead of being someone else’s brush machine, it’s better to simply abstain!”

Yaoguang Wuhun College battle squadron and others are frowning, looked at the gods calm squadron, and looked at the Shrek Wushou Academy battle squadron, eyes fixed on the beautiful girl battle squadron, Star Royal Academy battle squadron, All the people are ashamed, and the teams that seem to be left are all powerful teams. They really have no qualifications for challenges.

“That, we abstained…” It’s very simple, the martial arts Wuttle Academy battle squadron abstained.

Successively, the fighting soul Wushou Academy battle squadron, the elephant martial arts college battle squadron have expressed their abstention.

Therefore, the remaining teams in the field are only the Star Royal Academy, the Shenfeng Wushen Academy, the beautiful girl battle squadron, the Tianshui Wushen Academy battle squadron, the Shrek Wushen Academy battle squadron.

Watching the rest of the team, Shui Binger made a victory gesture and smiled slightly: “The second place is hard to say, but the third place is always no problem?”

“This is also can?” Tang San and others, very incomprehensible. ….

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