The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 1 Baru Song

At night, a round of moonlight hangs in the night sky, bringing soft and faint light to the silent night.

Among the private mansions, the calm lake swayed in the night wind, showing a different view.

However, for a moment, the ripples of the ripples suddenly became extremely berserk, like the tsunami in the rolling.

Then an amazing scene appeared, over the center of the lake, the space suddenly torn apart, one foot first took out from the crack, crossed the boundary between space and time, then flashed, appeared on the heart of the lake, Subsequent space cracks also disappeared with the healing.

“Fairy…tail?” Sun Wukong looked around and looked around, his mind was moving, he knew his world, his body flashed and appeared on the shore of the lake: “It seems to be someone else’s private house. Hey…”

The voice just fell, I saw the sound of the ground ‘砰’ in front of Sun Wukong, spinning and drilling a huge black shadow, like a mountain in front of him: “Master, some nights, you need to take Next?”

At the moment when the tall, strong, orangutan woman was drinking loudly, Sun Wukong also exaggerated his eyes: “Āiyā! My eyes!”

He was really scared by the image of an orangutan.

“There is a rudeness to the person who first met 1.” The maids dressed as maids are calm and rough, and with the scary figure and face, they are particularly embarrassing.

“Hey~~ is calling me?” Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a short and small figure was drilled again in the ground. With his voice and the disgusting expression of the beard, it was just a Wretched male.

“Master, do you need to punish the person who lives in the nightingale?” asked the orangutan maid in respect of the short and small disgusting man in front of the watching.

“Hey! Kid! You really have a vision! I know that Aibar is the richest man in the town. Are you all here at night? Don’t tell me want to steal? Ah~ as a rich man It’s a sin! But, pay attention to the head of my great Aibar, you’ve chosen the wrong opponent…” Aibar’s narcissistic and disgusting, and the orangutan maid next to him Command: “Baru song, let the thief know that I am awesome!”

“Yes, Master!” The orangutan maid, who was so vocal, was suddenly screaming at Sun Wukong with her huge body…

No roaring sounds, because the orangutan maid was in the moment of roaring, has been lifted by Sun Wukong with one hand, struggling to resist …

Sun Wukong’s left hand touched his chin and thought about it because he felt that the name of Baru is somewhat familiar…

“You still have two things!” Abal, who was on the side, looked slightly frowning, and then turned into a face of calm and calm: “But my great Aibar is not so easy to be defeated!” , ‘砰’, slammed into the ground…

Sun Wukong saw it, the tip of his toes tapped on the ground, the earth shook gently, and there was a scream of screams in the ground. It was obvious, and Ai Baer who liked ‘drilling ground’ was given by Sun Wukong. Shocked…

“Baru song… It turned out to be her, I said how I feel that this name is familiar…” Sun Wukong did not pay attention to Aibar, but for a moment, the memory that was almost forgotten was already flashing in his mind.

I left the orangutan in the hand and put 1 into the ground with my right hand. I pulled Aibar out of the ground: “The Star Spirit Wizard, it seems very interesting…”

Sun Wukong’s mind was fretting, and all the information about the magical magic was peeped out of Ai Ba’s brain. At the corner of his mouth, there was a faint smile: “The so-called Protoss magic is like this. …”

Said, throwing Ai Baer into the pond…

“Master!” Baru songs saw the face, showing the angry, back and forth shuttle back and forth in the ground, dug out the hole, but when he was close to want to attack Sun Wukong, it was given by Sun Wukong Flying out, the huge figure of Baru Song instantly disappeared in the air…

From the ground, picking up a Golden key that fell from Aybar’s pocket, Sun Wukong’s face showed a faint smile: “This should be the key to summoning the Virgo Palace’s Baro, and I’ll call the test. test…”

Speaking, he didn’t see any words, he took the Golden key, which represented the Virgin Palace, and made a slight stroke in front of him. A dazzling magical array flashed in front of his body, one The maid-dressed girl’s paper was drilled out of it…

Watching the master who summoned himself, Balu song obvious is squatting, and Ai Baer, ​​who is still floating in the pond, looks at Sun Wukong again: “The current owner of Baluo, Already replaced with you?”

“still looks good this way…” Sun Wukong ignored the words of Baro, but watched her dressed as a maid with appreciative eyes. She nodded with satisfaction: “Can you change into something else?” ”

“Of course can, master, do you like Yujie type? Still mature type? Or is it a loli type?” Baru Song changed suddenly to a master, and did not care much, while talking, while changing her mouth Person who said that it became a sexual 1 1 soft big sister, and became a beautiful woman who became 1 mature 1 feeling for a while, and then turned into a delicate little Loli!

“Wow! It’s too powerful!” Sun Wukong’s eye-cutting watch’s body transformation show is really full of eyes.

More than an hour of time, Sun Wukong did not know how many thousands of beautiful and charming, beautiful attitude, for the Baru song, really satisfied not: “Good! Good! For you this Lingling, I am very satisfied! Decided to send You are a reward, let’s say, what kind of reward do you want?”

“It is the duty and privilege of Balu song to be happy for the owner. It is also the meaning of the existence of Balu song. Baru song does not need any reward…” Ba Luge’s face has no waves, no expression, as usual, calm and calm With the face, knowing the essence of being a maid.

“Your mentality is not bad, but my Sun Wukong said that if I go out, I can’t take it back… Since you can’t tell the reward you want, let me choose for you!” Sun Wukong said, right hand toward Baru song stretched out…

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