The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 4 Kagura

Figure: Wendy when I was young.

Sun Wukong walked with Wendy all the way, gradually, and let Wendy forget the uneasiness and sorrow that Sky Dragon Grande suddenly disappeared…

Unconsciously, Sun Wukong has been with Wendy for a week’s time. In this week, he is set off in the same direction, because he also has his own purpose, rather than casually wandering around. .

Today, Sun Wukong came to the beach with Wendy, and the two men tied up the raft. Because Sun Wukong just wants to experience the mortal lifestyle, if everything is done with the Ability, it will lose a lot of fun.

“Goku, brother, come over, there is a man lying here!” In the bushes not far away, Wendy, who helped Sun Wukong find the tree vine, suddenly shouted.

Sun Wukong heard the words and rushed over. When I arrived, I saw Wendy treating a little girl who fell to the ground…

This little girl is a lot bigger than Wendy. It seems to be six or seven years old. She is bruised and scarred. She is also a dirty cannot bear, especially her two small 1 feet, no shoes, and several A bloody bubble, a wrinkled brow seems to be difficult to cover up in fear and pain in a coma. It looks embarrassing and pathetic.

Sun Wukong’s brows are slightly wrinkled, but they are so hard, and they are pitiful.

“No, my healing magic is not yet skilled… Goku brother, she looks so pitiful! You can save her!” After some treatment, Wendy found that she could do nothing and immediately held Sun Wukong’s arm. Looking at him with a look of hope.

After all, Wendy is still small, it is impossible to use her healing magic skillfully. This little girl not only has a trauma, but also has a big blow on the spiritual. It is impossible to treat Wendy now.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be anything…” Sun Wukong comforted Wendy, and the fluorescent light appeared on the little girl’s body. The wound on his body disappeared immediately, even the clay stains 1秽 were cleaned and spotless.

The poor messy little girl immediately turned into a cute little loli.

Slightly opened my eyes, the little girl woke up…

“Ah! Woke up, Goku’s brother’s healing magic is so powerful! Can you teach me?” Wendy immediately watched Sun Wukong.

“Of course can.” Sun Wukong smiled. Wendy immediately became happy.

And Sun Wukong looked at the little girl at the same time: “How do you feel?”

“Is you saving me?” The little girl watched Sun Wukong, stood up and was a little scared, but still politely performed a ceremony: “Thank you!”

Little young, but so sensible, but let Sun Wukong have some accidents: “That’s not necessary, tell me what you call can be.”

“Shen Le Mikaziqi…”

“God music? Some ears are familiar!” Upon listening to this name, Sun Wukong immediately came to the interest, using Ability, and instantly saw everything that Kagura had: “It turned out to be her…”

It wasn’t long before Ai Lusha and others were arrested at the Paradise Tower. It was not accidental to meet her here because the purpose of Sun Wukong’s trip was the Tower of Paradise.

“My name is Wendy Mabel, you call me Wendy, and Goku’s brother calls me like this…” Wendy immediately said to her relatives.

Seeing the look of the gods, let her think of herself, if she did not meet Goku’s brother, would it be her? For a moment, Wendy’s expression of God’s expression is getting closer and closer, and both of them are sick with each other.

The gods nodded and there were not many words, so they kept silent. It is not difficult to see that she has a very heavy mind, as can be seen from the hatred hidden in her eyes.

With her form, even if I say something, I can’t listen to it. Sun Wukong gave her a lot of food, she didn’t care about her, and continued to build a raft with Wendy…

After the meal was full, Kagura came to Sun Wukong again. I was very grateful: “Thank you for saving me and giving me food. If there is a chance, I will repay it. Now, I still have something. I have to go first…”

“You don’t play with us to go out to sea?” Sun Wukong watching Kagura.

Kagura shook his head and looked very weak, but his eyes were firm.

“If that’s the case, then I wish you good luck!” Sun Wukong did not tell Kagura that the brother she was looking for was on the island he was going to, because Kagura had her own way to go, Sun Wukong and Do not want to intervene.

And I told you to play, you can’t come by yourself, can’t blame me.

However, as a compensation, Sun Wukong was gently at the eyebrows of Kagura. He immediately realized that he suddenly seemed to have mastered what? It just feels weird, let her for a moment I don’t know how to describe it.

Sun Wukong licked her head and said: “This is a meeting for you. It can give you the strength to be bullied! But you don’t have to use it, because it is a killer. After the move, you must see the blood!”

Kagura seems to understand and understand, nodded, because she still does not know the sword skills that Sun Wukong taught her, how amazing the power!

After saying goodbye to Sun Wukong and Wendy, Kagura left alone…

“Goku brother, why not let her stay, a person is very dangerous…” Wendy watched the back of God’s music, it is very doubtful.

“She has her own way to go, why bother to stay, and later, I will meet again.” Sun Wukong stared at Wendy’s head and said: “Now, let’s continue to work hard, soon, we can Going out to sea!”

“Well!” Wendy looked forward to the nodded, but for a moment he asked his head and said, “However, will such a ship sink?”

“How come, because there is me!”

“Alright!” Wendy was immediately fooled by Sun Wukong.

Watching With more than a dozen pieces of wood tied together to the raft, Wendy looked at Sun Wukong and pushed it into the sea. He went to the raft with Sun Wukong and went with the waves…

The first time I went out to sea, Wendy seemed very excited. She was on the raft and took a small hand to salvage the sea from time to time. For a moment, she was very curious about Sun Wukong: “Goku brother, how come there is no fish? Not saying Is there a lot of fish in the sea?”

“Fish? Of course, you see, isn’t this coming?” Sun Wukong watching Wendy, hehe smiled, and saw a faint light in the sea disappeared, and there were countless moments around the raft. Fish of different colors…

“Wow! It really happened! It’s really a lot better!” Wendy’s excited face was red, squatting on the edge of the raft, stretching 1 out of the small hand, playing with the fish in the sea…

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