The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VII for freedom

“Everyone, if you work hard, as long as you rush out of here, we can get the freedom of TRUE…” Little Ai Lusa held a dagger and knocked down the enemy while not forgetting to inspire everyone.

Everyone is also a loud response from aura, each and every one’s face is full of desire for freedom, because freedom is not far from them…

“Ai Lusha, Geral did not come…” Xiaomi Lianna suddenly called out behind her.

“Hey? Didn’t you bring him with you?” Xiao Ai Lu heard the words, immediately stopped the pace of the front, looked around and looked surprised. She always cares about killing the enemy for everyone, opening the road ahead, there is no time to manage Geral, she thought her partners would flee with Geral, and no one even brought Geral. .

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry, because I’m so scared… We just ran with everyone…” Simon lowered his head and looked shy 1, they actually forgot Geral in this mess. .

“No, absolutely can’t leave Geral no matter, I will bring him back…” Little Ai Lusha turned to find Geral, but was suddenly stopped by an uncle: “Ai Lusha, you can’t If you leave, if you leave, everyone will not be able to resist the people of the Black Magic Order. We will be destroyed by the whole army…”

“Can… can’t care about Geral!” Little Ai Rusha suddenly became anxious: “He is also our companion!”

Just as Ai Lusha was in a hurry and didn’t know what to do, countless magic soldiers in the thick smoke, all the way flew from all directions, surrounded them, jetted from their mouth 1 Out of a powerful magical bomb, falling into the crowd…

This magical bomb is like a bomb, and its power is amazing. After the blast, it has blown up countless people…

For a moment, screams and fears permeate the hearts of the people. The morale is so high that they instantly collapse. In the cruel killing of 1, the magician, they instantly feel the terror of death…

“No! Can’t beat… We will die…”

“Run! Or you will be dead…”

“Everyone, calm down, only when we are united, can we win the war! Don’t run!” Seeing everyone who has been swallowed up by fear, Xiao Ai Lu suddenly burst into shock and shouted loudly and wanted to wake everyone up. Courage; but everything is in vain. For these enslaved civilians, there is no organizational discipline. Facing this kind of scene, it is naturally a mess.

Watching each and every one Everyone who was bombarded by the magical soldiers and fell to the ground, Xiao Ai Lusha is a face of an angry, full of magical powers, and the various weapons scattered on the ground are also slightly shaking, slowly floating Empty up…

However, at this time, a big man who was running away from the small Ai Lusha was a small Ai Lusha to push 1 to the ground: “go away! !”

In the roar, his eyes are crazy, it is crazy because of fear. Under the threat of death, who will care about the existence of Little Ai Lusha? It is the most important thing to escape by yourself.

The magic that Ai Lusa just wanted to display was also pushed by this person, forcibly interrupted, and fell to the ground while his hands were rubbed.

Therefore, the opponents who are not afraid of God are afraid of teammates like pigs.

With the current strength of Ai Lusha, she can deal with these magical soldiers. However, she was pushed to the ground by the guy who only managed to escape. She lost her chance and everything was late…

Numerous magical lights illuminate from the mouth of the magical soldier, shining in the glory of the small Erosa…

Eyes of Ai Lusha is in a tight contraction, she has already felt the approach of death…

However, Sun Wukong, who has been paying attention to Xiao Ai Lusha, will not let her hang up like this, her body shape flashes, and she will flash her side to the side…

The next moment, the roaring sounds, the smoke is filled…

Sun Wukong watching, but it’s half-sounding…

Why is Sun Wukong so expression? When the smoke is exhausted, the answer is revealed…

Everyone watched the old figure who emerged from the smoke, and it was also a stunned look…

“Grandpa Rob, what are you doing?” Miliana watched the trembling figure standing and could not help but exclaim.

“I…I…” Robb trembled 1 and shook his body. He was still speechless. At the moment, 10,000 was just a muddy horse.

Time Although a lot ahead of time, Rob is still unable to get rid of his fate. Like the original work, I want to use my body 1 body as the attack of those magical soldiers. However, I suddenly smashed a Sun Wukong and saved Ai Lusha. Then, he himself. Rushed out like a teasing, blocked in front of the magic bullet…

“You’re okay…just…” Rob watched the safe little Ai Lusha, but he sighed and fell to the ground. He didn’t feel sorry for his self-sacrifice, but he was speechless and he died. Awareness, do you want to be so pitted!

“Robe Grandpa!” Xiao Ai Lu saw the situation and immediately broke free from the hands of Sun Wukong and ran to the side of Rob…

“Don’t be sad, Ai Lusha, people are always dying, I am old, and I can’t live for a long time, that is, a little bit of time that’s all…” Rob touched the head of Ai Lusha, a face Kindness: “If you are free, if you don’t have a place to go, go to the ‘Fairy Tail’. It is a very warm place, you will love it…”

“Grandpa Rob! Don’t die, beg you, don’t die…” The tears of Ai Lusha fell like rain. Suddenly I saw Sun Wukong on the side, as if I found a straw, and rushed toward him: “Purchase You, save Grandpa Rob, your treatment magic is so powerful, must you save the grandfather of Rob?

“Well, although the old man’s behavior is a little more funny, but it is also to save you, I will help him!” Sun Wukong nodded and walked toward Rob…

And those magic soldiers have already saved the magic at this moment, the light in the mouth 1 shines, and will launch an attack…

Little Ai Lusha immediately before, is about to annihilate the magic soldiers, but suddenly a black spheres shine, bombarded in the camp of the magic soldiers, for a moment, roaring constantly, but for a moment, those magic soldiers It was destroyed…

In the thick smoke, Geral walked out slowly, filled with the evil spirits…

“Jeral? You are really good, you will be magical?” After seeing Geral, Ai Lusha was happy when she was happy.

After Geral glared at Ai Lusha, he looked at Sun Wukong and finally glanced at the people present. The sinister voice was filled with the enchanting charm of 1…

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