The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VIII Hatred

“Everyone, you don’t have to be at large. Isn’t our freedom here? If you defeat the people of the Black Magic Order, everything here belongs to us. Why do we have to flee? The world that flees outside, you again What else? Stay here! Defeat the Black Magic Order, let us co-creation the freedom that belongs to our TRUE!” Geral was full of sorrow while his voice was sinister.

It is just that the ordinary person who does not master the magic can not perceive the evil from him.

However, the small Ai Lusa apparent was aware of Geral’s anomaly. When Geral’s voice just fell, Xiao Ai Lusha was loud and loud 1 said: “Everyone, don’t listen to him, we must leave. Here, you can only get freedom if you leave here… Geral, what happened to you in the end? You didn’t always think about leaving here? Why are you tempting everyone to stay now?”

“Because, I have realized that there is no freedom of TRUE in the world, Ela, don’t be naive, want TRUE’s freedom, only rely on our own hands, if you don’t want to stay, then please clip Leave your tail and leave here! There is no need for people like you who have no dreams…”

“If you want to stay, you want to make the freedom of our TRUE, then pick up your weapons, come with me, kill those who are wicked by the Black Magic Order, they destroyed our home, They have kept us treated and inhuman, and as long as we kill them, we can be free, and we can regain our lives!”

The voice full of evil and enchanting echoed in the void, and Geral turned and killed after he finished speaking…

And his words also aroused the hidden hatred and anger in the hearts of the people, took up their weapons, followed Geral, and killed them again…

“Kill! Kill the evil people of the Black Magic Order!”

“It’s our village that they destroyed…”

“It is they who destroyed my happy home and killed my wife and children…”

“The damn Black Magic Order, all go to hell!!”

Hatred is terrible. Once it is ignited, it will make people crazy. Now everyone, the blaze with hatred, can no longer be stopped with words. Only by killing the enemies in their eyes can they calm their hearts. Angry in the sky!

At this moment, everyone is no longer afraid of fear, because they have been blinded by hatred and eyes, leaving only the revenge of killing 1戮!

No matter how screaming of Ai Lusha, everyone did not pay attention to her, resolutely followed Geral and waved the butcher knife to those who left the Black Magic Order…

“How could this be…” Little Ai Lusha watched the crazy face of everyone, and she didn’t know what to do.

After Sun Wukong treated Rob, he looked at Ai Lusa: “It seems that the position of your leader has been taken away by others…”

“Why don’t they choose to leave… Why should they stay here? Even Miliana, they are like this… this is not everyone I know…”

“This is man! Ai Lusha…” Rob stood up from the ground and sighed slightly: “Man will hate hatred, family hatred, enslaved hatred, everything, only with the other’s blood to wash The heart of hatred in everyone’s heart…”

“Hate?” Little Ai Lusa was a little lost and looked at Sun Wukong: “You are so powerful, you can help everyone, beg you, save everyone!”

“I haven’t saved it yet? It’s just that the choice is in their own hands. Since they choose to stay, it doesn’t matter to me!” Sun Wukong looked flat.

“55555… everyone, wait for me!” Suddenly, a cry of fear caught the attention of several people in Sun Wukong.

“Goku brother, someone fell!” Wendy, who took Sun Wukong’s left hand, pointed to a little girl who fell to the ground in front of her.

Sun Wukong went forward and found that the little girl ran too fast, twisted her foot, and her left ankle was blue and purple, and her tears were sore.

Sun Wukong stretched 1 out of her right hand and rubbed it on her ankle. The little girl immediately felt that the pain had disappeared, but the warmth was very comfortable 1.

“It’s okay, next time you pay attention, don’t run so fast…”

“Well…thank you…” The little girl stood up, red-faced, and hurriedly followed the back in front of him. On the way, she turned her head and looked at Sun Wukong for a while, as if she wanted to deepen his face. The memory is in my mind…

“Everything is gone! Goku brother, what are we going to do next?” Wendy asked Sun Wukong’s hand again, asked curiously.

“Of course it is gone, there is nothing wrong with us here!”

“Would you like to leave?” After listening to Sun Wukong’s words, Rob immediately came to him. He was very earnest: “I don’t know if you can leave with Elasure?”

“Of course can.” Sun Wukong nodded, he had this plan.

“Grandpa Rob, don’t you leave?” Little Ai Lusha looked anxious.

Rob touched the head of Ai Lusha, and looked serious: “I have to stay and see what Geral really wants to do. That guy gives me a very dangerous feeling, can’t put it. No matter, you can’t stay here, you have to leave with this gentleman…”

“Grandpa Rob doesn’t go, I don’t want to go…” Little Elasha shook his head hard.

“No, I have already said, you can’t stay here, or you will be in danger, obedient, leave with the gentleman, go to the wizard’s guild that I said before the ‘fairy tail’. I will go there to find you…”


“Nothing but…” Rob looked stern and turned to look at Sun Wukong, and changed his face to sincerity: “Sir, Elsa is please!”

“Do not worry, it will not let her have any mistakes.” Sun Wukong smiled and nodded. My heart sighed and did not save the old man, and did something that made him very satisfied.

Sun Wukong originally thought about how to leave Xiaorui Lusha, and now he has nothing to do, and Rob has already helped him.

“Grandpa Nabo, we said yes, you must come back to see me…” Seeing Rob’s mind has been decided, Little Elasha can only compromise.

“Do not worry, it will be!”

After bidding farewell, Rob Watching Ai Lusa followed Sun Wukong’s back and turned to look at the island’s center position. The eyes showed a very dignified color again: “R system… This dangerous thing can’t continue. , don’t tell me Geral also put on its idea?…”

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