The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 23—The Living Evil Magic

In the air, Ai Lusha is like a lullaby in the sound of a lullaby, her head is faint, falling directly from the air…

“This magic is not as useless as in original work…” Sun Wukong whispered himself, his body flashed, and Elsa, who fell from the air, caught it, so he stayed in the air…

“Goku, be careful… this lullaby is so good… I suddenly feel that I can’t help myself…” Ai Lusha opened her eyes with a stunned look, watching Sun Wukong, some weak reminders.

“Nothing, this rubbish magic can not do anything to me…” Sun Wukong smiled indifferently and looked at Elliott: “The guy is a little trouble…” The figure flashed again and appeared again next to Wendy and others. A transparent light shield was centered on Sun Wukong, and Wendy was all covered in it. The original soul was beginning to be hypnotized by Wendy and others. They are all waking up in an instant.

“Is this the secret lullaby of Jerff? It’s so powerful! I was almost hypnotized…” Kana’s heart was relieved.

“Bisika, fast, can’t let this magic continue, can you stop Eli Gol?” Ai Lusa stood up from the arms of Sun Wukong, and looked at Bisika for the moment. A serious face.

“no problem !”

The hands of Bisika suddenly surged, and with the appearance of the magic array, there was also a wind-blocking sniper in her hand, aiming at the airborne Elliott…

With the injection of a beam, the xiong膛 of Elliott is running through the moment, and the flute is stopped in an instant…

“Damn…” Elliott was incredibly watching the blood hole in front of his xiong, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and angry. He was originally able to hide, but the sound of the flute was heard. Even he himself was affected, so he could not hide.

Feeling the rapid death of his life, let him feel the fear of death, Eli Gol fell from the air like a stone, slammed into the ground…

But he did not die because of this, holding down his wounds, Ellior climbed up from the ground with difficulty, it was full of dripping blood, and it was also the red flute of the three eyes…

The distorted protrusions, the three eyes that were originally dull and dull, suddenly lit up, emitting the scarlet light of the monk and terror, full of unknown…

The gloomy and full of evil voices were actually heard from the three-eyed flute. The red eyes of the three eyes flashed and flashed. The extraordinarily demon, the sound was full of Demon-like lure. 1 confused: “Hohohou 嚯~~ Not okay? Fear? Hate? You still don’t want to die? Then, give your life and soul to me! I will let you be born again and give you unparalleled formidable magic. …”

“Damn! If you want, all will be taken! I just want to destroy everyone in front of me!” Under the threat of death, for Alli Gol, everything is not important, he only wants to live Going down, it becomes a crazy face.

The crazy and sinister laugh suddenly swayed out of the three-eyed flute, and the magic of the evil melted like a smoke, and it penetrated into the body of Elliott, and it was completely concealed for a moment, then Everyone saw it, a monster with a huge and terror appeared in front of them!

There is no any difference between this monster and the original work, but because of the sacrifice of the living, the monster looks stronger and stronger, and the uneasiness of the evil spirit is more intense.

“Alive magic? Even took the magician as a sacrifice, this can be troubled…”

The presidents who had already finished the routine meeting had already noticed all the changes of Elliott. However, they just regarded each other as a joke and did not care. Now, the sudden change is the result. The former presidents of the wind and the light, are also the big changes in the facial expression.

“This should be the complete form of this magic…” Sun Wukong is interested in watching the monster in front of him: “The magic of life, it is fun…”

“Funny ghost!” Kana immediately yelled: “Don’t hurry to stop the guy, otherwise the people in this city will be dead!”

Sun Wukong is a dull face: “This should be the president who has to take full responsibility. I have already discovered the existence of Elliott. I am still there to force it, and I want to see people with a playful mindset.” The joke, this is the so-called death, it will not die! It does not matter to us, the consequences of their actions must of course be solved by themselves, you are right, Makarov?”

“You are right… we should stop it earlier…” Makarov walked out of a path, watching the huge monster, and his face was dignified: “We all care about it… this magic has passed the sacrifice of the living. Product, has become the living magic of TRUE, the power is not the same, absolutely can not let it launch the lullaby, otherwise the consequences can not bear imagine!”

“What are you waiting for? It’s the most important thing to kill it quickly!” Alusha Jiao 1 screamed and changed directly into the shackles of the family, rushing over…

Numerous swords emerged on the body of Ai Lusha, turned into a stream of light, flew toward the huge monster…

But seeing the monster screaming, the sound is like thunder, but it has the effect of shocking the soul. Ai Lusha snorted and almost fell to the ground, but her will is firm, but she was forced to bear it, the magic is still starting…

The monster formed by the magic itself, a slap shot, hit countless swords, but at the same time it was the body of more stabbed swords, and made a harsh ‘叮叮’ fine iron symphony. .

There is a living sacrifice, which is a monster made of evil magic lullaby, which is completely out of proportion with the original work, and there are too many terrors.

One is incomplete, one is complete, and the difference in strength between the two is naturally at a glance.

“very powerful defense!” Ai Lusha’s face was dignified, and the foot was a vertical, and it was a close attack.

In the hands of the two swords, turned into a cold light on the monster’s body, in addition to the sound of ‘叮叮’, there is no break!

“Let’s help too!” Wendy saw it. With the help of Xia Lulu, she flew directly from the air and launched the roar of Tianlong…

Kana, Bisika also launched their own magic, but attacking the monster’s body is like itching.

“It’s so powerful… It’s the magic of Jeff’s creation…” Makalov’s face was dignified: “It seems that I should also be active in the activity…” And it rushed to the battlefield…

“It’s a bunch of nosy guys…” Sun Wukong was helpless and shook his head. He saw that the presidents of other guilds were watching the show. ….

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