The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The twenty-fourth chapter of a sword

“Don’t you help?” Lucy watched Sun Wukong and asked.

“Isn’t the president of other guilds not shooting?” Sun Wukong looked flat: “A bunch of silly X, the trouble that he caused himself did not come out to solve, but also wanted to push all responsibility and guilt to the head of the fairy tail. How can there be such a good thing in the world, I am not so kind, and the consequences of their connivance are borne by themselves…”

“Listen to what you said, Ai Lusha, they seem to be unable to beat?” Lucy suddenly looked nervous.

“Ai Lusha certainly played, but unfortunately, the world has a problem, not to the end of the time, will not display their last means, Ai Lusha is no exception…” Sun Wukong looked flat.

“Hey! Is this related to the lives of others? Since you know, hurry to stop! If the lullaby really starts, don’t know how many people are going to die!” Lucy Limara lived in Sun Wukong.

“Other people’s life and death, shut my ass, I just can’t get used to the guild president in front of me to force that’s all …” Sun Wukong still So calm: “These guys want to push all the blame to the fairy tail, what’s going on? I have to pull them all down, when I see who is unlucky, they don’t want to play, I will play them in the end, it seems to be interesting too…”

“How do you feel that this guy is more dangerous than that monster?” Lucy looked at Sun Wukong with a look of horror. This person did not look at the lives of those ordinary people. This indifferent attitude, even the evil magic was derived. Are some of the monsters incomparable?

No wonder Elsa said that they didn’t want Sun Wukong to go out. It turned out that this guy was so dangerous.

“No matter what you are, I have to go!” Lucy said, but also joined the battle.

“A bunch of fools who were shot by people, forget it, and can’t vomit their own sister paper…” Sun Wukong shook his head, looking at the other guild presidents who watched the secret, but at the corner of his mouth, there was a glimpse of it. Unsatisfied smile: “I don’t want to shoot at this time, I see how you end up…”

Just as Sun Wukong couldn’t get used to other guild presidents, and wanted to slap them, Makarov had already been with the monster.

The original short and small like a gnome’s Makarov body has expanded to be as tall as a giant, and is even higher than the monster, rushing forward, one over the shoulder and directly put the monster down On the ground, then a fierce fist greeted the monster’s body, the sound of ‘嘭嘭’, even the earth is a tremor 1 shake, visible the power of this terrible!

In the confrontation of power, Makarov obvious has the absolute upper hand.

“This is the president of the fairy tail? It’s amazing! The monster is not an opponent at all!” Lucy saw it, it was the excitement of the face.

The monster suffered from pain, and immediately opened his mouth, and made a harsh squeaking sound, stinging the eardrum of the person, and his will was also awkward.

The original crazy attack of Makarov’s body suddenly became stiff, his brain was faint, and he fell to the ground!

After the monster broke free of Makarov, he did not attack him. Instead, he opened his mouth and sighed. He obviously took a big move…

Because of the shock of the monster’s cicada, the brains of the people are now a faint, the only person in the field, the only sober, only Sun Wukong alone, this guy is clear that he does not want to shoot to stop, therefore, at this moment No one can stop this monster from launching the evil magic of the evil – lullaby!

The strange sounds of the squeaking sounds from the mouth of the monster, turned into a wave of 1 waves like a wave of water, spread out toward all directions…

The first thing that bears the brunt of nature is everyone present…

Perhaps because of the magical formidable, the presidents of the guilds had such a moment of waking time under the black magic, and in this moment, their faces were full of shocking surprises. : “Not good! I didn’t expect this lullaby to be so terror…”

The psychological changes of the presidents of the guilds Sun Wukong naturally look in the eyes, suddenly become a gloating sorrow: “Call you to force, have been retribution! Mainly you dare to force me in front of me, decisively find 屎(dead)!”

Well, this product not only does not help, but even secretly reinforces the monster that the lullaby is, for the sake of Yin, this group of self-righteous guild presidents.

The sound wave passed, the group of guilds were all a mouthful of blood, and they fell to the ground with a stunned face, followed by seven holes of blood…

The only one who did not suffer any harm was Wendy and Elusa, because at the moment when the lullaby was launched, the guardian light hidden in them immediately triggered, forming a light shield to protect them. Get up, free from any attack!

“President!!” Ai Lusha watched Makalov, who vomited blood, the facial expression changed, the light in his hand flashed, from the original two-handed sword to a one-handed sword! On top of the blade, wrapped in a layer of magical and beautiful red light!

Even Sun Wukong’s guardian light set in their bodies is automatically triggered, which makes Ai Lusha already aware that this lullaby has already threatened their lives. She dare not have reservations and immediately displayed Sun. The swordsmanship taught by Wukong!

I saw Ai Lusha rising up and appearing on the top of the monster’s head. The clean and delicate 1 drink came from her mouth, filled with fierce killing gas: “One sword!”

Sword, squat!

Flowing like the creation of Heaven and Earth, from the top of the monster’s head all the way, in the twinkling of an eye, split it into two, from which to separate from the two sides!

“Well…awesome!!!” Lucy and others who were awake, suddenly widened their eyes, and they were already shocked by the terrible sword of Elvisa.

“Not bad, Ai Lusha, I have taught you this trick has a little charm!” Sun Wukong watching Landa’s landing on the ground, it is rare praise.

“It’s still a long way off, compared with the power you display, but it’s a world of difference!” Ai Lusha heard Sun Wukong’s praise, but she was secretly happy, but she was not complacent because she was I have seen Sun Wukong’s power in teaching her tricks, but with the space being torn apart, that is TRUE’s ‘One Sword Day’, which can be one and two halves!

The strength of Sun Wukong is in the heart of Ai Lusha, that is the invincibility of TRUE and unfathomable!

“You don’t have to be humble, seven years of time, can get to this level, it’s not bad, just don’t know who is better than that person, who are you strong?”

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