The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The twenty-fifth chapter is not good

“don’t tell me You have also taught others swordsmanship?” Listening to Sun Wukong said that Ai Lusa became curious.

“It was taught that she had a sword technique. With this sword technique as the basis, with her talent, the success on the kendo will not be much worse than you.”

“Then I really want to see her, who is she?” Elusa asked curiously.

“You will meet later…” Sun Wukong said that Mystic/mysterious did not directly answer Ai Lusha.

See Sun Wukong, not to mention, Elasha is not asking, anyway, Sun Wukong also said, she will meet in the future, she is not in a hurry.

“You still have a mood to chat! Look at the town! It’s so miserable!” Lucy came to Sun Wukong’s side, with a shock on her face, seemingly scared by what scene.

Ai Lusha heard that the facial expression suddenly changed, she remembered that the lullaby had been launched, the residents of the town…

As soon as I thought about it, Ai Rusha’s heart suddenly jumped and didn’t dare to think about it…

Looking around, Makarov has been helped by Bisca from the ground, and Wendy is treating him…

This kind of spiritual damage, originally Wendy will not be cured, but with the teaching of Sun Wukong, naturally nothing difficult.

Seeing that Elsa came over, Wendy gave her a reassuring look: “Fortunately, you interrupted in time. If it is late, I am afraid that the magic of the president can not prevent the continuous injury of the lullaby. It’s just traumatic on the spiritual, no life-threatening.”

Ai Lusa nodded and looked at the town from a hill. The picture she saw was lying down on the land. This shock is really a small feat!

“don’t tell me …don’t tell me They…have already…how come, blame me! If I shoot in time, it won’t be like this…”

“Everything blames you! Don’t take anything to your own body…” When Ai Lusha was struck and strongly condemned himself, Sun Wukong was not a good teacher: “You have done a very good job.” Not bad, saved so many people… Compared to other presidents who stand by, they simply can’t compare with you.”

“You mean…they are not dead?” Ai Lusha watched the figure of countless people lying in the town. After listening to Sun Wukong’s words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Which is such a good thing, some people with a slightly weaker mentality have been tormentally dead, but most people just fainted, but some of them are not awake and nervous.”

“Nervous disorder?” Lucy asked with some doubts.

“It means neurosis.” Sun Wukong gave her a blank look.

„Ah!!!” Lucy Lima stunned and widened his eyes: “That’s the people in the whole town! How big is this casualty? Who will bear this responsibility!”

“Of course, it’s other guilds and members of the House of Representatives. From the beginning to the end, they are all pretending to watch the show. If they didn’t force them, they didn’t take this lullaby seriously. Eye watching Eligor launched hypnosis. Qu, they also watched the movie and did not stop it. It didn’t take things seriously. This made this kind of tragedy. This is retribution!”

“Hey! It’s not a time of gloating! You have to hurry to help those who are still alive…” Lucy was too lazy to vomit Sun Wukong, and this guy was too heartless. He died so many people, he even returned Have a mood to see other people jokes.

“Brother’s realm, you don’t understand!” Sun Wukong was a dull face, and Wendy, who was watching, began to treat other guild presidents, but he did not take a good breath to stop the road: “Wenty, why are you going to save? They are not allowed to save!”

“Ah? Oh…” Wendy heard, although some puzzled, but still obediently obeyed Sun Wukong’s words are not healed.

“…” Ai Lusha, they are also silent about this, but since Sun Wukong is not allowed to heal, they are not sympathetic.

“Wenty, let’s save the residents of the town…” Ai Lusha looked at Wendy.

“Goku brother, are you going?” Wendy looked at Sun Wukong.

“You know, I never ask this kind of trivial things that are irrelevant to me. I feel so good to save them, but I don’t feel good now!”

“When is your mood good?” Lucy spoke.

“Okay, let’s go!” Ai Lusha took Lucy away and prevented her from talking nonsense. Because they all know Sun Wukong’s temperament, he is a casual person. In his heart, there is no good or evil. Lucy’s spit is to make Sun Wukong uncomfortable and directly move the whole town to the ground. That is not impossible.

I remember seven years ago, there was a metamorphosis among the thieves who loved the pedophile. Watching Wendy, they were speechless. As a result, Sun Wukong’s words made the hundreds of thieves’ gangs fly annihilation, even an Energy. Ball moved the old nest of the family together with the mountain to the ground.

At the time, they were unforgettable for a lifetime.

People like Sun Wukong have already realized life and death, but they are not understood by mortals.

Since Sun Wukong said that he could not save, he would not have to rescue him. It would be useless to say more.

“It’s a weirdo…” Lucy watched Sun Wukong, snoring and screaming, and followed Elsa to save the residents.

Not long after, the members of the senator and the military were involved in this incident. The presidents of other guilds of the tragedy were the ones that had been squandered for this incident. The price.

What Sun Wukong didn’t expect, however, was that the House of Representatives, together with Ai Lusha, was also detained together, which made him extremely unhappy.

Ai Lusha not only killed the monsters derived from the evil magic, but also saved the civilians who were hurt by the lullaby with the help of Wendy. You can’t win the prize, you have to punish, this is just a matter of reason!

“Our fairy tail has killed the monster, prevented the further spread of the lullaby, and saved countless civilians. Why do you want to catch us? Is this your attitude toward the House of Representatives? Saying, you are doing things. When it happened, wasn’t it sitting on the sidelines?” Kana glared at the House of Representatives and looked at the angry. We have to fight for life, and we will be punished by your punishment. She can be convinced.

“Although you have stopped the lullaby, but the damage is too great, the impression is extremely bad, we are also impartial, and the final decision of this matter has to go through the final decision of the House of Representatives…”

“I decided to Nima!” Sun Wukong flew the frog from the House of Representatives directly to the sky: “Believe it or not, I am an invincible wave bombarding you whole House of Representatives…”

“It’s over…” Ai Lusha, when they saw Sun Wukong, they knew that he was really mad, and that the goods were set up to work with the House of Representatives…

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