The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 29—Terror’s wolves

Here, it is a depression basin with herbs growing everywhere, which was discovered by a group of bisons. In this basin, there are a variety of herbs, fragrant scent, floating in the air, taking a deep breath, and suddenly feel a little refreshed.

I just discovered them here. At the beginning, it was called an ecstatic, so many herbs, it was all money!

“Wow, haha~~ I didn’t expect my buffalo to be lucky enough to find such a basin for growing this medicine! See you, brothers! Let’s go pick it! But remember, those herbs that are not yet mature don’t Touch it! Wait until next time we pick it up!…”

As the bison screamed, the mercenaries suddenly began to pick up the herbs here! However, some mercenaries around me hurriedly pulled them, shook their heads, whispered a few whispers, and those who wanted to take medicine stopped their hands, and the face was full of color.

“What’s wrong with this? Bison looked confused and watched everyone, said.

A large-scale mercenary came to the side of the buffalo and patiently explained: “The head of the bison, maybe you just came to our town soon, I have never heard of it. I have heard of people who have been medicinal There is a medicinal basin found in the magic beast mountain range. I think it should be the basin they found. Everyone is a person who is jealous of medicinal herbs, so…”

“Wan Yao Zhai? Wan Ji Zhai counts a ball?” Buffalo suddenly stunned, and then loudly said: “The magic beast mountain medicinal herbs belong to everyone! Who saw it, picked it, who is it! What kind of medicine? Brothers, feel free to pick it! What happened, there is Laozi top! Laozitang 9 Star Fighter, will be afraid that he will not be able to cure?”

After listening to the words of the bison, the mercenaries immediately became active again, and they were right! The head of the bison is the 9 Star Fighter. Even if you are a man of 10,000 medicine, you should be jealous of three points! Anyway, something went wrong, there was a tall one, and when I thought about it, the mercenaries suddenly became unscrupulous and rushed into the excitement of picking herbs!

However, the good times did not, the excitement of everyone became a fear, a pair of faint and bright eyes emerged around the jungle, and the medicinal basin was surrounded by the group.

“Not good! It’s a group of devils! It’s a group of devils! We are surrounded!” As a mercenary screamed in horror, the mercenaries here suddenly chose a panic.

“How is it possible! Do the wolves do not act at night? Why do they appear during the day?”

“don’t tell me Who is angering this group of wolves? Who is in the end? Get out of me right away!”

“Now is not the time to say this, everyone picks up the weapon and is ready to attack!”

As the large group of mercenaries gathered around and looked around, a gray demon wolf came out of the jungle. Everyone saw that the forehead was sweating and the hand holding the weapon began to tremble! Although the devil wolf is only a first-order magic beast, they are living livings, which is synonymous with death in the magic beast mountain range, even if you are fighting the emperor, in front of tens of thousands of fearless devils, if Do not choose to leave, then the end result is only exhausted, and was killed by the wolves!

“Damn! In the daytime, I will encounter the devil wolves! Why is Laozi’s luck today?” The buffalo’s expression was very ugly at this time. Nima’s morning had just been put up by a giant toothed beast. The mercenary group was killed, and in the afternoon they met a more terrifying group of wolves than the giant beasts. This Nima player is not such a gameplay!

The wolves separated and let out a way. A silver-white tall demon wolf slowly came to the mercenaries in the presence of two defensive wolves, one of the other wolves. The eyes are full of endless anger, and even spit out people: “Despicable human beings, immediately return my brother to me! Otherwise I want you to become the feces of my family’s devil wolf!” The voice is actually a young girl. The sound is crisp, sweet, and charming, and it is mixed with the majesty! In the majesty, with a cold kill!

Hearing this wolf king even spit out people, the people present were all shocked. The fourth-order magic beast psychic, the fifth-order magic beast can have rare races! And the sixth-order magic beast is the order that the magic beasts can generally speak. So this wolf king is a special kind? Still a sixth-order wolf king?

The Bison pressed his beating heart and cautiously said: “Lord Lord Wolf King, we have just arrived here! I really didn’t capture your brother!”

“You are a group of bastards! Who kidnapped the younger brother of Wolf King? Don’t hand it over, want to kill everyone!”

“Yes! It’s just a devil’s scorpion that’s all, do you want to get into the lives of all of us?”

Suddenly, the mercenary people blasted the pot and screamed, and their eyes swept around, trying to see what was going on!

“Small medical fairy? Why is the small medical fairy not seen? There is that! Sun Wukong!”

“Grass! What are you talking about? You don’t tell me Do you suspect that the little doctor can’t be done? Be careful that Laozi will play with you!”

“That was not what I meant……”

“MD, Mu Li Nai and his subordinates are gone, definitely related to the kid!”

“Grass! I know that kid is not a good thing! MD, this is bad for him!”

“Surely, did you do this damn human being?” The voice of the silver-white wolf suddenly cooled down, and a cold murderous aura of trerror emerged from her body. The people present were all frightened. There is no courage to fight.

“Damn! From her Ki point of view, at least it is a fifth-order wolf king! I am the grass Nima! District devil wolf will actually pull out a fifth-order wolf king? God, do you want to play this way? Ah!” The buffalo at this time is really crying, and this magical beast of evolution can be encountered. In the end, it is his luck, still luck?

“Respected Wolf King, can you give us some time? We will find your brother for you!” At this moment, the Bison had to lower his posture.

“Give you time? Hey! I don’t believe you humans! Look for it, I will find it myself!” Saying, screaming at the sky, the wolves around him suddenly stunned, showing bloodthirsty eyes, toward mercenaries We rushed to go!

“Damn! You are too unreasonable for this animal, and you can play it! Brothers, it’s dead! Everyone fights!” The buffalo screamed, the first to hold the big knife in his hand, the first to rush in the front Only the devil wolf is split into two halves!

“MD! Think we humans are bullying, right?”

These are the mercenaries who are crawling on the edge of life and death. Naturally, they are not greedy and fearful of death. Their lives are threatened. They have thrown away the fear in their hearts and fought with the devil wolves!

In the hands of the sword flying, arrogant flying, people and the devil wolf group launched a fight between life and death! Screams and roars, the tip of the knife and the bite and dance, but for a moment, the ground here has been stained with blood!

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