The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 30—The White Wolf King

However, Rao is how the mercenaries are brave, they only have more than 60 people that’s all, how can they compare with hundreds of wolves? As a mercenary was bitten into the belly by the demon wolf, the morale of the mercenaries was scared to the bottom, but they still tried hard, because they still wanted Live!

Among the mercenaries, at this moment, it is the most brave of the bison. He is the 9 Star Fighter. Although he is not used to the left hand, he is not the first-order demon wolf. He cuts a knife every time. There will be a demon wolf who whimps to the ground! But for a moment, the devil wolf at his feet has not been more than ten! This makes the moon white wolf king look very dissatisfied, those who are her people! To the side of a wolf king guard snorted, the Wolf King guards respectful should be a sigh, jumped into the field, a claw to the wild cattle swaying away!

The fierce claw wind, on the spot, makes the bison’s facial expression not change: “Grass! Third-order magic beast? Is there anything wrong! Is this really a demon wolf? Is there a variation, enough for Mao? ”

At this moment, it was too late to think about it. Turning around, the big knife in his hand slammed down the claws that had been waved, and the two slammed into each other, and they made a metal-like collision! The claws of the Wolf King guard are hard as iron! Instead, the buffalo’s knife edge cracked into a hole! The force of the anti-shock that came from the knife, the birth of the bison to the earthquake!

“TMD! This magic wolf is very powerful! They must have encountered a treasure that is not allowed, otherwise it is impossible to have such a variation!” The wolf king guard in front of the buffalo watch, the eyes are shining, and the heart is a sigh, knowing this group The devil has an adventure, how can it be? I am afraid that the fate will be accounted for here! The treasures in Niubi also missed him!

“Hey!” The Wolf King guard screamed and screamed, and a silvery beam emerged from its mouth, hitting the buffalo that flew out! The bison’s facial expression changed, and roared, and he threw away the big knife in his hand. The fierce vindictiveness quickly condensed in his right fist, and immediately yelled out loudly: “The wild bull rushed into the sky!”

This is a low-level fighting skill, which is the strongest fighting skill of the Buffalo. His name is also due to this fighting skill! This fighting skill was saved when he was young and saved an old man!

“哞~~~” A huge barbarian rushed out of his fist and collided with the beam. He used the crying dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to defeat the demon wolf. Xiao! Clashing on the back of its weak!

“嗷呜~~” The Wolf King guard suddenly made a scream, “ka-cha!” A soft bang, the body flew out, and the slammed impact on the cliff not far away, fell to the ground! The pale spine has been pierced from his back, hum hum, and painful movement! The blood is flowing, and the appearance is extremely miserable.

The Bison sent his strongest blow, and he had already exhausted all the vindictiveness in his body. At this time, he was covered in tears like a tearing pain. If he was determined, he would have passed out! Watching around the wolves who flocked to their own, the buffalo’s mouth could not help but hang a bitter smile: “Is it over? Forget it! Laozi is also a slain guard of a wolf king, and the brothers who see me.” Not too shameful!”

“呜~~~” Suddenly, the wolves that bite down are screaming in the screams, and are shaken by an invisible force. The slamming impact on the old trees and the cliffs, to be dropped When I was at the ground, there was no sound!

Suddenly, it suddenly became unusually quiet. The devil wolves stopped and looked at a place in horror, and retreated back to their wolf king!

“Who is it?” The white wolf king watched the entrance to the basin, his eyes became abnormally dignified, and there was a Ki that made her feel dangerous.

Sun Wukong and Xiao Yixian slowly entered the basin, watching the broken limbs here, and the little doctors stunned their lips. Sun Wukong watching The horrible situation here, looking at the wild cattle, the tone is slightly helpless: “You are doing hair? We just went out for a while that’s all! How did you become this miserable?”

I didn’t die? This made the Bison very surprised. Just now he was too tired and too painful, so he did not find the scene that was saved just after the closed eyes and so on. He saw Sun Wukong and Xiao Yixian appearing, and now they are shocked and lost. The last strength shouted: “What are you doing? Hurry up! This wolf king is not… we can deal with…”

Sun Wukong slowly walked over to the wild cattle, and Xiao Yixian was nervously behind him, surrounded by devil wolves. Can she be a little girl not afraid of nervousness? However, she knows that as long as she is next to Sun Wukong, it is absolutely safe. This sense of security is from her heart for no reason to rise!

“Just rush to you, I can’t leave you alone!”

Sun Wukong watching Buffalo, my heart is more rare, it is no wonder that this person did not appear in the original work, maybe he just hangs here or maybe. Now he survived because of his relationship.

Came to the buffalo, Sun Wukong smiled, and a white light appeared in his hand, shining on the buffalo, but for a moment, the weak buffalo stood up in the shock of unfathomable, even his right hand fractured before. It has been reconciled! Then, once again, with a big hand, the white light is falling like rain, and the remaining more than a dozen mercenaries are under the light rain, and the injuries suffered by them are all better!

The mercenaries were stunned, and the wolves were even more upset! The bison is holding Sun Wukong and doesn’t know what to say! Even the little doctors are also looking at the high back of watching Sun Wukong! The eyes of Moon White Wolf watching Sun Wukong are even more taboo! The heart is full of anxiety and restlessness!

Sun Wukong turned to look at the white wolf king, but it was a flash of love! Because the moon white wolf is really beautiful. The silvery white hair does not contain a trace of impurities, smooth and soft, exuding the luster of the moonlight like moonlight! The posture is strong and powerful, and the eyes are full of aura that only humans have! Surrounded by a noble King, noble and majestic, worthy of being the king of the wolf!

Sun Wukong slowly walked to the front of the White Wolf King in the eyes of the surviving more than a dozen mercenaries. They waited, waiting for Sun Wukong to turn the tide, domineering and amazing performance!

However, what Sun Wukong said is that they put on their glasses: “You, is public…still mother?”

“My grass!” A group of mercenaries were suddenly thundered by his words!

“My pants are off, you suddenly gave me this sentence?” The buffalo climbed up from the ground and looked at Sun Wukong with a smile. Is this Nima completely different from the imagination? Shouldn’t he be domineering and killing this group of devils like ants? You suddenly come to this sentence, what kind of trouble is it?

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