The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 31—Submission

“The rude human! As a strong person, if you ask such a question, don’t you think it is rude?” Moon White Wolf roared Sun Wukong, and in the tone, it was rare to bring a little shyness.

I heard the majesty of the Moon White Wolf and the soft voice, Sun Wukong eyes suddenly brightened: “It is a mother! This is easy! I am really reluctant to kill like a beautiful wolf king! Well, I am just right. I want to have a pet! You can be my pet! I can’t spare this group of wolves safely!”

“Hey! Awful human beings, you want to convince me to be your magic beast. It’s really delusional. The wolf king’s dignity will not succumb to humans!” The White Wolf King screamed and became a white Shadow, instantly attacked Sun Wukong! The speed is fast, the naked eye is difficult to distinguish!

“Goku! Be careful!” The little doctor behind him couldn’t help but remind him.

However, Sun Wukong turned his head and smiled at the little doctor, and did not look at it. He extended his right hand and held the neck of the White Wolf King who flashed him in front of him. Turning to look at the moon white wolf king with a shocked look, the tone is full of sky-filled heroes and domineering: “The fifth-order magic beast, do you want to resist me? Tell you, I am not asking for your consent! It is in command! Because, you have no right to refuse!”

“You…” The White Wolf King was mad at the limbs, and the sharp claws were placed on the skin of Sun Wukong, but even his defense could not be broken! This makes the White Wolf King very shocked, but she knows how sharp her claws are, even the rock can be cut like tofu, and even the other’s skin can not be opened? Sun Wukong’s physical physical strength, how could it be that his fifth-order magic beast can be broken!

“Give you a chance! Surrender, or die!” Sun Wukong faint watching hands of the white wolf king, terror 滔天的K directly pressed her over! The eyes of the White Wolf King’s eyes suddenly show the deep fear! This kind of Ki, what is its terror and domineering? It is full of destruction of everything! At this time, the White Wolf King, there is no way to make a to resist in the heart. Under Sun Wukong, who is all ants, she has to lower her proud head and express her sincerity: “can It is my pleasure to be your pet!”

And the surrounding wolves are even more stunned by this Ki, and they are afraid to move!

Hearing the words of the White Wolf King who expressed his surrender, watching the thousands of demon wolves crouching on the ground, the people present were surprised to say nothing!

“This is what it is!” Sun Wukong smiled and released the devil in his hand. Watching this handsome and beautiful Moon White Wolf King, be in a good mood! In other words, when reading a book, there is no pet at the side of the protagonist, hey hey! Although the strength of this pet is not enough, it can be improved! Sun Wukong clearly feels that the potential of this white wolf king, as long as it is properly cultivated, even if it is promoted to the tenth-order magic beast, it is notthing difficult! Thinking of the appearance of the Moon White Wolf in the future, Sun Wukong is full of expectations: “It is a good thing to have a beautiful pet! Wow kā kā !Āiyā 呀~~ Brother and sinister!”

“Master, can you let me find my brother first, are you going with you? If I leave, the wolf must have the next Wolf King to inherit!” The voice of the White Wolf King interrupted Sun Wukong. Fantasy, tone of respect and respect. That is, she has surrendered, then she will express absolute obedience to Sun Wukong!

“Your younger brother? Let me see!” Sun Wukong said, carefully sensing, and finally in a valley ten miles away from here, I sensed Ki, which is very similar to the Moon White Wolf King.

In the valley, there are a team of dozens of people who are going to gasp for breath to rest here. It looks like they are rushing for a while, just staying here!

Among them, a middle-aged man dressed as a head stroking a white wolf in his arms, still excited with excitement: “Today is so lucky! I didn’t expect to find one on the road.” Only the mutant wolf! After it grows up, the strength of our Iron Sword Mercenary will increase a big chunk. At that time, what the wolf mercenary group, what three major mercenary groups will not be in our eyes Haha!”

“Ha ha!” A dry mercenary also laughed.

“That is! The group of wolves are too stupid, just let a little mercenary carry us a black pot for us! Let us escape smoothly! This is simply God’s care for our iron sword mercenary group Ah! Haha~~”

“This is not a care, but your disaster!” Suddenly, a group of mercenaries screamed with a scream of anger! This is the voice of Sun Wukong. He absorbed Whis, and the Ability is too pediatric!

“Who? Who is talking?” The mercenaries were suddenly shocked. They got up and pulled out their own weapons at the waist, and they were ready to fight!

“Hey! It’s no problem to kidnap this little wolf. You dare to blame others! Do you know how many mercenaries have died in this murder? It’s unforgivable!”

“ahhh ah~~~~” With the fall of Sun Wukong’s voice, the mercenaries here all made a scream of screams, and they bleed in seven holes and fell softly on the ground. This is caused by Sun Wukong’s supreme spiritual force that shattered their brains. When you hear their previous tone, the means of framing the victims will not be done. It is not a good person at first glance! So Sun Wukong immediately sentenced them to death!

And the white wolf just climbed out of the head of the head who fell to the ground, and the space around him suddenly spun and sucked in! This is the Space and Time ninjutsu that Sun Wukong hasn’t used for a long time!

I saw the space in Sun Wukong’s hand turning, the white wolf immediately floated into his hands, and then handed it over to the White Wolf King: “Give, he was taken away by another group of mercenaries! Then Gave them to them, you seem to be looking for the wrong person!”

“Brother!” The White Wolf King gently took over the white wolf in Sun Wukong’s hand and gently rubbed his head. The little guy’s eyes flashed with joy, and his tongue sticked out happily. The white wolf king’s sole. For the thing that I found the wrong target, the Moon White Wolf King has no point! Being proud of her, she will not apologize to mankind! It’s like human beings doing something wrong and not apologizing to magic beast!

Later, the White Wolf King took the little white wolf and walked into the devil wolf group, screaming aloud to the demons, and then handed the little white wolf to the only remaining Wolf King Guard, Wolf King. The guards took the white wolf in one step and three times, and fell into the jungle with a group of devil wolves!

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