The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The third 12 chapter

For the departure of the devil wolf group, the bison and others naturally do not say anything, which is undoubtedly a good thing for them. Can survive under the encirclement of the devil wolves, this is also a kind of miracle. And this miracle, cut is the creation of the person in front of me!

The mercenaries’ eyes are looking at Sun Wukong, and the look is full of respect and worship! Seeing the white wolf king beside him, there is a fifth-order magic beast! Equivalent to fighting king strong! It’s just a matter of one sentence, just take her to the service, which requires the strength of how strong to do it? You can see these strong people in your lifetime, and talk to your peers, and you will die without regrets!

“That… Goku adults… I have been offended before… I want you to forgive me! I didn’t expect that we could work with a strong person like you! It’s a great honor…hehe…can have that The unparalleled treatment of the audience… I should have thought of it… Hehe…” The buffalo at this time, standing in front of Sun Wukong, is also a stern death. No way, he is a small fighter, standing in front of the strong person who is easily conquered by the fifth-order magic beast, the pressure is naturally great!

Sun Wukong’s attitude toward the buffalo shook his head, and he kept the low-key mix among the teams. Even the rescuers were all there, so that they didn’t want to happen.

“It seems that it is time to leave!” Sun Wukong watching Buffalo said: “Your medicinal herbs should be found together? Then I also enter the magic beast mountain range to find some medicines I need!” Look at the little doctors: “Sister paper, do you want to go play with me inside?” Since you came to the magic beast mountain range, it is natural to go there to have a good time to play, or to give way to the purple research. Some herbs go back.

“I? I still can’t go!” Xiao Yixian even waved his hand: “As far as my strength is concerned, there is no self-protection force on the periphery of the magic beast mountain range, let alone go inside! I still don’t give you a trouble. It!”

Sun Wukong thought about it, and did not insist on it. He went in and went away with ease. After waiting for it, he could go to Qingshan Town to find her! Putting hands on the crowd, Sun Wukong fell into the jungle! I left a dry mercenary and stayed for a while: “No? Goku is so gone? Don’t tell me Is the so-called expert so unique?”

“Who knows!”

“But I like it, you see that back! How chic, how heroic…”

Xiao Wuxian watched Sun Wukong, the disappearing back, a sense of loss in my heart, my heart could not help but sighed: “This guy, really, yes, go and go… I don’t know if I will meet again in the future.” Opportunity……”

After not entering the jungle for a long time, Sun Wukong stopped his body shape and separated a shadow clone. The faint road said: “The sky is coming soon, you go to secretly protect the little doctor, if anyone dares to hurt her, kill Innocent!”

“Understand!” The shadow clone nodded, his body flashed and disappeared into the jungle.

“In this case, I can safely go to the treasure hunt!” Sun Wukong smiled and stepped across the upper body of the White Wolf King, faintly said: “Go, go to the deepest part of the magic beast forest!”

“Yes, Master!” The White Wolf King revered with a sigh of relief and walked toward the jungle. For Sun Wukong to enter the deepest part of the magic beast mountain range, Moon White Wolf King has no fear of look! Terror Ki, which was just released from Sun Wukong, even the strongest 9th-order beastmaster in the magic beast mountain range, can’t compare with it! She even suspected that this newly-recognized master is the fighting emperor who had long since died on the continent! What is the fear of the magic beast mountain range?

“In other words, you are now my mount, it is better for me to give you a name!”

“Master, I already have a name!”



“Moonlight? Is it your own? You are the White Wolf King, why not call Moonlight? Why is it moonlight?”

“……Yes Master……”

All the way to the moonlight, the sky is gradually darkening, and Sun Wukong is getting closer to the center. On the periphery, because there is the pressure of moonlight, there is no magic beast dare to find it, but in the middle, her pressure will not work, but it will bring great hatred! Because magic beast has its own site awareness, if other magic beast step into its own territory, then it will be regarded as a provocation to their dignity, and the two will naturally start a life and death fight! The winner will be placed in his territory! The stronger the strength, the bigger the site will be!


Suddenly, a black monkey with a height of more than five meters smashed out of the jungle. Seeing Sun Wukong, his eyes filled with the killing of berserk: “Human? It’s so bold! You dare to set foot on my territory… Hey? Suddenly, this black scorpion saw the moonlight of Sun Wukong, and his eyes suddenly brightened: “It turned out to be a strange white moon wolf king. It is really beautiful! Be my spouse! This King will immediately You are saved from this abominable human!” After that, he also stunned his chest to shoot pēng pēng.

Sun Wukong watching In front of this big black cockroach, the face suddenly appeared a smile: “Nima, when it is geometric, even the magic beast knows to grab the sister paper?”

“Human, see you give this King a beautiful moon white wolf, and let’s roll it! This King will make an exception for you!” Big black gongs and bells big eyes 瞪To Sun Wukong, the tone has an imposing majesty.

“Oh ~~ can talk magic beast, look at its Ki, seems to be a sixth-order magic beast, moonlight, want its magic core? I can give you a gift!” Watching this big black, Sun Wukong smiled a little and didn’t put it in his eyes.

“Six-order magic core!” Moonlight’s eyes suddenly brightened, the tone is very excited: “Thank you master! If you can get a sixth-order magic core, maybe I can impact the sixth-order!”

“Bastard! You dare to sneak at me! I will let you know what kind of end will happen to me!” The big monkey roared, and the casserole’s fist slammed toward Sun Wukong, and the space around him was passed. The sound of the bursts of sound can be seen, how terrible this punch is!

“Hey! The power of the ants, do you dare to fight for the moon? I see you looking for the wrong opponent!” Sun Wukong stunned and punched the black belly, “Hey!”, formidable energy repercussions Directly smash the surrounding trees, and the ground cracks out hundreds of meters of cracks! Sun Wukong’s fist penetrated deeply into the belly of the big black scorpion! Under this boxing, the internal organs of the big black scorpion have been crushed by countless earthquakes!

“呜~~” The big black snorted, and the fall of the squatting back was a few steps away. The blood in the abdomen was bloody, and the eyes were full of shock and unfathomable colors: “very powerful ……” Said, crashed into the ground.

“Isn’t that the magic beast natural-born’s perception is different from ordinary people? How can you not feel like a dangerous person like a brother?” Sun Wukong took a slap in the blood on his arm and smiled.

“That is because the owner completely hides his Ki, even if we are magic beast, we can’t sense the owner’s Ki!” Moonlight watching Sun Wukong, full of respect for strong people! Magic beast natural-born only surrendered to strong person, the stronger the strength, the more they will cause their worship and attention!

Sun Wukong smiled a little and gathered a light sword in his hand. He was trying to get out the magical nucleus of the big black cockroach! Suddenly, a fierce energy wave and the lion’s squeak of berserk suddenly burst into the air like a thunderous explosion.

Sun Wukong looked up and saw a beautiful and graceful woman, with her vindictive wings floating in the air! There was a glimpse of the moment, and there was a hint of surprise in the eyes: “Isn’t it her? But…time is wrong…”

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