The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 33—Battle between the Emperors

With a wave of lights in his hand, he easily cut the head of the big konjac. Sun Wukong took a shot, a khaki magic core flew out of it, and he was caught in his hand! Immediately squat on the back of the White Wolf King, pointing to the front: “Moonlight, go, let’s see it!”

“Yes, master!” A few flashes of moonlight, not into the jungle!

At this moment, near dusk, the sky above the remote sky, the energy of green and red is almost filled with half the sky, and occasionally there are bursts of gryphon and women’s delicate and delicate drink. The collision of two energy makes a sound like a sound. A thunderous sound!

Between the sword and the air, the trees were broken by the waist, and the beams shimmered and burst into a roar! One person and one beast, fighting in the air! The forest below has become a mess, broken branches!

“Master! It is a human fighting emperor and a sixth-order Amethyst Wings King in a duel!” Moonlight held Sun Wukong to a cliff, looking into the distance, the tone is slightly excited.

She is just a fifth-order magic beast, not only seeing her master punching insta-kill a sixth-order konjac, but now also seeing the two strong king’s strong person in a duel, this duel is her The duel that I used to fear is hard to see in my life, but now I can easily see it! Sure enough, looking for a strong formidable owner is not wrong!

“The Emperor, Amethyst Wing King, woman! Not so smart? Don’t tell me Really her?” Sun Wukong watching in the sky, the occasional burst of smashing figure, eyes shining : “However, this time is a difference of more than half a year! This will not be the so-called butterfly effect?”

This woman’s suit is wrapped in a full body, holding a look of a strange, and exudes a long sword with blue light, a blue silk is turned into a noble phoenix hair accessories, beautiful and moving face calm and calm, behind a pair The blue feather wings and the feather wings are slightly illusory. This is the Peugeot of the strong person above the fighting king: the fighting wing.

A slight head, opposite the woman, is a huge magic beast. This magic beast is huge, full of seven or eight meters long, with its wings. With its fanning, a cluster of pale purple blaze hide the The sky and covering the earth swept out, and the lion’s head had a red spiral tip, and a cluster of purple blaze! The four claws are strong and powerful, like the whole body, covered with a layer of purple crystals. Each step takes a tremor! This is the sixth-order magic beast: Amethyst Wings!

At this time, the Amethyst Winged Lion is full of anger and angry watching. The beautiful woman in front of her mouth spoke: “Despicable human beings, the majesty of the beastly anger, I will make you pay a painful price!”

“Hey! Don’t talk nonsense, you have to fight!” The woman snorted and stood in front of her long sword stand. A fierce vindictive volatility emerged from her sword! She obviously wants to make a big move!

“Hey! Here is the magic beast mountain range, not the place where you humans can scatter wild!” Amethyst wing lion king coldly snorted, his eyes also become dignified, a big mouth, a low roar, resounding through the whole mountain!

With its low ambiguity, the amethyst on its body shines brightly, and between the blink of an eye, there is a violent purple blaze, and among its large mouth, a terror energy beam is rapidly condensing! The power of terror, enveloped the wide expanse sky! The low-end magic beast around the shiver was shivering and rushed to run away!

“Hey? That’s…” Suddenly, a slightly familiar Ki appeared in the perception of Sun Wukong, looking curiously in the distance, only the woman in the air was in the middle of the Amethyst Wings. Not far from the hidden place, the three figures sneaked into the lair of the Amethyst Winged Lion!

“That is… Nalan is stunned? Who are the other two? A fighting spirit, a fighting king… Interesting, things are getting more and more interesting!” Sun Wukong watching Nalan stunned with two middle-aged men Secretly entered the amethyst wing lion king’s lair, the corner of the mouth can not help but hang a trace of interest! Needless to guess, the woman who is surrounded by the Amethyst Winged Lion is Yun Yun! And Nalan suddenly apparently took the opportunity to scrape the Amethyst Wing King’s nest!

“Boom ~ ~!” At this time, the battle here has already violently collided!

Every time the sword in the woman’s hand swings a sword, it brings a tornado-like storm to the Amethyst winged lion king! The storm passed, the branches broke, and the dense woods became a loess land!

“Hey!” Amethyst Winged Lion screamed, and the blaze beam from the mouth finally screamed out! Wherever it passes, such as the wind and cloud, the surrounding trees will be born with Energy of Destruction, even if the space under this beam becomes a little fluctuating!

The storm and the blaze beam collided in the air in an instant, and immediately roared with a “bang!”, bursting out a terror and swearing. The two of them madly released the energy of the terror, and they stayed in the air, and the space around them was also Between the two collisions, it began to sway!

“Hey!” The Amethyst Winged Lion suddenly screamed again, and the one-corner moment on the top of the head spurred a purple beam! The woman’s face was changed, and the green wing behind it vibrated. There was a two- or three-meter cyan wind shield, which suddenly appeared in front of her. The purple beam hit the wind shield and suddenly burst into a harsh scream! Immediately, ka-cha whispered, and the wind shield cracked open under the woman’s discoloration, and it burst into flames!

The woman was shocked at the moment, slightly leaning her head, beam rubbed her face, brought a trace of blood, and instantly passed through!

“嘿~~ is now!” The Amethyst Winged Lion screamed, and the power in the mouth suddenly increased. The woman who had just been distracted, the power was obviously dispersed, and the storm-like tornado lost her moment of energy supply. Immediately wearing a blaze beam of berserk…

“Not good!” The woman was shocked at the moment, and the cyan wing was extremely full of strength, and its shape quickly flashed the attack range of the blaze beam! The blaze beam hit the ground and crashed into the forest not far away, with a loud bang, a burst of fire, and a huge vacuum!

“Hey!” The Amethyst Wings screamed again, and the body flashed, slamming into the air with the physical body power of terror! The woman’s brows are slightly wrinkled, the facial expression is slightly dignified, and behind the cyan wings, the light-colored figure is dodging with the amethyst wing lion king’s fierce attack!

With the physical body physical strength of the Amethyst Winged Lion, if it is attacked, then the woman’s physical quality is bound to be a serious injury!

“Damn! Are they still not good? It’s not good to stick to it!” The woman’s heart was a little anxious at the moment! With her cultivation at the moment, there is still a certain gap with the Amethyst Winged Lion. If it is over a year and a half, maybe it can be combined with it. Now, obviously still a little stubborn!

“Human! You can’t escape!” The Amethyst Winged Lion once again screamed out, and the purple flame rose! Turn into a fireball and scream at the woman! The temperature here has instantly risen to an amazing level, and the surrounding trees are also burning!

Hiding the sky and covering the earth’s purple fireball is covered with whole sky, and the amethyst winged lion’s scorpion is full of power at this time! And this beautiful woman is clearly hiding! The crisis is approaching!

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