The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 54—Airspace·Destroy

“I didn’t expect that he would do this kind of thing… it was because of me that it would cause this incident. If I go back, things will end…” Lucy lowered her head and the tears in her eyes were spinning. Full of self-blame expression.

“Don’t think of things too simple, one you can’t let the ghosts do this level…” Sun Wukong took Lucy’s shoulder and said faintly: “I want to come to the other party and make a note to catch you. Then ask your father to seek the property of your family…”

“Hey?!” Wendy, they all showed a shocked expression on 1.

“How come?” Lucy is also a mistake.

However, Alia’s exclamation is to confirm the facts that Sun Wukong said: “Ah~ Impossible! Someone even guessed the president’s plan… How could this be… It’s too unexpected… accident!” said Ma Leah burst into tears again.

“You actually want to destroy the rules of the Magisters Guild, and counteract the employer! It’s too bad!” Ai Lusha heard the words, full of anger: “You ghosts don’t deserve to be called the Magisters Guild!”

“This kind of thing, isn’t it that you have the final say…” Aliya, who was still in tears, suddenly became extremely calm. The 1 corner of the mouth hangs a touch of faintness, a strange magic from His hands emerged…

“Well?” Ai Lusha noticed in a moment, the cold light in her eyes flashed away, and the sound of ‘啪’ slammed into the stamina of Aliya with a hilt, and Aliya snorted and slammed into the ground. Suddenly flipped over, and there was a triumphant smile on his face: “I am kind to the enemy, but bad habits…”

The voice just fell, and the dazzling light suddenly emerged from Alia’s hands, shrouded the Alusha whole people…

With the sigh of sorrow and radiance, I saw that Elsa was unable to fall to the ground…

“Ai Lusha!!” Kana, they were all shocked, surrounded by the past…

And Aria sees the plane but flees to the side…

“What did you do to the sister of Ella in the end?” Wendy was a look of anger, breathing deeply, roaring in the direction of Aliya’s escape: “The roar of the dragon!!”

I saw a fierce storm traversing Aliya. The ground was left because of the strong wind pressure and left a deep ditch 1…

Alia’s facial expression suddenly changed, instinctively felt that if it was hit, it would definitely be smashed into a bloody fog, hurriedly evading and opening…

The wind beam beam ran across his left side, even if it didn’t hit the target, his left body was still torn out of the road because of the strong wind pressure…

Aliya’s heart was cold in the moment, and the foot was a little further, and she fled away from it. She looked at Wendy, but it was a dignified one. Although his eyes were covered with bandages, he could not see his expression: “This little demon is the rumored fairy. The second dragon sorcerer of the tail – the Heaven of the Dragon sorcerer? Is it so powerful?!!”

Said, looking at the battlefield on the side of Gogir: “Gogil, the situation is somewhat unfavorable to us, first withdraw!”

Gogir, who had collided with Konatz, heard a brow, and after a punch with Konatz, he took a look at the fall back and looked at the scene. It was full of disappointment: “I just got a little excited, it’s really awesome. Disappointing…” Finished, pulled back, and disappeared with Aliya for a moment…

At this moment, everyone is concerned about the injury of Ai Lusha, so I did not pursue it…

“Ai Lusha, how?” Konatz ran for a moment, full of anxious screams.

“The magic of Ella’s sister was taken away. I will only cure the magic. I won’t restore the magic. It will be dangerous if I go down…” After Wendy treated Ai Rusha for a while, she immediately looked at Sun Wukong with an anxious look. : “Goku brother, you can save my sister, Elaosa!”

“Goku adults, please save Ai Lusa!” Xia Lulu is also anxious to drag Sun Wukong to Elasha.

Came to the side of Ai Lusha, Sun Wukong squatted down and lifted her up, faintly said: “Do you know why I didn’t save you?”

“I’m sorry… I made a mistake again…” Ai Lusha’s voice was weak, but she was a child who was doing something wrong. She was afraid to go to see Sun Wukong: “I shouldn’t subordinates.”

“Hey! Do you know that subordinates should not be merciful?” Sun Wukong said coldly: “Your kindness is your greatest weakness. I have taught you since childhood. For the enemy, there is no need for kindness, because of the enemy. Kindness is cruelty to yourself. This time is a lesson for you. If there is another time, see how I can clean you up!”

“I’m sorry…” Ai Lusha had a wrong expression.

“Goku Big Brother, don’t talk nonsense! Hurry to save Ai Lusha! If you don’t hurry, you really want to hang up!” Konatz was anxiously reminding.

‘Touching’, Sun Wukong took Konatz into the ground with a hand, and Gray and others all swallowed a mouthful of mouth, and instantly became extra quiet. They don’t want to make Sun Wukong uncomfortable and follow the footsteps of Konatz.

Sun Wukong stretched out 1’s right hand and placed it in the heart of Ai Lusha. With the soft light shining on her body, she was able to recover from her dying moment.

Standing up, Ai Lusha was a look of anger: “I dare to yell at me, seeing that I will not dismantle the general headquarters of their ghosts!”

“Which need to be so trouble…” Sun Wukong said faintly: “They didn’t catch Lucy, and thought that they hurt you, so that the fairy tail lost a general, and soon the ghost will launch a comprehensive game on the tail of the fairy. Attack, why should we waste our energy to find their general headquarters, let the two guys escape, just want to kill them all…”

“They even dare to send them to the door?” Ai Lusha was angry with her face: “If this is the case, we will go back and wait for the rabbits. This time we have to kill them all, and dare to let me throw in the face of Goku.” The big face is simply unforgivable!”

When a group of people returned to the tail of the goblin again, they just saw Makalov sitting alone on a stone slab in the gravel pile, sipping wine.

This made Konatz look very uncomfortable: “Father, we went out to work with the ghosts, but you are drinking leisurely here, it is not enough!”

Makarov saw that everyone was safe and sound, and his heart was relieved and filled with alcohol. It was very calm: “I am not idle, I have been guarding the station of our fairy tail, and I am still inseparable.” !”

“Does this broken place still need you to guard?” Lucy whispered.

Only Sun Wukong knows why Makarov has kept guarding the ruins, because he knows clearly that there is an amazing secret hidden under the station…

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