The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 55—The Ghosts Attack

“What is a broken place! There is also an important material of our guild here! Of course it has to be well protected…” Makalov obvious of the ear tip heard Lucy’s whisper, and glanced at her while facing Sun. Wukong looked at the past: “Goku, what about a discussion?”

“Say!” Sun Wukong gave him a faint look.

“I know that you suddenly built a villa in Houshan, so if you look at the building of our guild, can you also trouble you?”

Lucy heard the words, and both eyes suddenly brightened: “Yeah! Goku’s magic will make a house out of thin air!” Then he looked at Sun Wukong and looked at it: “Goku, this thing really Please, please! Please!”

The guild’s residence was destroyed, and Lucy always thought it was her fault. If she came to the Sun Wukong can, she would feel better in her heart.

“The former house was really ugly, and it was destroyed. It was just rebuilt…” Sun Wukong nodded lightly, watching the ruins in front of him, and waved at once. In an instant, the ruins disappeared, and a brilliant domineering loft gradually emerged…

In this scene, all the members are amazed by the look…

“It’s really convenient to build a house out of thin air!”

“If I can do this magic, I can sit and eat for the rest of my life…”

“Isn’t this a good point? You look at it, this house looks really brilliant and domineering! Our fairy tail should be like this!”

“Well! That’s great!” Ai Lusha, they watched the house in front of them, they all looked very satisfied, and they couldn’t wait to enter the new guild station…

After the visit, Mira also began to sort out the information of the guild…

Others naturally came to the guild’s dedicated bar, chatting and drinking, everything returned to the usual appearance, as if the previous things have never happened, because the days of killing and killing are for these wizards, I am used to it.

Abba Glylin came to Makarov and asked with suspicion: “President, what about Lagasus?”

“After you left, they also left, I don’t know where to go…” Makarov’s face is angry: “This bastard, the guild is hard not only to help, but also to add chaos, now it is almost critical, but not seen The figure, this guy, in the end, there is no guild!”

Ai Pai Ge Lin heard the words, decisively flashing people, this old man is obviously sulking, still do not provoke as well.

And a calm day is over…

The next morning, Sun Wukong, they just returned to the guild, bursting into a roar, and the earth trembled 1, but saw a huge movement fortress approaching the tail of the fairy…

At this moment, not only the residents in the city were panicked, but even the whole tail of the goblin tail was up and down, and all the members were nervous. They knew that the ghosts really, as Sun Wukong said, launched a comprehensive look on the tail of the fairy. The war!

“These guys actually did not ignore the existence of the House of Representatives and launched a guild war against us…” Ai Lusha looked at the extremely exaggerated fortress at the sea in the distance, the facial expression was serious, but it also caused coldness. : “But since you are here, don’t go back!”

“I didn’t expect that the ghosts would attack in this way…”

“President, what should I do?”

“Joseph’s bastard, really want to go all out with us!” Makalov gnash one’s teeth, a look of anger.

“So far, what do you say about these nonsense?” Sun Wukong squinted at Makarov.

Makarov’s eyes suddenly condensed, and he screamed: “Everyone with a fairy tail! All the guards, war… started!!”


When the president spoke, the members of the guild were excited and screamed. With the backbone of the heart, facing the sullen movement fortress, it was naturally unsatisfactory.

In the shadow of the ghost control, Joseph took the wine glass and gently swayed, his face was dull, but when he saw the other side of the Elasha, the brow was slightly wrinkled, full of angry Alia looked at it: “Don’t you say that Elsa has been hit hard by you? Why are you standing there safely now?”

“I don’t know! I did launch the airspace and destroy, and broke Ai Lusha!” Aliya suddenly burst into tears: “Ah~ It’s sad! I actually committed this serious error… sad! Sadness!”

“Peer… It should be the dragon’s magical guide in the sky of the fairy tail? I heard that the little girl has the therapeutic Ability…” A woman with an umbrella, meditating for a moment, said.

“The dragon destroyer in the sky?” Joseph Pola, the president of the Ghost Dominator, frowned slightly: “It’s really a tricky guy. I heard that the little girl is young, but the strength is not to be underestimated. When you are against them, you have to be careful… Prepare the magical cluster gun “Jupiter”, and teach you to watch here. I will take the president of the fairy tail away. If he is still there, it is very tricky… ”

Joseph said, got up and left the bench, came to the stone platform outside the fortress, and looked at the opposite Makarov, shouting loudly: “Makarov, here they are given to these juniors, we Are you going to change the battlefield?”

“Joseph!” Makarov was angry and screamed, and turned to the goblin tail and waited: “I am going to marry their president, I am here to teach you!”

“President, you can rest assured, let us fight to death, let them see the consequences of angering our fairy tail!”

A group of members immediately screamed…

When Makarov saw Sun Wukong, he did not say anything. If he was there, Makarov put a hundred hearts and turned and ran along the left side of the path…

When Joseph saw it, he immediately followed up…

Both of them are one of the Holy Ten Magic Guides. Once they start the war, the movement is bound to be small, naturally away from the crowd…

After Joseph had just left, a huge barrel was also extended from the fortress. The black hole of the muzzle made people look at it, and it was the bottom of the heart.

This is the magic guide cluster gun – Jupiter!

And the terrible magic is condensing at the muzzle…

“Not good! All the staff spread out!!” Ai Lusha saw, the facial expression suddenly changed.

“Damn! This group of guys always do not play cards according to common sense! Even with the magic guide bunch gun!”

“The house we just covered it won’t be turned into ruins again?”

“How could you let the Goku destroy the house that we cover it again!” Ai Lusha screamed and ran forward…

In the running, the whole body shines, and the dressing magic is displayed. It is replaced with a gorgeous swordsman costume, with a single hand-held sword, such as a generation of heroes, heroic and cool.

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