The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 59—Makalov vs Joseph

Just as Sun Wukong admired his masterpiece, the whole fortress was violently shaking 1. Sun Wukong immediately put away the phone and looked in the direction of the rear: “Has it started, so far apart? I can also clearly feel that there is something in the Holy Ten…”

“Goku ~ What’s going on in the end? This magic…” Mira was shocked.

“The two presidents have already started a duel, and this can’t be missed…”

“Ea Fuman’s side…” Mira’s face was worried.

“Don’t worry, I have seen all of their endings, so don’t worry…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“Hey? All see?” Zhubia’s eyes watched Sun Wukong’s eyes flashing with adoration: “don’t tell me Goku adults can predict the future?”

“Can say that!” Sun Wukong smiled and saw a white shadow disappearing in the distance, and lightly landed in front of Sun Wukong.

“Bra…” Mira immediately approached 1昵 and came forward to caress 1’s head.

“Is this?” Zhubia’s watching bud was a surprise. She was shocked by the speed at which she appeared. It was just a flash of white shadow, and it appeared in front of the moment, and did not bring a trace of it. The wind pressure is turbulent, only this point, I know the extraordinary white horse.

“She is called bud, it is Goku’s mount…” Mira softly explained: “Don’t look at her as a white horse, the strength is very powerful!”

“I don’t want to be a Goku adult, even the mount is so powerful!” Zhubia is watching Sun Wukong with a flower-filled look.

“Okay, go up!” Sun Wukong, on the first floor, holding Mira and Zhubia jumped on the back of the bud, and lei took four hooves and leaped into the sky…

“Is this horse still running in the air? It’s amazing!” Zhubia was once again shocked by Lei’s Ability.

Avoiding a moment of time, the violent roaring below caused Sun Wukong’s attention.

Looking down from the air, I can clearly see that Makarov and the ghost governor’s president Joseph violently collided.

Even because the battle between the two of them caused the change of the heavens and the earth, the original clear sky also became dim and the clouds rolled.

“Is this the battle between the Holy Ten Magicians? It’s amazing!”

Not only is Jubia, but the battle below Mira watching is a shock.

The terrible magic was released from the body of the two people. The earth was shaken, and countless gravels slowly lifted off in the collision of their fearful aura field. The scene was amazing.

“This is the compat power-level of the Holy Ten? It’s so sloppy…” Sun Wukong with interest under the two people watching, a touch of the road.

“Goku adults, don’t you say so easy? That’s St. Ten!” Under the excited watch of Zhubia, the Holy Ten Magic Guide represents the world’s 巅1 peak power.

But Mira watching Sun Wukong is a slight smile, but her heart is somewhat lost: “Even the president was defeated by Goku, how can he put the Holy Ten in his eyes, but we seem to know far less about Goku. What about it…”

At this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly stood up, his body flashed, and appeared behind an old tree, watching the figure in the black robe, hehe smiled: “Hey, little demon, we are I haven’t seen each other for a long time!”

“Yes… you!” The sudden appearance of the figure scared the black robe, but when I saw Sun Wukong, the original alert emotions immediately relaxed: “still is the same as before, nothing has changed…”

The white shadow flashed, and the bud appeared next to Sun Wukong. Mira and Jubia jumped from the back of the bud, and the black robes in front of the watch, Mira was very surprised: “Mistral? How are you going? In this… also see the president of their battle?”

“Well… just pass by, so come over and see…” Mistral’s plain face looked very cold, and as his words fell, countless flags flew out and were scattered.

Watching these flags, Jubia is a look of surprise: “These are the flags of the ghost branch, don’t tell me you…”

Mira suddenly rejoicing: “Mistral, don’t tell me, you alone destroyed all the branches of the ghost?”

“Hey?!! The tail of your fairy, and such a powerful person?” After listening to Zhubia, he was even more surprised and widened his eyes.

During the talk, the more intense tremors of the earth 1 trembled, the thunder flashed, and the roar…

“It’s starting again… there’s something to say later…” Mistral said, stepping forward and watching the battlefield…

“That is also true, this is the battle between the Holy Ten, but it is rare to see it…” Mira heard it, but also looked at the battlefield seriously…

Makarov and Joseph once again had a fierce collision, and the terrible magic was not the equivalent of the ordinary battle can.

The two magic beams were rushed from the hands of the two. In the collision, the earth was cracked and opened, and the trees around it were to shatter, and the scene was extremely embarrassing…

“So young is so magical, it is no wonder that there will be the title of the Holy Ten, but why not go on the right path and become a model for young people, but they have to go this trick?” Makarov looked at Joseph, sinking Out of the air, continuous fighting, but also let him have some slight asthma.

“Are you preaching?” Joseph looked disdainful about Makarov’s words.

“In this way, the land in this area will be destroyed because of our fight. If this is the case…” Makarov’s facial expression suddenly became extremely serious: “According to the practice of the fairy tail, I counted three times. Then I will judge you… Your Majesty!!”

Joseph’s original disdainful expression instantly became extremely terror, and then, looking at Makarov’s expression was even more disdainful: “What?”


Makalov did not see the face of the other sinister, but a serious face and a divine read.

“Don’t be kidding, Makarov!” Joseph’s eyes were full of angry disdain blaze: “Would you want me to kneel down for you? Want the kingdom’s first guild to surrender to you?” Saying, terrible magic Already brewing in the hands, exudes amazing fluctuations: “There must be a limit to arrogance! The old man, I am evenly matched with you! No, coldly, I want to be better…”


“Look at me, I won’t beat you badly. It’s up to you to be squatting. It’s going to disappear! Turn it into a stage where the dust has withdrawn from history!” The terrible magic is already covered with Joseph, showing the most terrible blow. , attacking the past with Makarov…


Makarov’s expression was so solemn and terrible, a dazzling light instantly formed in his hands: “time to…” ….

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