The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 60 Leprechaun Law

As Makarov’s sinking falls, the sky becomes dim, and the horrible magical torrents shine into dazzling light, and the irritating people can’t open their eyes…

And Joseph’s magical attack, in this glaring light, like the evil met the light, quietly cleaned out…

“Fairy Law – Launch!!”

A huge magical array appeared in the sky, and the glaring brilliance shone like a heavenly punishment, shining on Joseph’s body…

“This…this is…” In the light, Jubia has been shocked and stunned.

“Fairy law… to attack the evil with the light of the divine, the attacker will only attack what he considers to be the enemy’s existence. This is already one of the legend’s super magic…” Mira looks ahead and explains for Jubia.

“Fairy law… one of the legends of super magic…” Jubia stunned his eyes wide openly: “The tail of the goblin is really more than a monster! The ghosts are provoked to you, really looking for a dead end!”

“This is the president’s ‘fairy law’, it seems that the battle is over…” In the dazzling light, Ai Lusha smiled slightly.

Waiting for the radiance to shine, the ruins revealed that 1 had a fear-distorted face from Joseph, and that 1 was shaking all the time, apparently being scared by Makarov’s ‘Fairy Law’.

“I won’t be close to the tail of the fairy in the future…” Makarov looked calmly at Joseph and turned around: “There is such a big noise, the judges will not sit idly by. After that, the first thing to worry about is that You yourself…” said, Makarov walked toward Sun Wukong where they were…

Watching Joseph who lost his fighting spirit because of fear, Sun Wukong looked flat: “Mira, kill him!”

“Hey?” Not only Mira, Jubia and Mistral also became surprised.

But after the surprise, Mira immediately received the soul of Satan, and the body transformation became the devil Mira profile. The look was also a face of indifference: “Yes!”

For Sun Wukong, Mira never thought about rejecting it. Since Sun Wukong had already spoken, she was asked to kill Joseph, and even if she couldn’t bear it, she would do the same.

“Wait, Goku adults, the other party has lost their fighting spirit, and Thoroughly lost. It is no longer necessary to do this step…” Mistral immediately stopped.

Makarov heard the sound, but also a double-headed, very serious sinking voice: “Battle is over, the ghost’s disposal, the House of Representatives will perform, this is nothing to us!”

“What about us?” Sun Wukong looked at the plain watch Makarov: “This kind of kindness is really disgusting to me…”

“You…” Makarov’s anger fainted, and he looked at Sun Wukong, but he didn’t dare to attack. He had to admit it: “So far, Sun Wukong, we have let them know the terror of the fairy tail. There is no need to kill more…” And he secretly gave Mira a look, hoping that Mira can persuade Sun Wukong.

Mira was a tangled look, looked at Sun Wukong and shook his head at Makarov.

Makarov suddenly felt depressed, and the most trusted person at the moment reached a critical moment, and he did not listen to his own words. He said that he was the president of the fairy tail.

“The enemy is the enemy. For the enemy, I never have a pity.” Sun Wukong looked flat: “This victory is us. If it is a ghost, do you think that the other party will let go of the fairy tail?”

Makarov was speechless.

“And, why should your own enemies be handed over to the council? And Joseph is not forgiven!” Sun Wukong said, looking at Mira: “Do it!”

The devil Mira Jie nodded gently, and the facial expression suddenly became cold and cold. The evil beam in the hand quickly condensed, and instantly turned into an stream of evil, which penetrated the heart of Joseph…

Makarov opened his mouth and finally sighed helplessly.

He originally wanted to stop, but his mind was together, and he immediately became cold and cold, endless fear and pressed his body, let him fall into purgatory, scared him with a cold sweat. For the existence of Sun Wukong, I was scared again, and my heart became worried.

Makarov did not see the existence of good and evil from the eyes of Sun Wukong. It seems that everything is washed only, and I am doing my own thing, not listening to his words. The existence of such a terror must not be a curse in the future, otherwise Thinking about it makes him feel fearful, and this fear can not be controlled with his own will.

Sun Wukong’s indifferent watching of Joseph’s body, a slap in the face, a black blaze spurting on his body, but a second of time, instantly Aura into a nothingness!

This scene, even watching Makalov, their heart is cold, if it is shot on the person, does it mean that even one second can not hold?

If Joseph didn’t put his mind on Lucy’s body, Sun Wukong might have spared his life, but unfortunately he provoked a presence that he should not provoke.

The battle here is over, and Konatz Gray is on their side, and they each defeat their opponents. The ghost controlr ends the fairy tail and ends with the victory of the fairy tail.

Just as everyone celebrated the victory in the guild, the people in the council were also on schedule, and the whole goblin tail was surrounded by the Knights of the Lun, and the horror was amazing.

When Makarov saw the Lun Knights, he suddenly burst into tears like a child: “Wow~~ This is going to be closed up~ wow~~~”

“Makarov, about the guild war between you and the ghost control, I think you have to give us a comment on the council!” When the judges came, they sang to Makarov.

“I’m sorry, although we’ve done a bit too much, but this war is the first time that the ghost controlr is provoked, we are just legitimate defense!” Makarov looked serious and looked at the look, very afraid of being Closed.

“This is too much fire?” The senator glared at him and said: “Whole ghost control, whether it is the general headquarters still branch, all have been ruined by you, the president Joseph is killed. You must know that he is one of the Holy Ten Magic Guides. You are really scared! It’s too daring! I will hand over the people who killed Joseph, and we can also lightly flick the tails of your fairies!”

“It’s a big breath!” Before Wukarov spoke, Sun Wukong came forward and looked at the judge. The commentator: “You really think of yourself as the world’s master. What is it to say that the crime of conviction is to be punishable?

“Who are you? Pay attention to your words and deeds!” The senator turned to Sun Wukong and looked at the past: “Hurry up and apologize, otherwise I will treat you as the authority to challenge the council!”

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