The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 108: Who is the ants?

As the voice of Sun Wukong fell, the earth stopped shaking for a moment, and the changing sky was restored to calm. Lei Ki converges, glaring at Akno Lokia and screaming, turning to fall back…


Akun Lokia can tolerate the contempt of a horse in the area, the screams intensify, and the storm instantly becomes stronger! The trees along the way suddenly rose up, the ground collapsed, and the jitters evolved into a ruined scene!

When they came back to the Ai Lusha, the XimonX forest around them disappeared and disappeared into a wasteland!

At this moment, the people of the fairy tail clearly felt that human beings were so helpless and desperate in front of the giant cage.

In the face of the giant cage, don’t think about going to resist, the only thing that can be done is how many people can escape from its hands…

“It’s the style of the court…” Sun Wukong looked at Akun Lokki with a dull look and turned around. He said to Ai Rusha and other women: “Don’t be afraid, don’t fear, open your eyes. Show me clearly, the cage is not terrible, it can reach the point of today, as long as you try to hard, the same can!”

Saying, Sun Wukong walked slowly and headed for Akno Lokia…

“!!!” Akno Lokia saw this scene, and his instinctive instinct raised a sense of awe and fear, but this thought has just risen, it is the raging anger of the sky Annihilation!

who is it? It is the black-cage king Akun Lokia, how can it be scared by humans like ants? This is what it does not want to accept, and does not want to admit it! It is a shameful shame!

A bang, shaking the void, the terrible storm whistling again, dig three feet, all the way toward Sun Wukong swept away…

However, this seemingly incomparable terror wind, in the face of Sun Wukong, is suddenly surprised to dissipate as much as possible, it seems that there has never been a general…

In this scene, I saw that Akno Lokia dignified even more; I also saw that Elsa was excited about each and every one! Although they already knew the unfathomable Sun Wukong formidable, they did not expect that even Akun Lokia in the legend was so understated in front of him!

“very powerful! Even the attack of Akno Lokia is ineffective against Goku’s brother…” Konatz et al. each and every one stunned. Sun Wukong’s formidable is simply unreasonable! That is a giant cage! That is the black cage king Akun Lokia in the legend! Just a roar ruined the existence of the whole piece forest!

At this moment, Akno Lokia did not dare to have the slightest contempt, the two wings fanned, and the violent wind was sung. At the same time, the huge body was slowly lifted up, the mouth was opened, and the wreckage of death was emitted. The interest has already been brewing in its mouth…

At this moment, Konatz and others are shocked and chilling, clearly feeling their own smallness, the death is approaching!

If this attack falls, then the Isle of Heaven will no longer exist!

Lucy swallowed her mouth and swallowed 1 liquid, and she was scared: “Wu… Goku can take it… This attack? Finished… Finished… We won’t die here?!!”

“No! Goku must be able!” Ai Rusha’s tone is unwavering and gives affirmation. Sun Wukong has always been synonymous with invincibility in her heart, even if it is facing the Akno Lokia in the legend. She still believes in this.

Just as the voice of Ai Lusha had just fallen, the cage that uttered the devastating volatility had already descended, almost widening the majority of the island…

At this moment, they all stopped breathing, waiting for the fate of Next!

“There is always a feeling of big bullying…” Sun Wukong looked at the plain watch, the glare of the cage, and whispered himself, then stretched 1 out of his right hand, bending his fingers, gently flicking, only Listening to the sound of ‘啪’, everyone is stunned to see, the wrath of the wrath of the incomparable terror fluctuations, even under the light of Sun Wukong, like a broken ice, dissipated…

For a moment, the quiet needle drop here is audible, and Akuno Lokia is also shocked by this shocking scene…

It is extremely powerful, and it has been collapsed by a human finger in the district. This makes it for a moment, the brain can’t turn around…

Watching a stunned, stunned Akun Lokia, Sun Wukong smiled: “Actually, I really don’t want to bully you, but your attitude and eyes are too unpleasant…”

Say, Sun Wukong points to the next light, tranquil and calm opening: “fall!”


The roar of the shaking earth rang out, and the huge body of Akun Lokiana fell with the words of Sun Wukong, and crashed into the ground, shaking a huge pit of 100 meters!

“Spiritual magic! It is Goku’s magical magic, so great! Even Akno Lokia can’t stand it! It’s too powerful!!” Kana saw it, and immediately screamed with excitement.

Ai Lusha, each and every one, is also full of excitement, and the adoration is hard to say! That is the black cage king Akun Lokia in the legend! In front of Sun Wukong, there is no to resist power, it is crazy, too unfathomable!

And Konatz, they have been shocked by each and every one grew up mouth, quite a while can’t make a sound…

“Humans are just reptiles in your eyes, ants, right?” Sun Wukong walked slowly to the pit, his face was indifferent, and he fell to the ground, struggling with Akunoloki who could not climb. Ya: “I don’t know, you used to be just humans…”

“Who…who is it?!!” The sound of fear came from the mouth of Aquino Lokia 1, and it spoke for the first time.

“You are not qualified to ask me this question…” Sun Wukong’s figure flashed and instantly appeared on the head of Akno Lokia: “Because, in your eyes, it is just an ant!”

Said, Sun Wukong raised his right foot slightly, then stepped on…

In the loud bang of the bang ~~~, with the screaming scream of Akno Lokia, the whole island trembled fiercely and then cracked like a spider web…

Just a single blow, Akun Lokia in the legend was stepped on by Sun Wukong and stunned…

Akno Lokia is indeed very strong, but it depends on who it is. In front of Sun Wukong, it is just a small ant, and it is easy to solve it!

“This…is it solved?” Lucy looked stunned and watched. Akno Lokia, who had been lying in the pit in two eyes: “Is it really Akno Lokia in the legend?” Is this too weak?”

“It’s not Akno Loki’s Asia-Pacific weak… but Goku – too strong!!” Ai Lusha watched the forest that was razed to the ground by Akno Lokia, and she was amazed. ….

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