The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 109 of Magelov of angry

With the fall of Akno Lokia, the ensuing is the cheer of everyone’s incomparable interest…

“It turned out to be formidable to this level…” Lagasus watched Sun Wukong in awe, “The tide of the black cage king Akun Lokia in the legend can be so easily defeated… One day, I can also change Have to be as strong as him?…”

“Goku, what are you thinking about?” Ai Lusha and other women came to Sun Wukong and watched him with a curious look at the black cage king in the watched pit.

“I was thinking, would you like to kill it now?” Sun Wukong said, silent for a while, seems to figure out: “Forget it, if you kill it now, you will have less fun… “Speaking, jumped out of the pit, and the 1 stocks that are picked up by the black-cage king are a kick!”

Along with the roar of ‘嘭’, Akno Lokiana’s huge body turned into a meteor disappeared into the sky under the stunned eyes of Konatz and others…

“What a terrible power this is!!” Gray swallowed, watching Sun Wukong was a dull face: “Sure enough… Goku is a metamorphosis…”

“Okay, let’s go back!” Sun Wukong patted his hands and said a touch.

“Then our assessment…” Lagosas asked quickly.

“Look at the current Sirius Island, can the assessment continue?” Sun Wukong watching Lagosas, asked.

Lagosas looked around and watched and was surrounded by a ridiculous island, half-sounding…

“So, the end of the assessment, as for the promotion, I will talk about it later!” Sun Wukong said, jumping on the back of the bud, they waved at Elasha: “All come up, go back…”

Ai Lusha, they heard that they are each and every one jumped on the back of the bud…

Lei Qingming screamed, took four hooves, and walked away…

“Goku’s big brother is gone, let’s go back!”

“Isn’t it going to go back by boat? No!” Konatz immediately issued a scream of extreme rejection: “Wenty… Wendy… come and treat me…”

Habib immediately said: “Konatz, Wendy is gone…”

Time to dusk.

Just when Sun Wukong and others just walked into the guild, Makarov was already rushing over the face of an angry, yelling out: “Sun Wukong! See what you did? Hey, I went to the meeting. You have privately opened the S-class magician’s assessment! Don’t tell me You don’t know, there are more than two months’ time from the S-class wizard’s assessment? You have set the guild system in disregard! I even decided to personally decide the ownership of the president! Have you ever put my president in the eye? Bastard!”

“Well~~” Sun Wukong looked at Makarov and said faintly: “Do you want me to tell the truth?”

“Say!” Makarov screamed.

“No!” Sun Wukong answered with a serious face.

“Ah~~~ mad at me! I am mad at me!” Makarov yelled at the moment: “To be the president’s reputation now, drive you out of the fairy tail!!”

“What?!” Ai Lusha said that they were shocked: “President, are you kidding?”

“Do you look at me like a joke?” Makarov screamed. He didn’t care about Sun Wukong’s overstepping power. It was just that this guy did nothing about the consequences. He said that he did the work, and suddenly went to war with the council, not thinking about the safety of the members of the guild; and inexplicably opened the assessment task of the S-Magic. I also regard the position of the president of the guild as a prize. It is impossible to bear such a mess!

“President, are you really not thinking about it?” Ai Lusa asked with a serious look.

“There is nothing to consider, let this guy stay in the guild, don’t know what tricks he has to play!” Makarov’s tone is very determined.

“If there is really no room for easing, then please drive me out of the guild!” Ai Lusha looked at Makarov and looked serious.

“Me too! Goku adults go where, Zhubia will follow!” Zhubia immediately raised his hand to show his determination.

Mira and other women looked at each other and they were all taking the first step, not Makarov: “There is also our participation in this matter, please let us go out of the guild together!”

“You…you!!” Makarov watched Alusha and others, for a moment.

“I don’t agree with this!” Just as Makarov’s don’t know what to say, a light drink was heard behind everyone, and Myers walked slowly, looking at Makalo. Fu, a serious face: “Makarov, I ordered you with the reputation of the first generation, and immediately retracted your previous remarks!”

“Hey? The first generation?” Makarov watched in front of Myers, in doubt, suddenly shocked and widened his eyes: “Hey? First generation!! Why? Why are you here? You are not already…”

“So I am a ghost now!” Myers said of course.

“You…the ghost…” Makarov suddenly got a chance to crash.

“Well, this S-level assessment, a lot of things happened…” Myers jumped onto a table and sat down, seriously explaining: “Not only the second-generation president appeared on Sirius Island…”

“Wait, what do you say? Second generation? Don’t tell me is Prehito?” Makalov asked with a serious look.

“Yes, he is on the island of the heart of the evil guild ‘Demon’.” As for what purpose, I don’t know, because I have no time to ask, Goku has already killed him…”

“Prechto is the ‘Demon’s Heart’ Guild President? What’s going on?” Makarov’s face was shocked, and suddenly, it was a horrified watching Myers: “Wait… What do you call him?” ?Goku … brother?”

“Yes! What’s wrong?” Myers looked naively watching Makarov.

“The first generation of adults, you are a person hundreds of years ago…” Makarov reminded.

“Do you mean that I am very old?” Myers immediately squinted at Makarov.

“No…no! Absolutely no!” Makalov immediately shook his head like a rattle, but wiped the cold sweat in front of his forehead, and then became extremely serious: “However, Prehito really Already dead?”

Myers nodded. “This can only blame me for knowing people. Although I don’t know what the final purpose of Prehito is, but because of his evil sinful 1 ambition, I attracted the black cage king Akno in the legend. Lokia, from this point of view, his purpose is not simple…”

“Akunolokia?!!” Makarov heard a moment and was shocked: “Is the black cage mentioned in the apocalypse?!”

“That’s it…” Myers said with a serious look: “But don’t worry, Goku has beaten it, so we don’t have to fear it!”

“What? Goku defeated Akno Lokia?!!” Makarov was really shocked…

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